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A Study of CAN Bus Drilling Monitoring System for All-hydraulic Core Deep Hole Drill

导  师: 蒋国盛

学科专业: 081803

授予学位: 博士

作  者: ;

机构地区: 中国地质大学

摘  要: 随着经济快速发展,我国资源与能源消耗量巨大,而资源的匮乏将严重阻碍我国经济建设的步伐。为此,国务院在“关于加强地质工作的决定”/(国发/[2006/)4号文/)中强调“应大力推进深部和外围找矿工作,提高基础地质调查程度”。从此,国内掀起了在边远地区和深部找矿的热潮。 钻探技术是获取地下深部勘探对象实物地质资料的唯一手段。钻探的工作对象是地壳,由于地壳岩石自身的复杂性,加之钻进过程发生在地下深部,使得钻探工程具有耗资大、风险高的特点。随着找矿工作的难度和深度加大,凭经验控制钻探过程更加困难,孔内事故时有发生。据不完全统计,每年因孔/(井/)内钻探事故造成的经济损失数以亿元计。因此,国内外钻探/(井/)界都清醒地认识到,为钻探机械配上“钻探参数监测仪表”/(以下简称“钻参仪”/),实施钻探过程的连续监测,识别并预报孔内异常工况,是由凭经验打钻走向科学施工的必由之路,是降低孔/(井/)内事故率,实现高效、低成本钻探生产的关键技术措施,也是落实国务院加强地质工作决定的重要战略任务之一,是促进钻探技术进步实现深部钻探的物质基础。 在找矿工作量逐年递增,钻孔深度越来越深的背景下,国内地勘钻探企业普遍开始对岩心钻探装备进行更新和升级。论文以国内外钻机主要发展方向——全液压深孔岩心钻机为基础,研究配套的钻进参数监测仪表,符合未来的发展方向,具有实际意义和实用价值。 笔者参与了中国地质大学/(武汉/)鄢泰宁教授主持的国家高技术研究发展计划/(863计划/)重点项目“2000m地质岩心钻探关键技术与装备”子课题“高精度钻探参数监测系统研制”/(2007AA060701/)和中国地质调查局“科学超深井钻探技术方案预研究”/(SinoProbe05-06/)中专题十二“钻进数据采集、传输与处理技术的研究”,主持了国家发展和改革委员会和中国地质调查局“中国地质调查局地质队伍“野战军”技术装备专项调整项目”中的“岩芯钻进试验台录井系统”/(CGS-ZB-2011-0018/)和校级中央高校基本科研业务费专项资金“深部钻探参数的采集、处理和优化研究”/(CUGL120249/)。在这些项目中,以全液压岩心钻机和配套设备为主,研究了各个钻进参数的检测方法、工作原理、传感器选型和安装方式等。利用这些项目研究的成果,我们研制了CUG-X系列钻探参数监测系统。 CUG-X系列钻参仪的整体设计方案为:采用模块化设计,各个传感器依据位置、功能等分布在钻机和配套设备上;数据采集模块采取就近原则对1个或多个传感器进行信号处理,使其数字化;依据现场分布使用CAN总线将各个采集模块的数据进行汇总,通过通用串行接口USB将所有数据交由计算机处理;借助计算机的强大数据处理功能,扩展多种功能。借助这套方案,研制的CUG-2成功应用于山东乳山金青顶金矿区ZK43-1孔,CUG-3以及CUG-3A应用于成都探矿工艺研究所的岩心钻进试验台,也应用在轻便全液压动力头钻机和XY-8立轴式钻机和配套设备上。 全文共分六章,各章的主要研究内容概述如下: 第一章、阐述论文选题的来源、研究目的、研究意义及国内外研究现状,概述论文的主要研究内容及采用的技术路线。 第二章、基于现场钻探设备、工艺对钻进参数监测仪的需求的调研结果,结合系统的研制目标和关键技术,提出系统的主体设计方案。 第三章、从钻进工艺出发,归纳了钻进过程或工程录井中必须准确测量的钻压、功率、扭矩、泵压、泥浆返量、泥浆温度、回转器转速、液压马达转速、泵量、动力头/(或立轴给进/)位移、泥浆池液面高度等参数,并对其进行分类,详细讨论了笔者在科研中检测这些参数的方法和工作原理,阐述了传感器的选型方法和安装方式。 第四章、重点论述笔者自行研制的数据采集板和数据通讯的组成和原理,以及实现各个功能的电路设计和思路。 第五章、遵循理论联系实际和实践检验理论设计的原则,详细介绍了CUG-2钻参仪在山东乳山金青顶金矿区ZK43-1孔和CUG-3A在成都探矿工艺研究所岩心钻进实验台的生产、应用情况,简单介绍了其它方面/(如XY-8钻机/)的应用。 第六章、结论与展望,总结了全文的主要创新与研究成果,同时也指出了课题研究过程中存在的不足之处,对进一步的研究工作提出了展望和一些建议。 综观全文,论文的主要创新点及研究成果如下: 主要创新点: 1、针对全液压动力头岩心钻机和相关设备,首次提出用压力传感器测压差和接近开关测流量的新方法对钻机液压动力头的回转扭矩和功率进行检测,研制的钻进参数监测系统成功应用于钻探现场。 2、深部岩心钻探多种钻进工艺并存,工艺、设备、机具复杂,钻进参数改变频繁,且紧急情况下要求处理迅速。论文对全液压钻机立轴、转盘、动力头、顶驱等部件在单一工艺和组合工艺条件下的参数实时监测方法,工艺切换判据,快速换装模块与连接等关键技术展开深入研究,使我们研制的钻参仪能适应国内钻探现场需求,降低成本,便于推广 3、针对深部钻探孔内事故多发的特点,研制的钻参仪具备孔内典型工况快速识别功能,并在此基础上提出了开发低成本钻参仪的设计方案。 主要研究成果: 1、针对全液压岩心钻机和配套设备的特点,研究了各参数的测试原理,完成了各传感器的选型设计与安装设计,并在生产实践中得到了验证。 2、在对各类传感信号归类的基础上,有针对性地设计、研制了专用数据采集板,可集中处理大多数钻探测试信号。 3、依据钻探现场的特点,优化了模块化设计,采用CAN总线将各个分散的测试点联接起来,借鉴DEVICENET总线电缆形式将电源和信号线合二为一,简化了连接和布线方式,避免了现场电缆蜘蛛网状的乱象。 4、论文认真总结了笔者多年来从事钻进参数测试的科研成果与经验,对存在的主要问题进行了分析,提出了改进设计的方案或思路。 笔者展望,随着国内深部岩心钻探工作量的递增,深部岩心钻机和配套设备的研制工作也如火如茶地发展。新型钻探设备和新的钻进工艺需要新的测试方法和手段,深孔岩心钻探工作量的增长也将加大对钻参仪的需求,今后的研发工作将越来越多。我们必须紧随钻探设备和技术的进步,将现代测试技术、计算机技术、数据处理和信号传输技术与钻探技术结合起来,发挥我校在这方面的传统优势,加紧深入研究,与国内外其它同行一起继续致力于该技术的进一步完善。 本文是笔者多年来在导师指导下从事钻进参数测试研究工作的总结,希望能为钻进参数检测系统在国内的推广应用起到借鉴与促进作用。 With the rapid development of economy, a contradiction between the decline of remaining energy resources and increasing consumption demand will severely hamper the pace of economic construction. In this context, the spirit of "vigorously advance the deep and periphery prospecting, improve the extent of fundamental geology survey" was emphasized in "Decision of the State Council on Strengthening Geological Work"/(No.4Document of the State Council,2006/) by the State Council. From then on, resources exploration turns to the remote areas and deep earth had become a hot trend in China. Drilling is the only way to get the geologic information of the deep underground drilling target. Due to the complexity of crustal rock itself and the deep underground operating condition, drilling project typically exhibit large investment and high risk characteristics. Accompanied the increase of difficulty and depth in prospecting work, it's more and more difficult to control the drilling process by experience and so accidents in drilled hole frequently happened. According to incomplete statistics, each year the economic loss caused by drilling accidents up to hundreds of millions. Therefore, domestic and overseas drilling experts are soberly realized that equip the drilling mechanic with drilling parameters monitor /(hereafter referred to as DPM/) is the necessary method to transform drilling by experience to scientific drilling. By this improvement, the drilling process will be continuously monitored and the abnormal condition inside borehole will be timely identified and forecasted. This