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导  师: 董婕

学科专业: 040102

授予学位: 硕士

作  者: ;

机构地区: 陕西师范大学

摘  要: 伴随着基础教育课程改革,教科书的编制体制由“一纲一本”过渡到“一标多本”,各地对于怎样选择适合本地实际的教材出现了分歧。笔者认为,要做出正确的选择,最关键的一个问题就是把握各版本高中地理教材的特点,其中,教材难度是必须要考虑的一个重要方面。本研究的目的就是以必修1“宇宙中的地球”内容为例,通过分析比较四个版本高中地理教材的难度,以期为高中地理教材的编写和设计者提供参考,为相关部门和教师选择适合该地区学生群体的地理教材提供帮助。 到目前为止,我国学者黄甫全、鲍建生、史宁中、廖伯琴等学者分别建立了相对应的课程难度量化评价模型,为我国教材难度的定量比较做出了突出的贡献。在课程难度的模型建立上,本文以史宁中教授的理论基础为依据,采用可行性最高的课程难度定量模型:N=aS//T+/(1-a/)G//T,分别对新课程背景下的《课程标准》和四个版本高中地理教材必修1的“宇宙中的地球”的知识内容难度进行量化分析,并且比较各版本教材内容难度和《课程标准》的吻合度,从而得出四个版本教材内容的实际难度水平。参考廖伯琴等学者制定的探究难度模型和拓展难度模型,并结合地理学科自身的特点构建最终的模型:难度=深度/广度,对“宇宙中的地球”内容的探究难度和拓展难度进行了静态定量评价比较分析,得出相应的结论。 主要研究工作如下: 1.通过查阅国内外与教材难度研究相关的大量文献,对各学科教材难度的研究成果做了总结归纳,并着重对地理教材难度的文献做了详细的搜集整理和分析研究。比较了人教版、湘教版、中图版和鲁教版四个版本教材的结构,并对“宇宙中的地球”教材的结构进行了横向对比,对后续教材难度的定量研究做了很好的铺垫。 2.分析高中地理教材的知识内容、探究和拓展三个维度的难度影响因素,拟定了各维度的赋值标准,初步制定了高中地理教材的知识难度评价模型、探究难度评价模型和拓展难度评价模型。根据笔者初步制定的量化评价模型及赋值标准,请专家和老师对《课程标准》和四个版本高中地理教材各个维度的深度进行初次赋值,结合专家的意见对赋值标准进行修改,得出最终相对完善的赋值标准和模型。 3.根据最终收集到的教材内容难度、探究难度和拓展难度的静态评价数据,结合所建立的难度量化评价模型分析并对比各版本地理教材在每个维度上的难度差异。 本研究的结论如下: 1.各版本高中地理教材和《课程标准》“宇宙中的地球”内容知识难度的研究结果:广度方面,人教版和中图版的广度相等且最大,其次,分别是湘教版,鲁教版,广度最小的是《课程标准》;深度方面,《课程标准》的深度最大,其次分别是,中图版、湘教版、鲁教版和人教版;从课程时间方面,课时最多的是鲁教版,其次是《课程标准》和中图版课时一样,然后是人教版,湘教版最少;难度方面,难度最大的是湘教版,其次是:人教版、中图版、《课程标准》和鲁教版。 2.各版本高中地理教材“宇宙中的地球”内容与《课程标准》的吻合度:可比深度吻合度方面,鲁教版的可比深度吻合度值最大,与《课程标准》的偏离程度最大,其次分别是:湘教版、中图版和人教版,人教版的可比深度与《课程标准》最吻合;可比广度吻合度方面,可比广度吻合度排序分别是:湘教版、人教版、中图版和鲁教版,故,鲁教版的可比广度与《课程标准》的吻合度最高;难度吻合度方面,湘教版的难度吻合度值最大,接着是:人教版、中图版和鲁教版,鲁教版的难度最接近《课程标准》,与其偏离程度最小。 3.各版本高中地理教材“宇宙中的地球”内容探究难度研究结果:广度方面,湘教版的探究广度最大,其次是人教版、鲁教版和中图版;深度方面,排序是:湘教版、鲁教版、人教版和中图版,湘教版的深度最大,中图版的深度最小;难度方面,鲁教版难度最大,其次是人教版和中图版一致,难度最小的是湘教版。 4.各版本高中地理教材“宇宙中的地球”内容拓展难度研究结果:广度方面,湘教版的拓展广度最大,其次是人教版和鲁教版的广度相同,中图版的拓展数量最少;深度方面,鲁教版的深度最大,接着是人教版和中图版,最后是湘教版;难度方面,难度最大的是中图版,其次是鲁教版、人教版和湘教版,湘教版的难度最小。 Along with reforming of the basic education curriculum, textbook compilation system transition from "one" to "more than a standard", For how to select the appropriate throughout the actual local materials there is disagreement. In the au-thor's opinion, To make the right choice, one of the key problem is to grasp the characteristics of each version of high school geography teaching material, which is an important aspect of teaching difficulty must be considered. The purpose of this study is to take the "earth in the universe" as an example, through the analysis and comparison of four versions of the difficulty of high school geography textbooks in order to provide a reference for the preparation of high school geography textbooks and designers to select suitable and to provide help for the related departments and teachers to choose suitable for students in the area of geography textbook. So far, Chinese scholars Fuquan Huang, Jiansheng Bao, Ningzhong Shi, Boqin Liao and other scholars established curriculum difficulty quantify the corresponding evaluation model,which provides a solid theoretical foundation for the quantitative analysis of curriculum difficulty. In this paper, course difficulty model Professor Ningzhong Shi established is N=aS//T+/(1-a/)G//T, Under the new curriculum, The difficulty of knowledge is analysised for the "earth in the universe" of curriculum standardsand and four versions of high school geography textbooks,and Compared the goodness of fit of each edition of the textbooks and curriculum standard,Calculated the actual difficulty levels that four versions textbook. I reference the model that the difficulty of inquiry and the difficulty of expand maked by Boqin Liao, and construct the final model combined with the characteristics of geography itself, The model is:difficulty=depth//breadth, The contents of the"earth in the universe" to the difficulty of inquiry and expand is analyzed for static quantitative evaluation,and draw the corresponding conclusion. The main research work is as follows: 1. Through access to a large number of the domestic and foreign research literature related with the teaching difficulty, this paper has summarized the researchresults of various disciplines Curriculum difficulty, and focus on the geography teaching difficulty literature collected and analyzed in detail.Compared with the structure of the PEP, Hunan Education Publishing, Sinomap Press and Shandong Education Press, the structure, and the structure of "earth in the universe"is horizontal Compared, quantitative research on the follow-up materials difficult to do a good bedding. 