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A Case Study of the Implementation of Primary School Science Curriculum under the New Curriculum

导  师: 熊梅

学科专业: 040102

授予学位: 博士

作  者: ;

机构地区: 东北师范大学

摘  要: 课程是学校教育的基础,课程改革一直是教育改革的核心。小学科学课程是在我国新一轮的课程改革中诞生的,该课程把培养小学生的科学素养作为科学教育的根本宗旨。2001年《国务院关于基础教育改革与发展的决定》颁布后,《全日制义务教育科学(3—6年级)课程标准(实验稿)》开始在全国38个国家级实验区进行实验。然而,在我国小学科学课程改革十多年来,许多学校在实施小学科学课程时举步维艰。小学科学课程改革方案在学校实际运行过程中究竟是怎么样的?是什么因素导致了小学科学课程实施的状态?我们应该如何改变这种现状?这些问题的回答都是小学科学课程改革走向成功,使全面提高小学生科学素养要求真正落到实处不容回避的问题。因此,小学科学课程实施的研究是进一步推进小学科学课程改革的关键所在。 本论文的研究目的是立足于学校场景研究小学科学课程实施的样态,探寻当前小学科学课程实施的本来面目。根据本研究的目的和研究者所关注的焦点,研究者以质化研究为取向,以“工具性”个案研究为策略,综合运用访谈法、观察法、文件分析法等多种具体的研究方法,还原小学科学课程实施的真实样态。在本研究选取了一些有代表性的学校为个案,以某市五所个案学校中的23名科学学科教师为主要研究对象全程跟踪教师的课堂教学过程,深入认识目前小学科学课程实施的现状,了解影响小学科学课程实施的影响因素,揭示新课程下小学科学课程实施的特征,为小学科学课程实施的进一步推进提供依据。 本研究在有关课程与课程实施相关理论研究成果的基础上,对小学科学课程的文件课程进行深入解读,从教师的课程决策入手,对小学科学课程实施的现状进行深入研究。对小学科学课程实施影响因素的分析主要立足于以下几方面,首先是课程本身的因素,主要关注的方面是地方、学校、教师对改革的需要,实施者对改革的清晰程度、文件课程——课程标准、教材、教学参考等的实用性。教师层面的影响主要包括教师的个人特征、教师的知识、教师信念、培训等方面。学校的特征,主要关注来自于学校层面的对该学科的支持,如校长的工作支持、学校行政的工作、学校的支持系统、学校的环境、学校文化、学生的学习。学校外部的特征,主要来自于社区与家长的影响、政府部门的影响、社会各界的理解、支持和帮助等因素。通过对小学科学教师课程实施现状的分析以及影响小学科学课程实施因素的分析,总结出了小学科学课程课程实施的特征。研究发现,目前小学科学课程实施特征如下:第一,实施者对小学科学课程价值的认同高、使用教材的难度大。第二,实施主体的认识和行为相悖离。第三,实施课程与文件课程的要求差异明显。第四,目前小学科学课程的实施环境并不能满足课程需要。第五,影响小学科学课程实施的核心因素主要为校长对小学科学课程的重视程度,小学科学教师的专业性,小学科学教师的培训支持,小学科学课的社会评价导向,课程本身的因素。 根据本研究的发现,本研究对进一步促进小学科学课程的实施提出如下建议:第一,我们要加强科学教育的政策法规建设。第二,努力解决小学科学教师的专业化问题。一方面要加强小学科学教师的职前培养。另一方面要针对目前的师资水平,进行有针对性的培训。其次,教师自身也要树立终身学习的理念以适应小学科学课程教学需要。第三,要增强学校校长对该课程的重视程度。第四,改进现有小学科学课的评价体系。第五,文件课程的修订要提高与教师的适切性。第六,通过多方力量合作提升课程实施水平。 Education is the foundation of the school curriculum, curriculum reform hasbeen the core of education reform. Elementary science curriculum was born in China'snew round of curriculum reform, the development of scientific literacy courses tostudents as the fundamental purpose of science education. After2001," the StateCouncil on Basic Education Reform and Development " was announced," full-timecompulsory education science /(grade3-6/) curriculum standards /(trial version/)"began in the country38national experimental zone experiment. However, ourprimary science curriculum reform in the past decade, many schools struggling in theimplementation of primary school science curriculum. Elementary school sciencecurriculum reform program in the actual operation of the process is how exactly?What factors led to the implementation of the state 's primary science curriculum?How should we change this situation? Answering these questions is elementaryscience curriculum reform to succeed, so comprehensively improve the scientificliteracy of students required to truly implement an unavoidable issue. Therefore, thestudy 's primary science curriculum is to further promote the implementation ofelementary science curriculum reform is the key. literacy of students required to trulyimplement an unavoidable issue. Therefore, the study's primary science curriculum isto further promote the implementation of elementary science curriculum reform is thekey. The purpose of this paper is based on the kind of state elementary school scienceresearch scene implemented programs to explore the implementation of the currentprimary science curriculum as it is. According to the purpose and focus of thisresearch concerns the researcher, the researcher qualitative research oriented, with"instrumental" case study strategy, integrated use of interviews, observation,document analysis and other specific research methods, elementary school sciencecourse to restore the true kind of state. In the present study selected somerepresentative cases of schools to a city school in five cases of23scientific disciplinesclassroom teachers teaching teachers the main research object