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Research in Response to the 'Hainan Sanya Overcharging' Network Public Opinion Crisis Event

导  师: 李葆珍

学科专业: 1252

授予学位: 硕士

作  者: ;

机构地区: 郑州大学

摘  要: 随着互联网的发展,基于互联网平台的各种网络传播手段日新月异,特别是移动客户端的推广,使得我国网民规模急剧增加,互联网入网普及率不断提高。网络平台的特点,使得互联网已经成为公众发表观点、表达诉求、监督政府以及反映社会问题的平台,使得网络舆情不断增多。网络舆情是社会舆情的“晴雨表”,现实中的各种社会问题、矛盾,都会聚焦于网络,在网络空间发生并扩大。然而网络舆情又是一把“双刃剑”,其自由化和多元化的特点不免会使各种舆情泥沙俱下,不实、虚假、造谣的网络舆情会对社会稳定、国家安全和和谐带来极大不稳定因素。同时由于网络舆情的社会监督功能不断增加,这就要求社会管理部门的政府必须认识学习其传播规律,做到正确有效的应对网络舆情,并能够掌握主动权,充分利用互联网达到宣传和引导社会舆论的作用。如何应对网络舆情的策略成为当前网络舆情研究的重点和热点,而行之有效的策略必须与实践相结合,才能发挥到引导性作用。 本文利用案例分析的方法,共分五部分。第一部分绪论,阐述了选题的目的和意义,相关文献综述,理论工具和研究方法,论文的创新点和不足;第二部分描述了“海南三亚宰客”事件,对整个事件中政府的表现、媒体的作用和网友的作用进行了阐述;第三部分分析了网络舆情危机发生的原因,危机升温的关键节点,网民对网络舆情危机产生的关键作用,政府在应对网络舆情危机中存在的不足;第四部分总结出政府应对网络舆情危机的对策,通过分析相关的成功案例,从完善网络舆情危机应对管理和完善网络舆论引导方面提出切实可行的对策;第五部分结语,对全媒体时代网络舆情的发生和应对做了一些思考,希望政府在应对网络舆情危机的同时,能够解决其背后隐含的深层次矛盾。 With the development of the Internet, a variety of network-based Internetplatform means of communication with each passing day,In particular, the promotionof mobile clients, making the scale of China's Internet users increased dramatically,the Internet network penetration continues to increase.Characteristics of the networkplatform, making the Internet has become the public to express their views, expresstheir demands, monitoring the government and to reflect social issues platform thatenables network public opinion continues to grow.Public opinion, public opinion is asocial network 'barometer', in reality, a variety of social problems, conflicts, willfocus on the network, and expand occur in cyberspace.However, the network ofpublic opinion is a 'double-edged sword', which is characterized by liberalizationand diversification can not help but make a variety of public opinion Nishajuxia, false,false rumors of network public opinion would social stability, national security andharmony have an extremely great instability.And because the social network publicopinion supervision function is increasing, which requires the government's socialmanagement department must recognize and learn its propagation law, so correct andeffective response to network public opinion, and be able to seize the initiative, takeadvantage of the Internet for propaganda and guide social the role of publicopinion.How to deal with network policies become the focus of public opinion andpublic opinion research hotspot networks, and effective strategies must be combinedwith practice in order to play the guiding role. This paper uses the method of case analysis, includes five parts.The first part isthe introduction, describes the purpose and significance of the topic,literature review,theoretical tools and research methods, innovation and deficiency of this paper;Thesecond part describes the 'Hainan Sanya overcharging' event, the government'sperformance to the event, the role of the media and the role described;The third partanalyzes the reasons of network public opinion crisis, the key nodes of crisis warming,the key role of Internet users on the network public opinion crisis, The disadvantageabout the government in response to the network public opinion crisis;The fourth part summarizes the Countermeasures of government dealing with the network publicopinion crisis, through the analysis of relevant successful cases, to improve themanagement of the network public opinion crisis and the guide of network publicopinion;The fifth part is the conclusion, thinking about the occurrence and responseto the network public opinion in the new media, and, hopeing the government tosolve deep-seated social contradictions in dealing with the network public opinioncrisis.

关 键 词: 网络舆情 政府应对 危机管理

分 类 号: [D63]

领  域: [政治法律] [政治法律]


作者 王洪华
作者 谢清华
作者 侯东阳
作者 郝岩峰
作者 罗晋京


机构 华南理工大学
机构 中山大学
机构 暨南大学
机构 华南师范大学
机构 广州大学公共管理学院


作者 康秋实
作者 廖伟导
作者 廖芳
作者 张万坤
作者 张光亚