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导  师: 纪德君

学科专业: 0451

授予学位: 硕士

作  者: ;

机构地区: 广州大学

摘  要: 在当下的网络时代,微博在高中生群体中盛行,该网络平台作为一种新的交流方式为学生们开启了另一扇写作之窗。教师应顺应时代特点,充分运用学生感兴趣的网络事物来帮助构建更高效的课堂。本文在分析当前高中写作教学存在的主要问题以及微博对高中生日常写作影响的基础上,探讨微博应用于写作教学的可行性,对于将微博引入写作教学的优势进行论述,以期对利用微博辅助传统写作教学提出一些切实可行的策略。文章主要采用文献研究法、问卷调查法和访谈法进行研究,共分为四个部分。第一部分即绪论,主要介绍论文的研究背景,阐述当前高中语文写作教学中存在的问题和当前高中生群体对微博热切关注的现象,在述及国内外学者对微博的教育应用价值研究的基础上,进一步提出本研究的目的和意义、研究内容和研究方法。第二部分是第二章,主要分析高中写作教学面临的挑战和机遇,在统计问卷调查数据的基础上分析高中生群体热衷微博创作的情况,结合微博的特点,从正、负两方面分析微博对高中生写作的影响,论证将微博引入写作教学的可能性。第三部分是第三章、第四章,主要探讨微博与写作教学的结合。第三章在传播学和教育心理学相关理论的基础上,结合微博的特点论证将微博引入写作教学的优势。第四章在前面的理论分析基础上,提出基于微博的写作教学设想,围绕一堂写作教学课具体分析基于微博的写作教学过程,并对教学效果进行评价。第四部分即结语部分,主要总结了本研究的成果和不足之处。 In this internet epoch, micro-blog is very popular in high school students as a new way to communicate with each other. At the same time, it offers another way of writing for the students. Conforming to the characteristics of the times, the teachers can make the class more efficient by making full use of the things which attract students on the network. In this essay, base on the analysis of the problem exist in the high school writing teaching and how the micro-blog influences it, I investigate the feasibility to apply the micro-blog in the writing teaching and the advantage of using it. And I expect to put forward some feasible strategies of using micro-blog in the writing teaching. The literature research method, questionnaire and interview research are mainly used in this article. The article is divided into four parts. The first part is the introduction, mainly elaborates the background, aim, contents and methods of research. The second part mainly analyzes the challenges and opportunities of high school writing teaching. First, I show the fact that the high school students are very interested in micro-blog by analyzing the survey data. Second, combined with the analysis of the characteristics of micro-blog, I analysis how the micro-blog influences the high school writing. And then the possibility of using micro-blog into writing teaching is demonstrated. In the third part, the combination of micro-blog and the writing teaching is mainly discussed. I use some theories of communication and educational psychology to analysis the advantage of using micro-blog in the writing teaching and propose the idea of the writing teaching based on micro-blog. Also, the whole teaching process and the evaluation of the effect of teaching are shown in this part. At last, the fourth part is the conclusion part, summarizes the achievements and the shortcomings of this study.

关 键 词: 微博 高中 写作教学

分 类 号: [G633.34 G206]

领  域: [文化科学] [文化科学]


作者 刘婵


机构 广州大学


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