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Study on the Earthquake Disaster Emergency Management Mechanism of Archives Department

导  师: 向立文

学科专业: 1205

授予学位: 硕士

作  者: ;

机构地区: 湘潭大学

摘  要: 当前,我国自然灾害频繁发生,其中地震是“群灾之首”,给人类生产生活造成巨大的破坏。例如2008年汶川特大地震造成的直接经济损失高达8451亿人民币。档案资源是人类社会极其重要的宝贵财富,地震灾害的发生,不仅对档案资源的安全来说是巨大的威胁,对相关档案部门的地震灾害应急管理能力和水平也提出了严峻的挑战。 档案部门地震灾害应急管理机制是档案安全体系建设的重要内容和内在要求。只有构建起全面、系统的地震灾害应急管理机制,档案部门才能有效预防和应对地震灾害,最大限度地保护档案资源的安全,从而保证人类社会历史的延续性与文明的传承性。本文基于应急管理理论,系统构建起档案部门地震灾害应急管理机制,为档案部门地震灾害应急管理提供理论指导和实践参考。 首先,本文通过对国内外相关研究文献进行梳理、归纳和总结,了解和分析目前学术界对地震灾害应急管理研究的重点以及特点,提出本文研究的主要内容。 其次,在对四川省档案局、雅安市档案局、四川档案学校(北川档案抢救中心)、北川档案局进行实地调研的基础上,分析了我国现阶段档案部门地震灾害应急管理的基本现状,并对存在问题和成因进行了深入剖析,在此基础上提出构建档案部门地震灾害应急管理机制的设想。 最后,基于应急管理一般流程,从灾前预防准备机制、灾中紧急抢救机制、灾后恢复机制三个方面,系统构建起档案部门地震灾害应急管理机制。笔者认为,在预防准备阶段,建议从地震应急预案、制度建设、意识培养、物质保障、应急技术五个方面建立健全档案部门地震灾害预防准备机制,增强档案部门地震灾害防范能力。在紧急抢救阶段,档案部门需要建立健全震中紧急抢救机制,提升� Currently, The natural disasters occur frequently in our country, the earthquake isthe worst disaster among those. They bring emormous damage to the production andlife of human society. For example, the direct economic losses caused by Wenchuanearthquake in2008is up to845.1billion yuan. Archives resource is an importantsocial asset of human beings. but earthquake disaster is not only a huge threat to thesecure of archives resources. but also put a severe challenge in earthquake emergencymanagement of related Archives. The emergency management mechanism of earthquake disaster is an importantcontent and inherent requirements to the archives security system construction. onlyby establishing a comprehensive and systematic emergency management mechanismwe are able to prevent and respond effectively to the earthquake disaster, to maximizethe protection of the archive safety, to insure the continuity of the history of humansociety and the Inheritance of civilization. This paper create the emergencymanagement mechanism of earthquake disaster based on the theory of emergencymanagement in order to provide theoretical guidance and practical reference for thearchive earthquake disaster management. Firstly, through the carding、 inducting and summaring of relevant literature athome and abroad, This paper understand and analyze the current academic focus andfuture trends in research development of earthquake emergency management ofearthquake disaster, Finally determined the main contents of this paper. Secondly, On the basis of field research about Sichuan province Archives、Ya'anArchives、Sichuan Archive school /(Beichuan Archive Rescue Center/)、BeichuanArchive, This paper analyzes the status of the emegency management of earthquakedisaster at this stage, depthly dissects the problem and the reason, Finally putsforward ideas of the emergency management of earthquake mechanism on this basis. Finally, based on the general emergency management process, This paper createthe emergency management of earthquake disa

关 键 词: 档案 地震灾害 应急管理

领  域: [天文地球] [天文地球] [天文地球] [文化科学]


作者 钱程程
作者 曾庆芬
作者 桂艳宇
作者 韩湘漪
作者 黄杰敏


机构 中山大学
机构 华南理工大学
机构 中山大学资讯管理学院
机构 暨南大学
机构 中山大学资讯管理学院信息管理系


作者 曲进
作者 徐锦堂
作者 张祖荣
作者 黄霓
作者 林平凡