2. Influence factors of three dimensions on difficult of knowledge content,inquiry and expand is analysised of high school geography teaching, and drewedup of the the evaluation standard in various dimensions, Initially formulated the knowledge difficulty evaluation, inquiry difficulty evaluation model and the expanded difficulty evaluation model of high school geography teaching, every dimension of depth of curriculum standard and four editions of geography textbooks for senior high school is assigned firstly by experts and teachers, According to the quantitative evaluation model of the preliminary formulation and evaluation standard, Combining the opinions of experts to modify the evaluation standard to get the final relative perfect assignment criteria and models. 3. According to the final static evaluation data about the knowledge difficulty, inquiry difficulty and the expanded difficulty, analyze and compare the difficulty of the various versions of the differences in geography textbooks for each dimension, combing with quantitative evaluation model. Conclusions of this study are as follows: 1. The results of knowledge difficulty about "earth in the universe" in edition of geography textbooks for senior high school and curriculum standard:In breadth, the PEP and Sinomap Press are equal and the maximum breadth,Secondly, respectively is Hunan Education Publishing and Shandong Education Press, the breadth of curriculum standard is the smallest; In depth,The depth of curriculum standard is the largest,followed by that of Sinomap Press, Hunan Education Publishing, Shandong Education Press and PEP; In the course time,The largest class is Shandong Education Press, followed by curriculum standards and Sinomap Press in the same class plates, then PEP, Hunan Education Edition least;In the difficult, The most difficult is Hunan Education Publishing,Then, PEP, Sinomap Press, curriculum standard and Shandong Education Press. 2. The goodness of fit of each edition of the textbooks in"earth in the universe" and curriculum standard:The goodness of fit of comparable depth, Shandong Education Press is the largest maximum, and the maximum deviation with curriculum standard, Then, Hunan Education Publishing, Sinomap Press and the PEP, Comparable depth of PEP is the most consistentand with curriculum standards;The goodness of fit of comparable breadth, The goodness of fit of comparable breadth sort are:Hunan Education Publishin, the PEP, Sinomap Pressand Shandong Education Press, So, Comparable breadth of Shandong Education Press is the most consistentand with curriculum standards; The goodness of fit of difficulty, Hunan education press fit value of the largest, followed by the PEP, Sinomap Press and Shandong Education Press, Shandong Education Press is closest to the curriculum standards, and the degree of deviation from the minimum. 3. The results of inquiry difficulty about "earth in the universe" in editions of geography textbooks for senior high school and curriculum standard: In breadth,Hunan Education Publishing is largest, Then, the PEP, Shandong Education Pressand Sinomap Press; In depth, the order is Hunan Education Publishing, ShandongEducation Press, the PEP and Sinomap Press, Hunan Education Publishing is largest, Sinomap Press is lowest. In the difficult, Shandong Education Pressis the largest, followed by, the PEP and Sinomap Press are the same, Hunan Education Publishing is the smallest. 4. The results of expanded difficulty about "earth in the universe" in editions of geography textbooks for senior high school and curriculum standard: In breadth,Hunan Education Publishing is largest, followed by the same version of the PEPand Shandong Education Press, Sinomap Press is lowest. In depth, Shandong Education Press is largest, then, The PEP and Sinomap Press, the last is Hunan Education Publishing, In the difficult, the most difficult is Sinomap Press, then, Shandong Education Press, the PEP and Hunan Education Publishing, Hunan Education Publishing is lowest.

关 键 词: 高中地理 教材难度 定量比较分析

分 类 号: [G633.55]

领  域: [文化科学]


作者 陈小杏
作者 何淑玲
作者 张思英
作者 张彦丽
作者 孙荣乐


机构 华南师范大学
机构 广州大学
机构 广州大学地理科学学院


作者 庞菊香
作者 康超
作者 廖燕萍
作者 廖荆梅
作者 张丽娟