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Investigation of the Teaching for Improving Practical Ability in Pre-education Dancing Course

导  师: 黄小明

学科专业: 0451

授予学位: 硕士

作  者: ;

机构地区: 广西师范大学

摘  要: 党的十八大再次提出办好学前教育和加强师资队伍建设,说明了国家对学前教育的重视和教师队伍建设的高度关注,学前教育迎来了前所未有的大好发展机遇,而加快建设一支师高素质的幼儿教师队伍才是关系学前教育事业发展的关键。 舞蹈课作为学前教育专业一门主要的专业课,我们的最终目的是根据社会需要,为培养实用型的幼儿园教师而服务的。而现实的学前教育专业舞蹈教学中,存在舞蹈专业化”或者“专业舞蹈课简化”的现象,脱离幼儿园工作的实际需要,不利于学前教育专业人才的培养。这就要求我们要从幼儿园实际工作出发,以促进幼儿的发展,培养能尽快适应工作岗位要求的幼儿教师为目标来反思我们的教学,进行教学改革。 笔者以文献研究法、调查法、经验总结法为主要方法进行研究,从舞蹈课教学出发,进行幼儿园实际工作对学前教育专业学生舞蹈能力要求的调查与分析,结合学前教育专业舞蹈教学现状,提出有针对性的教学改革思路和方法,为提高学生适应幼儿园实际工作的能力,研究学前教育专业舞蹈课程中强化实用性能力的教学,提出强化实用性舞蹈能力的教学内容和方法,为培养合格和优秀的幼儿园教师做些有益的探索。全文分为引言、第一部分、第二部分、第三部分、第四部分共五个章节。 引言部分介绍了选题的缘由、研究的目的意义、文献综述、研究的内容和研究的方法。 第一部分分析学前教育专业的专业特点和学生特点以及舞蹈对学前教育专业人才培养的意义,说明学前教育专业开设舞蹈课程的必要性。 第二部分针对幼儿园实际工作对教师的舞蹈实用性能力要求,按照广东省幼儿园级别从省一级幼儿园、市一级幼儿园、县/(市、区/)一级幼儿园分别进行调查,深入分析不同层次幼儿园对幼儿教师舞蹈能力的要求和近年学前教育专业毕业生在幼儿园实际工作中的舞蹈能力状况,总结了幼儿园工作对教师舞蹈实用性能力的具体要求,为下一步进行强化学生实用性舞蹈能力的教学研究提供可靠依据。 第三部分研究分析幼儿园工作对教师舞蹈实用性能力要求的调查结果,结合自己的教学经验,提出学前教育专业舞蹈课程中强化实用性能力的教学思考:学前教育专业舞蹈课教学中,首先要认真完成全方面的舞蹈基础部分教学,加强学生的舞蹈基本功。考虑学生今后的幼儿园实际工作需要,课堂教学中要大大丰富幼儿舞蹈方面的教学内容,使学生掌握更多切实可用的幼儿舞蹈内容。还要采用灵活多样的教学方法,如游戏法、体验法、说、唱、跳结合法、合作式教学、因材施教、分层式教学、加强幼儿园实地见习、实习法等方法培养学生的教学能力。教学中,我们还应坚持理论与实践相结合,逐步提高学生幼儿舞蹈的编创能力。 第四部分论述我们在学前教育专业舞蹈课程中强化实用性能力的教学的同时,还要关注学生实用性能力的可持续性发展。我们教给学生的知识是有限的,舞蹈知识也只是构成幼儿教师综合能力的一个组成部分,在教学中,我们要培养学生自学和终身学习的意识与能力,还要培养学生舞蹈的综合运用能力。 学前教育专业舞蹈课程中强化学生实用性能力的教学研究成果在实践中具有较强的可操作性和明显的实效性,以期提高学生对幼儿园实际工作的适应能力。在今后的教学中,愿与同仁们共同携手做更深入地研究。 Our country is placing great importance on pre-education and construction of teacher staff as indicated in the18th CPC National Congress. This brings new development opportunities for pre-eduction, where the most important is the construction of teacher staff. Pre-educational dancing course aims to train kindergarden teacher based on the needs of our society. However, currently, profesional dancing or profesional dancing course simplification is existed, which dose not meet the requirement of children in kindergarden and is unfavourable for pre-education teacher training. So the goal of teaching reforming is to promote the development of children and to train teachers who are qualified sooner. By using literature research, investigation and experience sum-up method, the author investigated and analyzed requirements of pre-eduction dancing teaching on dancing ability of students majoring in pre-education. In the present study, combining the analysis of pre-eduction dancing teaching status, the author proposed targeted teaching reforming and strategy for improving kindergarden children adaption; the author raised some teaching contents and methods to improve practical ability of dancing teaching in pre-eduction major. These is useful exploration for the training of qualified and talented kindergarden teachers. This paper was divided into five chapters:introduction, the first, second, third, forth sections. In the introduction, the author described the reasons of topic selection, aims, significances, contents, and method used of this study, as well as an review. In the first section, the author described the characteristics of pre-education major and students majoring in pre-eduction, as well as the advantages of dancing teaching on student training. The author also explained the necessity for dancing course in pre-education major. In the second section, the author conducted an investigation in kindergarden across Guangdong province, and analyzed the different requirements of different levels of kindergarden and status of dancing ability of pre-eduction graduates in kindergarden teaching. The author summarized the detailed requirements of kindergarden teaching for teacher's practical dancing ability. These provided useful clues for the investigation of the teaching for improving practical dancing ability. In the third section, the author analyzed the survey results. Combining the teaching experience, the author raised some proposition to improve the practical dancing ability of students majoring in pre-eduction. All aspects of basic dancing teaching should first be finished to improve student's basic dancing skills. The contents in child dancing should be enriched, enabling students to master more practical child dancing teaching contents. Variable teaching methods should be adopted, such as gaming law, experience method, saying, singing, dancing binding to assay, co-teaching, individualized hierarchical teaching, internship and probation in kindergarden, and so on. Theory and practice should be combined to improve gradually students' dance compilation ability. In the forth section, the author discussed the importance of the sustainability of students' practical ability. Since the knowledge taught is limited and the dancing knowledge constitutes only a part of the comprehensive ability of a pre-education teacher, students should develop awareness, capacity of self-learning and lifelong learning, as well as integrated ability of dance application. The results in this study are strongly operational and potential, which is expected to improve students's ability to adapt actual kindergarden work. I would like to perform further studies in a collaboration with colleagues in the future teaching work.

关 键 词: 学前教育专业 舞蹈 实用性能力

分 类 号: [J70-4 G652]

领  域: [艺术] [文化科学]


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机构 华南师范大学
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机构 韶关学院


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