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Research on Project Management of Financial IC Card Migration Implementation LG Bank

导  师: 刘洪伟

学科专业: 1202

授予学位: 硕士

作  者: ;

机构地区: 广东工业大学

摘  要: 随着国内银行金融IC卡规范的日臻成熟,以及PBOC2.0标准的颁布,中国人民银行和中国银联已将金融IC卡作为近几年的重点工作积极推动。中国人民银行将适时出台风险转移政策,将伪卡风险向未完成IC卡迁移一方进行倾斜。为响应中国人民银行监管要求,以及提高银行用卡安全性,各商业银行纷纷启动金融IC卡迁移项目,但因金融IC卡迁移项目的特性,对国内商业银行的项目管理提出了更高的要求和挑战。 本文以LG银行的金融IC卡迁移项目作为主要研究对象,结合金融IC卡迁移的特殊性,通过对国内外项目管理发展历史及现状进行分析,从金融IC卡迁移项目的规划阶段研究、执行阶段研究和金融IC卡迁移项目的经验总结及建议几个方面入手。首先分析介绍金融IC卡的国内外发展趋势、相关理论概述以及金融IC迁移原因,分析国内实施金融IC卡迁移的难点。然后对本文案例研究对象LG银行金融IC卡迁移项目建设做全面分析,包括其项目背景、目标及范围、计划、迁移的技术方案、预算及投资效益分析等。其次是对LG银行金融IC卡迁移项目的执行阶段展开研究,从项目团队组建、组织架构、职责分工、项目进度管理及项目实施过程规范管理等方面着手,研究LG银行如何利用团队组织架构、对技术条件、软硬件环境等资源进行整合,并灌穿项目管理方法体系,结合配置管理、沟通管理、需求及变更管理、技术规范及测试组织原则等深入项目管理的闭环控制,从中分析归纳LG银行项目管理的方法体系和经验。最后是总结LG银行实施金融IC卡迁移项目的成功之处以及改善建议。商业银行的IT项目实施,一方面要做好项目的前期规划,需紧密结合项目本身的特性因素;另一方面需制定完善的项目实施规范以及进度管理措施。 期望通过本文的研究内容,读者能够从本案例的项目管理方法得到一些对IT项目管理有益的实用性成果,同时对国内商业银行的IT项目管理起到借鉴作用。 With the domestic banking financial IC card standard has matured, and the promulgation of PBOC2.0standards, The People's Bank of China and Chinese UnionPay has financial IC card as a key work in recent years to promote the positive. The people's Bank of China will timely introduction of risk transfer policy, the credit card risk to the unfinished IC card migration party tilt. In response to the people's Bank of China regulatory requirements, and improve the bank card security, the commercial banks have started the financial IC card transfer project, but because of the financial IC card migration characteristics of the project, and put forward higher requirements and challenges of project management in domestic commercial banks. In this paper, the financial IC card transfer project LG bank as the main object of study, combined with the special nature of the financial IC card migration, through the analysis of the domestic and international project management development history and current situation, starting from the planning stage of financial IC card migration project, the implementation stage research and financial IC card migration project experience and suggestion. First introduced the development trend of financial IC card at home and abroad, an overview of relevant theory and financial IC reasons for migration, analyzing the difficulties in implementing the financial IC card transfer. Then the research object in the case LG bank financial IC card transfer projects do a comprehensive analysis, including its background, goal and scope, schedule, budget and transfer scheme, investment benefit analysis. The second is the research on the execution stage LG bank financial IC card migration project, from project team, standardized management, organizational structure, responsibilities, project management and implementation of the project started, research LG how banks use team organization, integration of technical conditions, the soft hardware environment, resources, and penetration system of project management methods, closed loop combined with configuration management, communication management, and change management, technical specification and test organizational principles into project management control, from the analysis system and method of project management experience LG bank. The last is a summary of LG bank financial IC card migration project success and improvement suggestions. Commercial banks in the implementation of IT project, on the one hand to do the project planning, to closely integrate characteristic factors of project itself; on the other hand, to formulate and improve the implementation of the project specifications and schedule management measures. Through this paper, readers can get practical results of some of the IT project management useful from project management method in this case, also as a reference for IT project management in domestic commercial banks play.

关 键 词: 项目管理 进度管理 方法体系 金融

分 类 号: [F832.33 F832.2]

领  域: [经济管理] [经济管理]


作者 鲁巧丽
作者 封浩宇
作者 陈莉
作者 卓剑斯
作者 江毅华


机构 华南理工大学
机构 暨南大学
机构 中山大学
机构 广东金融学院
机构 暨南大学经济学院


作者 廖刚
作者 张为
作者 张丽丽
作者 张丽娟
作者 张丽娟