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The Application and Research of Geography Learning Program Guidance Teaching Model in Rural Senior High School

导  师: 黎倩雯;龚湘玲

学科专业: 0451

授予学位: 硕士

作  者: ;

机构地区: 广州大学

摘  要: 《高中地理新课程标准》倡导自主学习、合作学习和探究学习。随着新课改的深入发展,山区教育对于课程教育也提出了新的需求,山区的高中也需要新的教育教学理念来发展学校的教育教学。地理“学案导学教学模式”作为一种体现新课程改革的新型教学模式适时的进入到山区的教育之中,为山区教育提供新的教学方式与新的教学思路。本课题采用文献法、教学实验法、行动研究法、问卷调查法、访谈法等研究进行方法,着重对山区高中地理教学中所试行的“学案导学教学模式”的应用进行探讨,旨在为山区高中地理教学改革提供参考依据。 本论文总共分为六大部分,第一部分,绪论,论述山区高中地理学案导学教学模式问题的提出。包括研究的背景,研究的目的与意义,对学案、导学、教学模式、学案导学教学模式等相关概念的厘清,为研究提供必要的概念支持。第二部分,文献综述。包括地理学案导学教学模式的理论依据和相关应用研究的综述。第三部分,阐述实验的对象和研究方法。包括研究学校的选取,研究所使用的具体方法等。第四部分,对河婆中学高中地理“学案导学教学模式”教学实验进行概述。包括对河婆中学地理教学具有实施改革的需要和可能进行论述,具体实验的目标方法进行说明,并对山区高中学案导学教学实验基本组成与教学操作程序进行相关的说明与解读,并在章末通过调查问卷的分析验证学案导学教学模式实验的成效性,并分析学校进行实验后的具体成效。第五部分,论述山区高中地理“学案导学教学模式”实施问题与讨论。主要包括山区高中地理实施的原则,存在的问题和相关的教学建议。第六部分,是论文的结论和讨论。 本研究主要贡献在于: 1、把“学案导学教学模式”从城市引入到山区中学教育教学之中,为实质性地推动山区地理教学改革的进程贡献了微薄之力。 2、运用实验研究、行动研究和问卷调查等研究方法,在对山区中学所试行的高中地理“学案导学教学模式”实际应用、反思总结的基础上提出了山区高中地理“学案导学教学模式”的一般操作程序,并从教学过程出发,结合揭西县河婆中学的教学实际,对山区高中地理学案导学教学的各个操作环节提出了具体的教学建议。 3、在对实验教学进行总结的基础上提出了山区高中地理学案导学教学实施的一般原则,客观地指出了现阶段山区高中实行学案导学教学所存在的主要问题,提出了相应的教学建议。 4、在教学实践的基础上,首次对“学案导学教学模式”在山区中学的实施作用进行了论证,本文认为:该模式对山区高中地理的教情和学情都起到了积极的促进作用,其主要表现在改善了学生的预习习惯;改善了变学生在课堂活动的习惯;改善了课堂气氛、师生关系;提升了教研组、备课组研讨的氛围。但所反映的问题亦比较突出,其主要表现在教师无法接受新教学模式,认为传统模式对教学帮助更有效;教师对导学教学理解偏差,简单的认为导学教学就是学案教学;学生学业成绩起伏大,短期学业成绩没有呈现质的提高;学生学案完成质量低,按要求按成学案自学的能力与自觉性较弱。 advocatesfor independent learning, cooperative learning and inquiry learning. Withthe deep development of the new curriculum reform,not only the ruraleducation raises new demands for courses, but the senior high school inthis area needs new teaching ideas to develop the school’s education andteaching. Being one of the new teaching models, the geography learningprogram guidance teaching model, reflects the new curriculum reform,comes into the rural education timely and provides it with new teachingmethods and teaching reflection. This thesis makes a preliminary studyon the specific application of the geography learning program guidanceteaching model in rural senior high school. And this thesis mainly adoptsliterature review, questionnaire survey, interview method, teachingexperimental research method as well as action research and so on, inorder to make a preliminary attempt and exploration about the learningplan guidance teaching model in rural senior high school geographyteaching. This thesis can be divided into six parts. The first part is theintroduction, which discusses the proposal of the geography learningprogram guidance teaching model in rural senior high school. And in this part, it illustrates the background information, purpose and significanceof this study, as well as some concerning concepts of program of studies,guidance learning, teaching model, learning program guidance teachingmodel and so on, which provides the necessary conceptual support withthis study. The second part is literature review, including the summary oftheoretical basis and some related applied research of the geographylearning program guidance teaching model. The third part, object of theexperiment and study method, which includes the selection of school andthe specific methods used in this study.The fourth part makes anillustration of the geography learning programguidance teaching modelused in HePo Senior High School. In this part, it discusses therequirement and possibility for the implementation of reforms used inHePo Senior High School geography teaching, describes the targetmethod of the experiment, and it also explains and unscrambles the basiccomponents of the learning plan guidance teaching in rural high schooland its teaching operating procedures.What is more, at the end of thechapter, it verifies the efficiency of the larning program guidanceteaching model by using the questionnaire, and analyzes the specificeffect after experiment.The fifth part illustrates the implementation issuesof the geography learning program guidance teaching model used in ruralsenior high school, and its implemental principles, existing problems andconcerning teaching suggestion. The sixth part is the conclusion and discussion. The main contribution of this study is: 1. This thesis introduces the learning plan guidance teaching model fromurban education into the rural education by using the experimentalresearch, action research and questionnaire survey and other methods,and it also makes a preliminary discussion of the geography learning planguidance teaching model used in rural high school by combining theconcrete practice with the specific school. As a result, it basicallydetermines the general operating procedures of the geography larningplan guidance teaching model used in rural high school. 2.From all aspects of teaching, this thesis discusses each operationaspects of the geography learning plan guidance teaching model used inrural high school, and puts forward some teaching suggestion to allaspects of actual operation on the basis of the practical teachingexperience in HePo Senior High School. 3.According to the actual situation of teaching feedback, this thesisconcludes the general principles of the implement of the geographylearning plan guidance teaching model used in rural high school, and italso points out its main existing problems and puts forward somecorresponding teaching suggestions according to these problems. 4. On the basis of teaching practice, this thesis demonstrates theimplementation role of the Learning Program Guidance Teaching Model used in rural senior high school for the first time. And this thesis arguesthat this teaching model plays a positive role in promoting the rural highschool’s teaching and learning situation, which mainly includes changingstudents’ previewing habits and activity habits in class, changing theclassroom atmosphere and the teacher-student relationship, as well aschanging the discussion atmosphere in Teaching and Research Group andLesson Preparation Group, that is to say, it promotes the actualdevelopment in rural high school. However, the problems reflected in thisthesis are also prominent, which can be mainly listed as followed: firstly,teachers can not accept this new kind teaching model, because they thinkthe traditional one is more effective; secondly, teachers have amisunderstanding of Learning Plan Guidance teaching, they simplyregard it as program of studies teaching; thirdly, students’ academicachievement fluctuates wildly and their short-term academic performancedo not show a qualitative improvement; lastly, students have a poorcompletion of it, as they have the poor self-learning ability and lowself-consciousness to finish the it as required.

关 键 词: 山区 高中地理 河婆中学 学案 学案导学 学案导学教学模式

分 类 号: [G633.55]

领  域: [文化科学]


作者 邓志能
作者 胡艳丽
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机构 华南师范大学
机构 广州大学
机构 广州大学地理科学学院


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作者 康超
作者 廖燕萍
作者 廖荆梅
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