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Research on the Curriculum Reform of Higher Vocational Education Based on Modern National Occupational Standards

导  师: 刘合群

学科专业: 040108

授予学位: 硕士

作  者: ;

机构地区: 广东技术师范学院

摘  要: 高职人才培养未能很好地满足社会对人才的需求,从根本上来说,是因为高职课程与实际的职业需求相脱节,这就有必要从能够较好反映出职业对人才知识、能力等要求的现代国家职业标准的角度着手课程改革。本研究通过文献资料分析,揭示高职课程的现状,提出高职课程存在的问题并进行原因分析,以英国NOS的成功经验、工作导向知识观等科学理论以及实践探索为依据,遵循就业导向原则、能力本位原则、理论适度原则和开放性原则,提出现代国家职业标准导向下高职课程改革的途径,进而培养出社会所需要的技术技能型人才,从而提高高职院校人才培养质量。 本研究由六个章组成,第一章是绪论部分,包括研究背景、研究的目的与意义、文献综述,研究方法和概念界定;第二部分通过问卷调查的形式得出高职课程的现状及存在的问题,进而找出问题的原因;第三部分指出现代国家职业标准导向高职课程的依据与原则;第四部分探讨了现代国家职业标准导向下的高职课程改革的路径分析;第五部分提出现代国家职业标准导向下高职课程改革的保障措施;第六部分指出本研究存在的不足和局限性。 通过本论文的研究,笔者期望对高职课程改革提供一些可行的策略,以帮助高职生习得有益于其未来就业的知识和技能等,从而提高高职教育质量,为社会培养更加优秀的高素质技术技能型人才。 The talents’ cultivation of higher vocational education couldn’t meet the need thatenterprises seeks for, actually because of the great distance between curriculums of highervocational education and social actual need. Therefore, it is necessary to start the curriculumreform of higher vocational education under the guidance of modern national occupationalstandards, which could describe occupations including knowledge, abilities and so on very well.Through literature analysis, the study points out the status of higher vocational curriculums, itsexisting problems and the causes, and takes the successful experience of British NationalOccupational, theories such as work-based knowledge and practical exploration as researchbasis. In order to cultivate more and more high-quality skilled professionals for the society, thestudy puts forward corresponding reformation paths, which obeys certain principles, and thus toimprove the quality of education in secondary vocational schools. The paper is made up of six chapters: the first chapter is an introduction, which consists ofbackground, purpose and meaning of research, research status about higher vocationalcurriculums under the guidance of modern national occupational standards, research methods,and defines basic concepts; the second chapter points out the status and existing problems ofhigher vocational curriculums, and then analyze the cause of the problem; the third chapter putsout foundations of the study and principles to be obeyed; the fourth chapter comes up withreformation ways of higher vocational curriculums, according to the status and existing problemsof higher vocational curriculums and principles to be followed; the fifth chapter puts forwardcountermeasures to ensure the successful carrying out of higher vocational curriculums’ reform;the sixth part will analyze research limitations of the thesis and express prospect of further research. Through the study, the author expects to provide some feasible strategies which is helpful tothe reform of higher vocational curriculums with, help higher vocational college students graspknowledge and skills that is helpful for their future job, and then improve the quality of highervocational education and cultivate more excellent higher vocational skilled talents for thesociety.

关 键 词: 现代 国家职业标准 高职 课程

分 类 号: [G712.3]

领  域: [文化科学] [文化科学]


作者 关艳阁
作者 麦凤梅
作者 徐乐军
作者 蔡美德
作者 高淑敏


机构 广州工程技术职业学院
机构 东莞职业技术学院
机构 广东创新科技职业学院
机构 广东科学技术职业学院
机构 广州番禺职业技术学院


作者 庞菊香
作者 康超
作者 廖燕萍
作者 廖荆梅
作者 张丽娟