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Research of Production and Application Technology of Wet-mixed Mortar

导  师: 李从波;王新祥

学科专业: 0851

授予学位: 硕士

作  者: ;

机构地区: 广州大学

摘  要: 湿拌砂浆是指由水泥、砂、保水增稠材料、粉煤灰或其它矿物掺合料和外加剂、水等按一定比例在集中搅拌站(厂)经计量、拌制后,用搅拌运输车运至使用地点,放入密封容器储存,并在规定时间内需使用完毕的砂浆拌合物。 推广使用湿拌砂浆是建筑业的一项技术革命。不管是对于改造建筑还是新建建筑,湿拌砂浆都是非常重要的组成成分。它不同于传统现场自拌砂浆的原始操作方式。实现了生产工业化,不仅使产品的质量得到了保障,增强了产品的稳定性,提高了建设工程质量,适应现代化施工的要求;而且还减少环境污染,降低劳动强度,提高施工效率,对建立资源节约型、环境友好型社会有重要的意义。 但是,湿拌砂浆的推广与应用工作进展不尽人意。其主要原因是传统的湿拌砂浆的成本较高、施工后砂浆容易产生开裂、空鼓和脱落等质量事故。因此有必要对湿拌砂浆进行系统研究,研制生产出成本与自拌砂浆综合成本相当、性能优越的湿拌砂浆,并找到防止湿拌砂浆开裂、空鼓和脱落等的施工技术。 本论文首先从湿拌砂浆综合成本研究入手,通过建立湿拌砂浆生产配送成本模型,提出了集中生产、集中配送是湿拌砂浆的最优的配送方式;继而对满足最优配送方式的湿拌砂浆的研制进行了系统研究。通过对集料的细度模数、集灰比、矿物掺合料、减水剂、调节剂对砂浆性能的影响进行了研究,提出了性能优越的湿拌砂浆的配合比;最后,通过大量的实践和理论研究,提出了能降低湿拌砂浆产生开裂、空鼓和脱落等质量通病的施工工艺,并应用与建筑工程,达到了较好的效果。主要研究结论如下: 1、一般情况下,自拌砂浆、湿拌砂浆、干混砂浆的综合成本依次增大。湿拌砂浆的综合成本随着砂浆配送的次数、砂浆配送的距离不断地增加。湿拌砂浆的最佳生产配送模式为集中生产、集中配送,以这种配送模式的湿拌砂浆综合成本与自拌砂浆相当。 2、砂的细度模数范围为2.29-2.57、集灰比为6.50时,所配制的湿拌砂浆是最稳定的,抗压强度和抗折强度较大,保水率较好,泌水性较好。 3、石灰石粉是湿拌砂浆的理想掺合料。在掺量为150Kg//m3时湿拌砂浆的性能最稳定,最佳掺合量为150Kg//m3。 4、醚化聚羧酸减水剂比萘系减水剂更加适合作为砂浆的减水剂。醚化聚羧酸减水剂掺量为10Kg//m3时,砂浆的稳定性最好,砂浆的各项指标都能达到要求,而且获得的经济效益最大。 5、在加入相同掺量时,开放时间调节剂与葡萄糖酸钠缓凝效果很接近。开放时间调节剂的缓凝时间略微长。 6、提出了新的概念——开放时间,开放时间是一个表针湿拌砂浆从生产到工地施工性能的综合指标。 7、湿拌砂浆产生开裂、空鼓和脱落等质量通病的主要原因是由于相关规范规程在抹灰砂浆施工工艺不明晰不严格,特别是基层界面处理这部分的要求不明确,导致实际的工程施工实践中尽管按照规范要求进行施工,也会有很大的随意性。本论文针对墙体的界面处理,提出比较严格的施工要求和施工方法,要求喷点均匀,剪力墙面直径5mm以上的喷点数量不少于10个//平方分米,砖墙面直径5mm的喷点不少于5个//平方分米等。新的施工工艺能有效地降低空鼓开裂等质量问题的发生。 Wet-mixed mortar is made of a certain proportion cement, sand and water-thickeningmaterial, fly ash or other mineral admixtures, additive, the water and so on. In the centralizedmixing plant /(factory/) after measuring, mixing, with mixing transporter to use site, stored in asealed container, the domestic demand and within the prescribed time after use of mortar mixture. Promote the use of wet-mixed mortar is a technology revolution in construction industry.Whether for renovation or new buildings, wet-mixed mortar plays a very important role. It isdifferent from the traditional field since the mortar of the original operating mode. Implements theindustrialized production, not only makes the quality of the products, to guarantee the enhancedthe stability of the products, improve the quality of the construction project, to meet the needs ofmodernization construction; But also reduce environmental pollution, reduce labor intensity,improve the efficiency of construction, to build a resource-conserving and environmentallyfriendly society has an important significance. Not only cost model of wet-mixed mortar has been studied, wet-mixed mortar productiondistribution cost model is established, contrastive the cost of mortar analysis with the wet-mixedmortar, dry-mixed mortar, site-mixed mortar, and puts forward the optimal distribution way; butalso fineness modulus of aggregate and cement ratio, mineral admixtures and super-plasticizer, theregulator has been studied, and analyzed the factors affecting the performance of