is a key technology for reducing drilling accident, achieving the goal of efficient and low-cost drilling production. Meanwhile, it's one of the important strategies to implement the "Decision of the State Council on Strengthening Geological Work", and basis of accelerating the progress of drilling technology and deep drilling implementation. With increasing of the drilling workload of geological prospecting and the drilling depths year by year, geological exploration drilling companies began to update and upgrade the core drilling equipment. This dissertation based on the development direction of drilling rigs which mainly refers to the all-hydraulic operated deep hole drill, study the matched drilling parameters monitor. It's in line with the future development direction and has practical significance and application value. As a participant, the author participated several research projects such as the project of "development of high accuracy drilling parameters monitor" charged by professor Yan Tai-ning, which was subproject of the National High Technology research and Development Program/("863" program/) of China; and the project of "study the collection, transmission and processing of drilling data" charged also by professor Yan Tai-ning, which was the twelfth subject of the China Geological Survey's project "pilot study of ultra-deep well scientific drilling technical proposal"/(No. Sino Probe05-06/). As a project manager, there are some project experience as follows:project of "logging systems of core drilling test bench"/(No.CGS-ZB-2011-0018/) which was subproject of "special adjustment of the technique and equipment of China Geological Survey's geological team" belonged to China's Development and Reform Commission and China Geological Survey; Project of "study the collection, processing and optimization of the deep drilling parameters "/(No.CUGL120249/) which was sponsored by university special fund from the fundamental research funds for the central universities. The focus of these projects was on all-hydraulic core drill and associated equipment, detection method and working principle of each drilling parameter, type selection and installation method of transducers were detailedly studied. Using the results from these research projects, a CUG-X series drilling parameter monitoring system was developed. The designing scheme of the CUG-X series drilling parameter monitoring system are:adopt modular design, the distribution order of each transducer on core drill and associated equipment was based on the location and function; employ the principle of nearby to processing signals from one or more transducers for the data acquisition module to make the signals digital; aggregate the data from each module by CAN, through the serial USB interface all the data are transferred to computer for processing; with the aid of the powerful data processing function of computer, extend some other functions. Based on this scheme, the CUG-2series was successfully applied in ZK43-1well which located in Rushan Jin Qing top gold diggings in Shandong province, CUG-3and CUG-3A series were successfully applied for the core drilling test bench of Institute of Exploration Technology in Chengdu, and also applied on the portable all-hydraulic motor head drive drill, XY-8series vertical shaft coring drilling rig and the associated equipment. This dissertation is divided into six chapters, the contents of each chapter are summarized as follows: Chapter1:The first section, illuminates the origin, aim, significance, status, content and the track of the technology. Chapter2:After a field investigation of equipment, process conditions and requirement for the drilling parameters monitor, the design scheme of the body system is proposed combined the objective existing key problems of the system development. Chapter3:Proceed from the drilling techniques, this section covers all the parameters which must be accurately measured. These parameters include bit pressure, power, torque, pump pressure, mud return flow, mud temperature, rotate speed of the gyrator and hydraulic motor, pump volume, displacement of the power head/(or vertical shaft feed/) and liquid level of the mud pit. After classifying these parameters, it detailedly reports the detection method and working principle of these parameters and type selection and installation of transducers that ever appeared in the past