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A Translation Report of E-C Translation of International Business Contract

导  师: 丁蕙

学科专业: 050211

授予学位: 硕士

作  者: ;

机构地区: 中南大学

摘  要: 自中国加入WTO以来,中外企业间的商务往来日益增多。商务合同起着越来越重要的作用。英语作为世界通用语言,也是全球使用范围最广、使用频率最高的合同语言。为方便合同双方正确理解彼此,进行有效沟通,英文商务合同进行中译的重要性和必要性日渐凸显。 本文遵照项目报告格式组织行文。全文共分为四章。 第一章介绍了该商务合同的背景、以及委托方的翻译要求。 第二章详细描述了整个翻译过程。共分为三个步骤:译前准备、翻译、译后审校。译前准备包括制作术语表、提取平行文本。翻译过程中提到翻译进度、辅助工具、质量控制。 第三章,作为全文的重点,包含五个部分:文本分析、翻译方法、翻译过程中出现的问题、引入目的论,并从目的论角度进行反思、以及理论指导下的解决方案。首先作者介绍了该文本的文体特征和语言特征,接着在此基础上提出了相应的翻译方法:直译、合译、分译、转译、重复和重组。第三部分主要论述翻译过程中出现的问题包括:误译、风格不对等、术语及语篇不统一。第四部分介绍了目的论,并从目的论角度进行反思。旨在强调目的论三原则:目的法则、连贯法则和忠实法则的指导作用。商务合同中译的目的在于保证译文能够起到跟原文在原语读者中一样的法律效果。在三原则中,目的法则为译者提供总方针,连贯法则和忠实法则为译者提供翻译标准。最后谈到解决上述问题的办法。在目的法则的指导下,应更加注重语篇连贯、选词和内容忠实,尽可能满足读着的期待。 第四章总结了翻译项目中仍未解决的问题以及从该项目中得到的教训和启示。 With China's accession into the WTO, business intercourse between China and the other countries is inevitably on the increase. It is obvious that business contracts are playing more and more important roles. As English is the language which is most widely used all over the world, English business contracts also become the business contracts that are most widely and frequently adopted. It is indispensable and essential to render English business contracts into Chinese to facilitate correct understanding and effective communications between the Parties concerned. This dissertation is written in line with the structure of translation project report. It consists of four chapters in total. As an introduction, the first chapter narrates briefly the background information of the contract, the translation requirement of the commissioner. Subsequently, the second chapter provides a detailed description of the translation process, including three stages:preparatory work, translation work, and proofreading work. Preparatory work is composed of three parts:translation team formation, terminology making and parallel texts acquisition, while translation work consists of project scheduling, aiding means and quality control. As the core of this dissertation, the third chapter is compose of five major sections:text analysis, translation methods adopted, problems encountered in the translation practice:introduction and reflection from the aspects of Skopostheory and solutions to these problems mentioned above. Firstly, the author covers the stylistic feature and linguistic features of the business contract; later on, based on these features and great variances between Chinese and English, translation methods such as literal translation, synthesization, division, conversion, repetition and reconstruction are employed. In the third part, major problems exist in our preliminary translation work are mentioned:unintentional mistranslation; non-equivalence in writing style between the original text and the target text; and inconsistency in term translation and macro textual style. In the fourth part, introduction and reflection from the aspects of Skopostheory. Endeavors are made to emphasize the three rules of Skopostheory:Skopos rule, coherence rule and fidelity rule. The Skopos of the E-C translation of business contract is to ensure that the translated work has the same effect on the target readers as that of the original text upon the original text readers. Among the three rules, Skopos rule supplies a direction for translators, while coherence rule and fidelity rule attributes to providing guideline for translators. The fifth part is about solutions to these problems. More attention should be paid to enhance the macro coherence and fidelity in diction and content and to the expectation of intended readers under the guidance of Skopos rule. As a conclusion, the fourth chapter sums up all the problems remain to be solved and the lessons and enlightenments drawn from the translation project.

关 键 词: 商务合同中译 目的论三原则 翻译方法 项目报告

分 类 号: [H315.9]

领  域: [语言文字]


作者 王玉斐
作者 陈慧娴
作者 王秋香
作者 张瑜娜
作者 丁少玲


机构 广东外语外贸大学
机构 暨南大学
机构 华南理工大学
机构 华南师范大学
机构 吉林大学珠海学院


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作者 彭晓春
作者 徐云扬
作者 成海涛
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