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The Analysis of the Fiscal Appropriation System of Higher Education from the View of the Intensive Development

导  师: 叶战备

学科专业: 120401

授予学位: 硕士

作  者: ;

机构地区: 苏州大学

摘  要: 自1999年高等学校扩招以来,中国高等教育经历了跨越式的发展,高等学校规模和在校生人数迅速扩大。根据统计数据显示,中国高等教育已进入大众化阶段,特别是江苏省2012年毛入学率达45/%,接近普及化程度。但同时,高等教育生源质量有下滑的趋势,师资队伍数量和质量相对不足,高校人才培养水平面临着较为严峻的挑战。质言之,急需从过去那种盲目扩大规模的外延式发展模式转变到以提高质量为标志的内涵式发展道路上来。其相应的财力保障无疑依赖于高等教育经费投入方式的转变。 基于此,我们从高等教育内涵式发展这一视角来审视中国高等教育拨款制度的发展历程,同时结合江苏高等教育拨款制度的发展情况,着重探析了江苏高等教育拨款制度方面存在的诸如拨款政策参数单一、拨款方式不够透明和教育质量评估与经费拨款脱钩等问题,在此基础上,我们认为要更好地促进高等教育内涵式发展,江苏高等教育拨款制需要从拨款体制、拨款分类、拨款模式和拨款效益评价等方面进行完善。 Since1999, the higher education in China has experienced a rapid development,and it is the same with the scale of higher schools and the number of the students. Somerelated statistics show that the higher education in China has entered the stage ofpopularization. For example, in Jiangsu province, the gross college enrollment ratereached45/%in2012. However, at the same time, the quality of the students shows adownward trend while the quality and quantity of teachers are relatively insufficient,which challenges the capacity of the schools of higher education in China to cultivatetheir students. In other words, we must transform the mode of higher education from theextensive one with the blind expansion of its scale as its feature to the intensive onecharacterized in the improvement of its quality, which also needs the correspondingchange in the ways the educational appropriations are allocated. Based on this, from theview of the intensive development in higher education in China, the thesis surveys thefiscal appropriation system of higher education in Jiangsu province and our country andmainly analyzes such problems as single indexes in fiscal appropriation system, opaqueways to appropriate funds and disconnections between fiscal appropriations and theevaluation of the education. On this basis, we think that in order to enhance theintensive development of higher education, the educational fiscal appropriation systemof higher education in Jiangsu province needs to be perfected in such aspects asappropriation pattern, classification, mode and evaluation of its economic benefit.

关 键 词: 高等教育 内涵式发展 拨款制度

分 类 号: [G649.2]

领  域: [文化科学] [文化科学]


作者 黄慧君
作者 杨云奇
作者 肖昊
作者 杨爱美
作者 余婉娜


机构 华南师范大学
机构 中山大学
机构 华南理工大学
机构 广东工业大学
机构 华南师范大学教育科学学院


作者 庞菊香
作者 康超
作者 廖燕萍
作者 廖荆梅
作者 张丽娟