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The Study of Strategies of Junior Middle School Students' Personality Formatting Education in the Ideological Morality Education

导  师: 董世明

学科专业: 0451

授予学位: 硕士

作  者: ;

机构地区: 广州大学

摘  要: 根据青少年心理学者对中学生人格特征的研究,发现初中生人格特征会影响学生的学业成绩、遇事的应对方式和在学校生活的适应性等,所以,对初中学生开展人格养成教育,培养学生形成健康的人格,有助于提高初中阶段的教学成绩,减少学生违纪行为。学校人格养成教育主要是通过日常的管理和学科教学来实现的,在初中12门学科教学中,初中思想品德学科的课程内容和教学目标决定了本学科在人格养成教育方面有独特的优势。 笔者在教学实践中发现,思想品德课程在教学实施过程中,教师能够采用多样化的教学方法,重视落实课程三维目标,能够借助多媒体辅助教学,教学过程强调师生互动等,这些对培养学生形成健康的人格是有益的。同时,思想品德课程教学在开展人格培养过程中,也存在不足,例如部分教师对学科设置认识不足,忽视人格养成教育目标;教学方法简单,不符合人格形成机制;教学评价缺乏特色和针对性,抑制人格发展;教育教学管理部门缺乏对学生人格养成教育的系统规划等。 为了在思想品德教学中更好地开展人格养成教育,笔者结合自身教学经验,并借鉴一些优秀教师的教学做法,从人格形成的机制出发,探讨促进初中生人格养成教育的策略。这些策略包括:①用好教材,挖掘教材中的人格教育资源(开展好主题探究活动,落实正文知识点教学,发挥插图、活动、相关链接的辅助作用,抓住故事、案例的培养契机,发挥榜样人物的示范功能);②抓好课堂,开展人格养成教育活动(新授课中创新教育内容,优化教学方法,升华情感;练习讲评课中发掘习题中人格养成教育因素,适当加以点拨);上好复习课,形成健康人格知识体系;③改革评价模式,引导人格发展(改革评价原则,健全多种评价方式,开展多主体评价活动,注重及时评价)。 According to Study on High School Students’ Personality features by adolescentpsychological researchers, the personalities displayed by high school students would affecttheir academic performance, problem solving ability and school life adaptability. Therefore,conducting Personality Forming Education would improve teaching quality as well asdecreasing students’ probability of violating rules.“Format healthy personality should be theroot of the school education”. The school personality formatting education is achieved mainlythrough the daily management and subjects teaching. In the12subjects of teaching courses,the content and objective of the Ideological Morality Education course established the uniqueadvantage in the personality formatting education. During the teaching experience, author found: In the course of the ideological moralityeducation, there are many benefits and advantage if the teachers can take several of teachingmethods, pay attention to the3dimensions objectives, refer to the multiple media assistances,and focus on interactive communication. However, there is also some weakness andshortcomings, For example, some teachers are lack of knowledge of subjects settings, andneglecting personality education objectives;the teaching methods are simple, not suitable forthe personality formatting; The teaching rating is trite which also suppress the personalitydeveloping; The education administration sectors are lack of the systematical planning forstudents personality formatting educations, etc. In order to conduct the personality formatting education better in the IdeologicalCultivation teaching procedure, the author combine the self-teaching experience and referencethe other outstanding teachers’ teaching methodology, starting from the personalitymechanism, advancing the education tactics. These tactics including: using the good teachingmaterials, digging the personality education resource from the teaching materials/(carrying outthe subject-researching activities, practice the knowledge points, utilizing the illustrations,activities and related links assistant function, seizing the story and practices cultivationopportunities, exert the examples demonstration functions/); Pay attention to the classroomteaching/(Innovate the education content in the teaching procedure, optimize the teachingmethod, sublimate feelings; practice the personality formatting education factors in theevaluation class and give some additional information properly/), conducting the personalityformatting education activities; reform the evaluation mode/(reforming the evaluationprinciples, using variety of evaluation methods, starting subject evaluation activities, focusingon the in-time evaluation/), confirm and guide the personality formatting development.

关 键 词: 初中生 思想品德 人格养成

分 类 号: [G633.2]

领  域: [文化科学]


作者 陈淑霞
作者 潘晓辉
作者 卢惠璋
作者 杨伟洪
作者 吕伍


机构 华南师范大学
机构 广州大学
机构 广州大学教育学院
机构 华南师范大学教育科学学院
机构 中山大学


作者 庞菊香
作者 康超
作者 廖燕萍
作者 廖荆梅
作者 张丽娟