tracking, in-depthunderstanding of the current status of primary school science curriculumimplementation, understanding factors affecting the implementation of primaryscience curriculum, revealing the implementation of the new curriculum under theprimary science curriculum features provide the basis for the implementation of elementary science curriculum further. On the basis of the courses and curriculum implementation of relevant theoreticalresearch on science curriculum for elementary school curriculum in-depthinterpretation of the file, starting from the teacher's curriculum decisions, the statusof the implementation of the primary science curriculum in-depth study. Analysis ofthe primary science curriculum implementation factors mainly based on the followingaspects, the first factor is the course itself, the main concern is the aspect of theplace, schools, teachers need to reform, reform of the perpetrators of the clarity of thedocument courses-curriculum standards, textbooks, and other teaching referencepracticality. The main impact of teacher-level aspects of personal characteristicsincluding teachers, teacher knowledge, teacher beliefs and training. Schoolcharacteristics, focusing on support from the school level subjects, such as work tosupport principals, school administration work, school support system, the schoolenvironment, school culture, student learning. Schools external features, mainly fromthe affected communities and parents, the impact of government departments tounderstand the community, support and help other factors. Through the analysis ofprimary school science curriculum implementation status of teachers in primaryschool science curriculum and an analysis of the factors affecting the implementation,summed up the primary school science curriculum curriculum implementationcharacteristics. The study found that the current primary school science curriculumimplementation features are as follows: First, the value of primary school sciencecurriculum implementers of recognition is high, the use of materials is difficult.Second, the implementation body awareness and behavior contrary from. Third, theimplementation of programs and documents required curriculum differences aresignificant. Fourth, the current implementation of environmental elementary sciencecurriculum does not meet curriculum needs. Fifth, the impact of the implementationof primary science curriculum as a core element of the main principals emphasis onprimary science curriculum, training support elementary school science teacherprofessionalism, elementary science teachers, elementary school science classesoriented social evaluation, curriculum itself factors. According to the research findings, this study further promote theimplementation of primary science curriculum made the following recommendations:First, we need to strengthen science education policies and regulations. Second,efforts to address the problem of specialization in primary school science teachers. Onthe one hand to strengthen the pre-primary school science teacher training. On the other hand to the teachers for the current level of targeted training. Second, teachersalso must establish the concept of lifelong learning to adapt to the needs of teachingelementary science curriculum. Third, to enhance the degree of the School Curriculumattention. Fourth, improve the evaluation system of the existing primary schoolscience class. Fifth, the revised document to improve the curriculum and teachersappropriateness. Sixth, through the power of collaboration to enhance multi-levelcurriculum implementation.

关 键 词: 小学科学课程 课程实施 课程决策 个案研究

分 类 号: [G623.6]

领  域: [文化科学]


作者 李水霞
作者 张释元
作者 郑鑫
作者 黄思维
作者 何丽娴


机构 华南师范大学
机构 中山大学
机构 香港中文大学
机构 广州大学
机构 广东外语外贸大学


作者 庞菊香
作者 康超
作者 廖燕萍
作者 廖荆梅
作者 张丽娟