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Research on Cross-layer Link-layer and Routing Protocols for Multi-channel Multi-interface Wireless Mesh Networks

导  师: 邓晓衡

学科专业: 0810

授予学位: 硕士

作  者: ;

机构地区: 中南大学

摘  要: 摘要:多信道多接口无线Mesh网络具有信道干扰低和接口并发传输等优势,但同时存在网络连通性降低和信道传输延时增加等问题。针对该网络特点,本文提出了负载均衡链路协议LBLP与路径期望带宽路由协议EPBWR,二者协同工作以提高网络吞吐量并均衡网络负载。 链路协议LBLP将接口归为三类且工作模式分为两种,主要进行了三个方面的研究。针对接收模式,协议提出了基于接口数目、分布与状态的信道分配算法和基于Huffman树的任务分配算法,以减少信道干扰和均衡接收接口负载;发送模式的链路调度采用了接口与队列映射动态调整的算法,均衡发送接口负载的同时,提高接口利用率并降低延时;根据节点流量特征,为均衡发送与接收负载,协议提出了基于负载统计的自适应接口的工作模式自动切换算法。 路由协议EPBWR基于路由判据EPBW而设计。联合链路协议LBLP工作方式,判据EPBW的设计综合考虑了物理层对链路速率的影响、数据传输的流内和流间干扰以及路径长度对可用带宽的影响。协议EPBWR采用分布式的机制,将路由计算开销分布到路径的所有节点,而且采用路由主动与被动更新相结合的方式保证路由选择的有效性,并且减少了协议开销,均衡网络负载。 最后,本文使用NS3实现仿真了所提LBLP和EPBWR协议,二者协同工作,并与其它协议如AODV-MR、PCU-MA、WCETT等进行了对比,实验结果证明本文所提协议能够有效的减少网络干扰,根据网络变化自适应均衡负载,提高网络吞吐量。 Abstract:For multi-channel/&multi-interface wireless mesh networks, the low interference and concurrent transmissions make it effective while the decreased connectivity and increased transmission delay limit its performance. Under such conditions, our paper has proposed a load balance link-layer protocol, LBLP, and an expected path bandwidth routing protocol, EPBWR, which cooperate with each other aiming to improve the network throughput and balance the traffic load. Dividing all interfaces into three categories with two working modes, the link-layer protocol, LBLP, mainly makes three contributions. For the receiving interfaces, a channel assignment estimating the interference accurately and a load allocation algorithm based on Huffman are developed to reduce the interference and balance the received traffic; the sending interfaces adopt a dynamic link schedule mechanism which raises the interface utilization and reduces the delay; to balance the load between the receiving and sending interfaces, according to the statistical traffic, the adaptive interfaces change the working modes automatically. The routing protocol, EPBWR, works with the metric, EPBW, which has considered the channel quality, the intra-and inter-flow interference and the path length to calculate the path bandwidth. EPBWR works in a distributed way and makes all the nodes along the path split the computation overhead, and for the routing update, the combination of proactive and passive methods, which decreases the protocol overhead and balances the load, ensures the routing paths are always effective. At last, we implement and simulate the proposed protocols, LBLP and EPBWR, in NS3. They cooperate to compare with other protocols such as AODV-MR, PCU-CA and WCETT. The results show that our protocols can reduce the interference and balance the traffic load to offer a higher network throughput.

关 键 词: 多信道多接口 跨层设计 链路协议 路由协议

领  域: [电子电信] [电子电信]


作者 李冠楠
作者 聂文斐
作者 李玫莹
作者 严中华
作者 姚佳岷


机构 暨南大学
机构 中山大学
机构 华南师范大学
机构 华南理工大学
机构 暨南大学新闻与传播学院


作者 黄立
作者 毕凌燕
作者 廖建华
作者 王和勇
作者 郑霞