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Guangzhou Children Swimming Training Risk Management

导  师: 周志俊

学科专业: 0452

授予学位: 硕士

作  者: ;

机构地区: 广州大学

摘  要: 本研究主要借助文献资料法、问卷调查法、参与观察法、专家访谈法以及数理统计法对影响广州市少儿游泳培训的风险因素进行理论分析,探讨广州市少儿游泳培训的安全因素,提出风险防范的理论体系。 本研究通过对广州市少儿游泳培训从事游泳教学的教练员以及管理者进行调研研究,得出以下结论: /(1/)广州市少儿游泳培训的风险管理主要包括教练员、学员、环境以及管理人员四个方面的风险因素。 通过风险评估表的结果显示:①教练员缺乏在教学中对安全事故的讲解、课前准备不充分、不善于发现少儿在教学中出现的身体异常情况属于极其危险项。这要引起教练员及管理人员的高度重视。 ②学员自身有特异体质或疾病而不告知属于极其危险项。 ③环境方面泳池水质不达标、场内没有安全警示标志、泳池不规则,器材布局不合理属于极其危险项。 ④管理人员缺乏少儿游泳培训安全管理的经验属于极其危险项。通过以上对极其危险项的列出,可以看出以上项目都属于教学中不可缺少因素的硬伤,无论是对于管理者还是教练员,其教学和管理的核心始终都要将少儿的安全摆在第一的位置,才能在最危险的环境下进行最小安全风险的教学活动。 /(2/)在风险的应对上,可采用风险降低以及风险转移的方法。 ①风险降低是最简便最有效的方法之一,在事故没有发生以前通过各种方法降低风险发生的概率。这就需要管理者具有丰富的安全管理经验,从教练员的岗前技术考核和经验培训开始,到教学中的监督,以及对环境的监管,到后期的总结等。这些都要管理者有明确的管理思路,在风险因素环节注重采用合适的方法降低风险。虽然不能从根本上解除风险,但游泳毕竟属于高危项目,需要教练员、家长、学员以及管理人员的通力合作才能将风险降到最低值。 ②风险应对的方法主要为少儿游泳培训的开课前,可以先为所有学员买一份意外伤亡的保险单,这样做可以极大的减少风险承担后果,对企业管理来说这是最好的方式。 In this study, by means of literature, questionnaire, interview and mathematical statistics on the impact of Guangzhou Children swim training in risk factors theoretical analysis to explore the safety factor, Guangzhou Children's swimming training proposed theoretical system of risk prevention. In this study, the research study conducted by Guangzhou Children swim training engaged in teaching swimming coaches and managers, the following conclusions: /(1/) Risk Management, Guangzhou Children's swimming training including risk factors coaches, students, the environment and management in four areas. By the results of the risk assessment sheet shows:①in teaching coaches to explain the lack of security incidents, inadequate preparation before class, good at physical abnormalities found in the teaching of children belonging to appear extremely dangerous items. This should lead to the coaches and management staff are highly valued. ②participants themselves have idiosyncratic or disease are extremely dangerous and not advised items. ③environmental aspects of water quality is not up to the pool, the venue is no safety warning signs, pool irregular, irrational equipment items are extremely dangerous. ④management training inexperienced children swim safety management are extremely dangerous items. Through the above listed items for extremely dangerous, it can be seen above items are all indispensable factors in teaching flawed, both for managers or coaches, the core of its teaching and management will always be placed in the children's safety first place, in order to carry out teaching activities minimal security risk in the most hazardous environments. /(2/) In response to the risk, the risk can be reduced and the method of risk transfer. ①risk reduction is one of the most simple and most effective way to reduce the probability of not occurred before the accident risk by various methods. This requires managers with extensive security management experience, starting from the pre-job training and experience in technology assessment coaches to teaching supervision and monitoring of the environment, to sum up late and so on. These managers must have a clear idea of management, focusing on the risk factors that link the use of appropriate methods to reduce risk. While risk can not be released from the fundamental, but after swimming in high risk projects that require coaches, parents, students and managers to work together to minimize risk value. ②risk response method mainly for the former children's swimming training classes, all students can first buy a casualty insurance policy, this can greatly reduce the risk of the consequences of business management, this is the best way.

关 键 词: 风险管理 少儿 游泳培训

分 类 号: [G861.1]

领  域: [文化科学] [文化科学]


作者 田东升
作者 董剑飞
作者 陈风娟
作者 王丽莎
作者 王小庆


机构 中山大学
机构 华南理工大学
机构 暨南大学
机构 华南农业大学
机构 广州大学


作者 庞菊香
作者 康超
作者 廖燕萍
作者 廖荆梅
作者 张丽娟