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A Communicative Translation Theory-based Approach to the Chinese-English Translation of Museum Texts in Hubei Provincial Museum

导  师: 田传茂

学科专业: 050211

授予学位: 硕士

作  者: ;

机构地区: 长江大学

摘  要: 博物馆是征集、典藏、陈列和研究代表自然和人类文化遗产的实物的场所,是民族文化对内继承和对外传播不可或缺的工具和平台,是一个国家或地区悠久历史的缩影。作为楚文化发祥地的湖北省,其博物馆更因其所收藏的文物历史悠久、形式多样、内容丰富而散发出独特的魅力,吸引着国内外大批游客。在文化传承和传播中,由于东西方文化的差异使得文本翻译扮演着很重要的角色。而文本译文的好坏直接影响着其对外文化的交流与传播。 然而,由于缺乏理论指导和相关部门的足够重视,博物馆文本英译依然问题重重,湖北省博物馆文本英译中也存在很多问题。相关的研究更是屈指可数,而本文的研究对象——湖北省博物馆文本英译,在中国知网上基本上还没有类似的相关研究。本文试图借助纽马克的交际翻译理论对湖北省博物馆文本的英译进行尝试性研究,以探索提高湖北省博物馆文本英译质量的有效策略。 本文以湖北省博物馆所陈列的四件镇馆之宝的宣传手册为分析语料,根据吉迪恩·图里的描述翻译学,对文本进行描述并比较原文、译文的特点以及二者之间的异同。将对比分析得出的异同点,通过尤金·奈达所提出的动态对等理论对异同点进行分类,分析并阐释译者在翻译过程中如何应对原文中的语言文化难点,最终以彼得·纽马克倡导的交际翻译理论来检验译文是否达到了预期的交际效果,即译文对于以英语为母语的游客和原文对于以汉语为母语的游客所达到的交际效果是否一致。 本论文共分为五章。第一章简要介绍了本论文的研究背景与目的,研究意义和预期的结论以及论文的结构安排。第二章是文献综述,分析了目前国内对湖北省博物馆文本英译的研究现状。第三章对奈达的功能对等理论、纽马克的交际翻译理论和图里的描述翻译学的定义、理论的核心内容以及理论与研究材料的融合做了全面的介绍。第四章首先介绍了博物馆文本的特征和湖北省博物馆的基本概况,然后基于交际翻译理论,探讨了湖北省博物馆文本英译中所运用的翻译策略和原则,并探讨了出现的问题和翻译失准的地方。第五章是对整个论文的总结、本研究的局限性以及对未来进一步研究提出的建议。 A museum is considered as an indispensable tool and platform for national culture of internal inheritance and external communication, which acquires, retains, researches and exhibits the tangible heritage of humanity and is a microcosm of long history of a country or region. As the birthplace of Chu culture, Hubei Province boasts its provincial museum, namely Hubei Provincial Museum which attracts a large number of domestic and foreign tourists with its unique glamour because of its long history, various forms and rich content. Due to the differences between Eastern and Western cultures, the translation of texts plays a very important role in dissemination of the cultural heritage. However, the quality of the translation has a direct and great impact on cultural exchange and dissemination with foreign countries. However, due to the lack of sufficient attention and theoretical guidance, the translation of museum texts is still baffled. There are also many problems in the translation of museum texts from Hubei Provincial Museum. Furthermore, the study on the translation of museum texts has not yet got enough attention up to now. According to the results retrieved from the China National Knowledge Infrastructure, there are basically no exactly the same or similar studies about the object this thesis intends to study:the Chinese-English translation of museum texts in Hubei Provincial Museum. This thesis attempts to study the texts from Hubei Provincial Museum by employing Peter Newmark's communicative translation theory to explore effective strategies for the improvement of translation of museum texts. In the thesis, the collected data, especially the brochures the author has chosen can represent the most valuable treasures among the collections of Hubei Provincial Museum. According to Gideon Toury's Descriptive Translation Studies, the author is able to describe the source texts and compare the source texts with translated texts in order to point out the features of translation and the similarities and differences between the Chinese and English versions. By adopting Eugene A. Nida's functional equivalence theory, the author classifies and analyzes the similarities and differences between the source and target texts and interprets how the translator handles the cultural difficulties with respect to the source language. Finally, the author adopts Newmark's communicative translation theory to test and check the effect and influence of communication, namely whether the intended effects of the translated texts for English-speaking tourists and the texts for Chinese-speaking tourists are the same. This thesis is composed of five chapters. Chapter One gives a general introduction to this thesis, containing the research background, research purpose, rationale, expected findings and structure of the thesis. Chapter Two is the literature review, which contains the present situation of the study on Chinese-English translation of museum texts in Hubei Provincial Museum. Chapter Three refers to the theoretical framework of this study, focusing on Nida's functional equivalence theory, Newmark's communicative translation theory, Gideon Toury's Descriptive Translation Studies and integration of the theories and translation of museum texts. Chapter Four firstly introduces the characteristics of the translation of museum texts and Hubei Provincial Museum, and then concentrates on the strategies and principles for Chinese-English translation of Hubei Provincial Museum texts and some problems and errors based on communicative translation theory. The strategies and principles for Chinese-English translation of museum texts are put forward. Chapter Five is about the summary of the whole thesis, limitations of this study and the recommendations for future research.

关 键 词: 湖北省博物馆 文本 翻译 交际翻译理论 翻译策略

分 类 号: [H315.9]

领  域: [语言文字]


作者 尚延延
作者 梁波
作者 陆玲玲
作者 郑淳钰
作者 丁红朝


机构 广东外语外贸大学
机构 暨南大学
机构 中山大学
机构 广州大学外国语学院
机构 华南理工大学


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