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Research on KC Company Customer Relationship Management

导  师: 冯冈平

学科专业: 1202

授予学位: 硕士

作  者: ;

机构地区: 广东工业大学

摘  要: 中国加入WTO已有10多年,贸易壁垒正在逐步缩小,经济一体化进程加快,产品同质化日趋严重,替代品繁多,不同企业间的竞争达到白热化状态,尤其是2008年美国金融风暴后,东莞这个以加工和代加工/(OEM/&ODM/)为主的城市,很多中小企业生存状况堪忧。传统企业一直专注于扩大生产和以产品为中心,在新的市场环境下,以生产和产品为中心无法再持续优势,不得不转移到以客户为中心和以客户满意度为基准点,企业已经意识到客户是企业生存和发展的前提,市场竞争的实质就是争夺客户资源,与客户保持良好关系能给企业带来丰厚利润,高价值客户对企业发展至关重要。 客户关系管理/(CRM/)在西方国家产生,并形成系统已经有多年,客户关系管理的策略着眼点不仅是开发新的客户,更重要的是在开发新客户的同时不忘老客户,合理的细分客户,使得新老客户有层次、有重点进行。CRM是一种管理思维和方法,这种思维着重于以客户为中心,并且以获得、保持、和加深客户关系为其主要过程,通过技术手段细分客户价值,使得客户满意,并与之形成忠诚的战略伙伴关系。 文章是以东莞KC公司为背景,在研读大量相关理论著作和实际调查的基础上研究客户关系管理。分别从识别客户、细分客户、提高客户满意度及客户忠诚度展开,结合KC公司客户关系管理现状,从宏观、中观、微观上对KC公司的营销环境进行分析,指出KC公司客户关系管理在企业文化、管理理念、组织结构、市场营销、人力资源、信息支持系统等方面存在的主要问题及原因分析,例如,KC公司全体员工对客户关系管理没有形成统一的认同感,即管理目标不明确。运用客户关系管理的核心思想,结合企业当前的实际情况为KC公司设计出一套CRM的方案和实施计划,并对人力资源提出更高要求,要求信息技术更进一步细化,来支持公司的销售和营销,该方案强调了KC公司内部关系管理体系建设的重要性,以及营销团队专业化的作用,提出了如何提升客户关系管理能力以及如何完善客户关系管理的策略。通过实施该方案,最终提高了KC公司客户满意度和客户忠诚度,在客户满意的同时提升公司的利润增长点,增强公司核心竞争力,最终实现双赢,有利于KC公司的可持续发展。 With China's accession to WTO more than10years, trade barrier is less than before among countries, the process of global economic integration is accelerating, product homogeneity heavily, more and more substitute,the fierce competition among the different kinds of enterprises, especially after the2008financial crisis from the U.S. It is hard to survive for Dongguan small and medium manufacturing enterprises that are mainly processing /(OEM/&ODM/). The traditional enterprises focus on expansion of production scales and product centered. In the new market environment, enterprises can not continue keep core dominance. The concentration of the traditional enterprises is transfer from mass production to customer, because the customer is the basic of survival and development for the enterprises, the real competition for company is capture customer resources and with cooperation of them get profit growth. It's very crucial in this particular process of maintain a good working relationship with our customers. Customer relationship management /(CRM/) have been formed a system in Western countries enterprises for many years, CRM's strategic focus is not only to develop new customers, more important is development of new customers while not forgetting old customers, reasonable subdivision customers, making easier for the enterprises to get the high value customer during the new and old customers. CRM is an idea and also a method about management, it focuses on customer, it including to obtain customer, maintain customer, and deepen customer relationships as the main processes. Dividing the value customer by technical means, it make customer are satisfied and loyal as a strategic partnership. This paper is based on current work condition, in the background of KC CO.,ltd company, it research on Customer relationship management, it based on read so much domestic and foreign customer relations theory and actual survry,it centers around Identify customer, segment customer, improve customer satisfaction and customer loyalty management. It combine KC current CRM condition to analyze it from macro,meso and the micro-environment., It analyzed the problem of KC company CRM, and give the reason such as culture, philosophy, organization, marketing, HR, information and sustentation a/(?/) ect based on current KC actual environment, for example, the employees don't have CRM idea, then the management objectives are not clear. Finally, we use the core idea of customer relationship management to design a program to building KC CRM with the actual situation. In the guide of information technology support still require more step refinement, raised the importance of the relationship between KC internal management system, how to improve the customer relationship management capabilities, it can help KC improving customer satisfaction and customer loyalty, enhance KC profit growth and competitiveness, it is advantage of KC company's long-term development.

关 键 词: 客户关系管理 客户满意度 客户忠诚度

分 类 号: [F274 F426.63]

领  域: [经济管理] [经济管理] [经济管理]


作者 魏丽君
作者 李闻宇
作者 刘晓英
作者 徐小万
作者 叶冬燕


机构 华南理工大学
机构 中山大学
机构 暨南大学
机构 广东工业大学
机构 暨南大学管理学院


作者 廖刚
作者 张为
作者 张丽丽
作者 张丽娟
作者 张丽娟