mortar; Bychanging the opening-time regulator dosage, the determination of basic changes in theperformance of mortar, comprehensive consideration to determine the opening time of mortar; Putforward the construction process of wet mixing mortar, reduce mortar quality common fault. Themain research conclusions are as follows: 1, Under certain conditions, site-mixed mortar, wet-mixed mortar, dry-mixed mortar ofcomprehensive cost increase in turn. Wet-mixed mortar comprehensive cost as the distributiontimes, distance increase continuously. The best production delivery model of wet-mixed mortar iscentralized production, concentrated distribution, in this distribution mode of comprehensive costis the small price differ between wet-mixed mortar with site-mixed mortar. 2, Choose the fineness modulus of sand range of2.29-2.57, the ratio of6.50,the mortar has a moststability, the compressive strength and flexural strength, better water-retention, mortar secretewater better. 3, Calcium carbonate powder is ideal for wet-mixed mortar admixtures. The optimum blendingquantity is150kg, because the mortar in the dosage for150kg of mortar is the most stableperformance. 4, Etherification poly carboxylic acid super-plasticizer is more suitable than naphthalene seriessuper-plasticizer as a slurry of super-plasticizer added to the actual engineering application.Etherification of poly carboxylic acid super-plasticizer dosage for10kg, the stability of the slurryis the best, the indicators of mortar can meet the requirements, and obtain the biggest economicbenefits. 5, Contrast sodium gluconate with open-time regulator in the same dosage of retarder, two groupsof retarding effect of mortar is very close, but open-time regulator of cement mortar mixed with open time is larger than that of mortar mixed with sodium gluconate setting time slightly longer. 6, Puts forward a new concept–open-time, open-time is a whose hands wet-mixed mortar fromproduction to the construction site of comprehensive index of the stability on the properties ofwet-mixed mortar is very demanding. 7, Because the relevant construction technology standard procedures in plaster mortar not clearnot strict, especially at the grass-roots level interface processing this part of the requirements arenot clear, lead to actual engineering construction practice, although carried out in accordance withthe specification requirements, also can have great randomness. This paper in view of the wallinterface processing, put forward the more strict construction requirements and constructionmethod of requirement fantasy even, number of fantasy shear wall above5mm diameter not lessthan10per square decimeter, brick wall surface fantasy5mm in diameter of not less thanfive//square decimeter, etc. The new construction technology can effectively reduce the emptydrum cracking such as quality problems.

关 键 词: 湿拌砂浆 成本模型 开放时间 施工工艺

分 类 号: [TU578.1]

领  域: [建筑科学]


作者 李纪伟


机构 广州城建职业学院


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