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Research on Inventory Robust Control for Automobile Spare Parts under Uncertain Demand

导  师: 张连富

学科专业: 1201

授予学位: 硕士

作  者: ;

机构地区: 吉林大学

摘  要: 全球经济的一体化和市场化在不断的发展和深化,而且伴随着信息技术的高速发展,经济呈现了更多的复杂性,特别是进入20世纪90年代以来,现代企业管理的模式发生了巨大改变,供应链管理的模式已经成为当下企业主要的管理方式,可以说在国际范围内都是理论和实践的一个热点。在供应链管理模式下,企业之间的合作显得非常重要,分销中心是供应链管理中企业合作时一个十分重要的组成部分,库存控制使产品以最合适的时间进入市场,分销中心是客户和制造商之间是纽带,可以说分销系统是供应链管理的一个非常重要的环节,它是决定供应链竞争能力的最关键因素之一。中国的汽车工业在不断的发展,2012年,中国的汽车产销量已经突破1200万,排名世界第一,汽车工业在不断的发展,这样才能满足不断增长的需求,而汽车备件作为汽车工业的基础,支撑汽车工业发展。但是之前的库存控制研究大部分假定客户需求是确定的,伴随着时代的发展,显然已经不符合实际情况,客户需求个性化和多样化都越来越明显,因此,需求不确定条件下的汽车备件的库存控制问题研究不仅具有理论意义,而且还具有一定的实践指导价值。 本文在对库存控制国内外文献总结的基础上,根据需求是否确定对库存控制模型进行分类,鲁棒控制一直是在研究不确定问题时非常有效的方法,本文将鲁棒控制理论应用与库存控制中,建立了需求不确定下的库存鲁棒控制模型。核心部分第三章主要针对某一地区,有一个分销中心和多个零售商组成的地区简单分销系统的库存控制问题,首先用灰色预测系统进行了预测,针对预测结果建立库存控制模型,以独立决策时成本优化模型证明控制模型的有效性,并结合算例验证了成本模型的有效性,分析了订货量在什么情况下对分销中心成本的影响程度最小,这样就综合考虑了鲁棒模型的成本和稳定性。第四章是针对一个地区有制造商、分销中心和零售商组成的多级库存系统进行研究,结合第三章进行的需求预测,考虑需求对多级库存各个节点的影响,在成本模型中加入了罚函数,将计算难以确定的缺货成本转化为罚函数,建立了联合决策下的多级库存控制模型,通过计算各个节点的订货量找到最优的库存控制量,也用算例验证了模型了有效性。结合一汽桥车有限公司备品部的实例,建立模型并进行求解,进一步验证了模型的实用性,希望能对其它汽车制造公司的备件库存控制有一定的指导意义。 Global economic integration and marketization in constant development and deep, andalong with the rapid development of information technology, the economy presents a morecomplex, especially since the beginning of the1990s, the modern enterprise managementmodel has undergone tremendous changes in the supply chain management model hasbecome a major enterprise management moment, we can say a hotspot in the internationalcontext is the theory and practice. In supply chain management, all cooperation betweenenterprises is very important, when the distribution center is part of the supply chainmanagement is a very important business cooperation, inventory control to make products inthe most appropriate time to enter the market, distribution center is the customer and the linkbetween the manufacturer, we can say the distribution system is a very important link in thesupply chain management, which is one of the most critical factors that determine thecompetitiveness of the supply chain. China is auto industry in constant development.In2012,China is auto production and sales have exceeded12million, ranking first in the world autoindustry in constant development, so as to meet the growing demand, and automotive spareparts as the basis for the automotive industry, supporting the automotive industry. However,previous studies are assumed to customer needs is identified, along with the development ofthe times, has clearly not realistic, personalized and diversified customer needs arebecoming evident, therefore, automobile spare parts under conditions of uncertain demandInventory control problem is not only of theoretical significance, but also to have somepractical guidance value. Based on the inventory control literature summary on the classification of the inventorycontrol model, the starting point for classification under consideration is to determinewhether the circumstances demand robust control has been a problem in the study of a veryeffective method of uncertainty, the paper the robust control theory and inventory control, andthe establishment of a robust inventory control model under demand uncertainty. Chapter IIIof the effectiveness of a particular region for the cost of a distribution center and a number ofretailers in the area simple distribution system optimization, established an independentdecision cost optimization model for regional distribution system, combined with thenumerical example of the model to the distribution center for the smallest impact on the costof the goal, with a total cost of automotive spare parts distribution center for the cost function, the establishment of an independent decision-making under inventory control models toanalyze the needs of under what circumstances a minimum impact on the cost of distributioncenters, this took into account the cost and stability robustness of the model. The fourthchapter of a region for manufacturers, distribution centers and retailers in the supply chainsystems research to the needs of the supply chain environment impact on the total cost of thesmallest targets, the total cost of automobile spare parts supply chain, the cost function,inventory control model established under the joint decision making, adding a penalty in themodel function, avoiding the stock cost is difficult to determine, but also with a numericalexample shows the validity of the model. Finally, examples of FAW bridge car spare part,modeling and solving further validate the usefulness of the model, also gives practicalguidance hoping to other auto spare parts inventory control manufacturing company has acertain guiding significance.

关 键 词: 汽车备件库存 鲁棒控制 不确定需求

分 类 号: [F426.471 F224 F253]

领  域: [经济管理] [经济管理] [经济管理]


作者 甘路
作者 邓权辉
作者 颜文艳
作者 肖小兮
作者 纪东富


机构 华南理工大学
机构 中山大学
机构 暨南大学
机构 广东培正学院
机构 华南农业大学


作者 廖刚
作者 张为
作者 张丽丽
作者 张丽娟
作者 张丽娟