research work. Chapter4:This section mainly focus on the constitute and principle of the data acquisition boards and data communications, as well as the ideas of circuit design that developed by the author. Chapter5:Follow the theory with practice and the principle that theoretical design should be tested by practice, This section presents the case study of the application of CUG-2series drilling parameters monitor in ZK43-1well which located in Rushan Jin Qing top gold diggings in Shandong province, CUG-3and CUG-3A series for the core drilling test bench of Institute of Exploration Technology in Chengdu, as well as some other applications/(XY-8drill rig/). Chapter6:Conclusions and prospects. Summarizes the research result and innovation, points out the deficiencies of the research, outline some advice for the future work. Overall, the main results and innovation points are as follows: Main innovation points: 1. Aimed at the all-hydraulic power head core drill and associated equipment, for the first time to advocate the method that detect the rotary torque and power of hydraulic power head by using pressure transducer to measure the differential pressure and using proximity transducer to measure fluid flow. At last a practicable drilling parameters monitoring system was developed and successfully applied in practice. 2. A variety of drilling technologies coexist in the industry of deep core drilling, usually the technology, equipment and implements are very complex, drilling parameters change frequently and there is a requirement of rapid management under emergency situations. This dissertation studies some key technologies such as the real-time drilling parameters monitoring of the vertical shaft, rotary plate, power head and top drive under different conditions, accurate judgement of process conversion and quickly install and link the modularized components in depth. This system can meet the requirement of field application, and if further reduce the cost, it will have a broad prospect for generalization. 3. In view of the characteristics of accident-prone deep well drilling, the developed drilling parameters monitor can quickly identify the typical working conditions. Further, a new design scheme of low cost drilling parameter monitoring system has been proceeded. Main research achievements: 1. In view of the characteristics of all-hydraulic core drill and associated equipment, this dissertation studied the test principle of these parameters, realized the type selection and installation of the transducers, as well as the application of the developed system in production practice. 2. After classifying the signals from different transducers, this dissertation specifically designed a targeted data acquisition board for centrally processing the most detection signal. 3. According to the characteristics of drilling field, the modular design was optimized. Link up the dispersed test points by CAN and combine the power source and signal by referencing the cable type of DEVICENET, the wiring way and connection are simplified and therefore avoid the araneose chaos. 4. This dissertation puts forward the achievements and experience of the author's years of drilling parameters measurement practice, analyzes the existed problems and proposes the improving scheme for design. With the increasing of deep well drilling workload, research and development work on deep core drill and associated equipment are proceeded at a furious pace. New type of drilling rig and new technology of course need fresh test method, meanwhile the increase of deep core drilling workload also increase the requirement to drilling parameters monitor, so the research work must keep up with the development of equipment and technology. For future work we must combine the modern testing technology, computer technique, data processing technique and transmission technique with drilling technique, develop the advantage of our university in drilling industry, to further improve the technology by deeper study with other peers. This dissertation is a summary of the author's years of drilling parameters measurement practice under the supervisor's guidance, wish it can be a reference and promotion for the generalization of the drilling parameter monitoring system.

关 键 词: 钻进参数监测 全液压 深部钻探 总线

分 类 号: [P634.31]

领  域: [天文地球] [天文地球]


作者 雷瑞庭


机构 华南理工大学电子与信息学院


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