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Building and Sharing of Curriculum Design for Course as an Example

导  师: 杨素娟

学科专业: 040108

授予学位: 硕士

作  者: ;

机构地区: 广东技术师范学院

摘  要: 根据中国互联网络信息中心《第33次中国互联网络发展状况调查统计报告》数据显示,截至到2013年12月,中国网民人数已达到6.18亿,2013年全年新增5358万网民,互联网普及率达到45.8%,比较2012年年底上升3.7/%;我国手机网民人数达5亿,比较2012年底增加了8009万人,接近新增1亿网民,使用手机上网的人群占比由2012年底的74.5%提升至81.0%。从以上数据分析看出,中国整体网民规模增速持续放缓,进入发展平台期,而手机上网仍然是网民规模增长的主要动力。 中国是一个电子商务大国,企业对电商人才需求缺口量大,各大中专院校承担着电商人才的主要的培养与输送基地,传统的教学模式与新的电商思维方式不断地发生撞击,陈旧的教学资源、教学模式、学习接受知识的方式影响着教学效果及人才的培养。本研究课题针对目前我国电子商务教育中存在的问题,特别是教学资源问题,从电子商务教育长远发展及高素质电子商务人才的培养出发,结合国际教育界流行的关键能力结构,探求电子商务专业的职业能力结构的组成要素,借助混合学习环境,探求现代电子商务教育中如何分步骤培养学生综合能力的有效方法。 通过文献调查,发现我国对电子商务教育的研究较少,有不同层面的,各校电子商务专业的学生培养目标及办学特色有待于进一步明晰;有关学习环境创设方面的研究仅仅局限于教学网站建设方面,而数字化资源的共建共享研究仍很缺泛;尽管大家都意识到学生综合能力的培养在电子商务教育以及在我国电子商务人才培养中的重要性,但目前仍未有院校采取有效的措施去付诸实践,电子商务教育在基于能力目标的数字化资源建设方面目前没有成功的样式可借鉴。本研究以情境认知理论、活动理论、分布式认知理论、多元智能理论和教学设计理论为指导,分析电子商务职业能力结构的组成要素,探讨在电子商务专业课程学习中培养学生综合能力的教学策略,开发设计基于能力目标的数字化资源课程包,并初步检验了该学习环境的有效性。 本研究在分析全国部分职业学校电子商务专业人才培养方案、电子商务师国家职业资格标准和电子商务专业毕业生可能的就业方向与工作性质的基础上,结合国际上流行的“关键能力”理念,将电子商务专业综合能力组成分为专业能力、方法能力和适应社会能力3个方面;并以《网络营销》课程为例,将这3方面能力进行细化,建构一个基于能力目标数字化资源《网络营销》课程包。 在国家示范校建设的大环境中,联合全国多所创建国家示范性职业学校的专业老师、电子商务企业专业人士及有关技术公司,围绕着所形成的《网络营销》课程能力结构,分析可利用的各类学习资源及学习需求,科学设计教学主题、教学活动及过程、评价方法等,在此基础上,设计了基于能力目标的数字化资源《网络营销》课程。该课程资源包括两块:一是课程资源知识点积件库,二是通用主题素材库;这两部分之间互相联系,相互作用,相互融合的,共同形成了促进学生综合能力发展的数字化资源课程包。其中:知识点积件库包括能力标准、工作流程、学习任务、知识点积件、实训任务、实训评价,积件化教师授课用电子教案PPT文件,在试题库管理平台中运行的测试练习题;通用主题素材库包括行业标准文档、实训项目方案、教学案例文档、考试考核试题和技能竞赛方案。 本研究得到了电子商务专业综合能力和《网络营销》课程综合能力的组成要素,设计了基于能力目标的数字化资源《网络营销》课程资源包,并初步检验这种课程资源包在培养学生的网络运营能力、网络推广能力、市场分析能力、客户服务能力、方案策划能力数据营销能力、分析与解决问题能力、迁移能力、表达与协作能力和信息能力等方面是有效的。 China Internet Network Information Center released , End of December2013,The Chinese netizens reached618million, last year a total of5358million new Internet users, The Internet penetration more than45.8/%,Rise3.7/%than2012. The China's mobile phone users more than500million,Rise8,009people than2012, the use of mobile Internetusers in the netizens from74.5/%rise to81.0/%from2012. thephone's status as the first Internet terminal is stabler. Mr Liu,Deputydirector of the China Internet Network Information Center, Tell us theChina continued to slow down the overall growth rate of Internet usersinto the development of the plateau, but the mobile Internet is the maindriver of growth in Internet users.2013China mobile phone users in theproportion of new mobile Internet use up73.3/%. The China is a very big e-commerce country, Many companyneed E-commerce Business, Every major colleges is the mainE-commerce base, for training and delivery personnel, traditionalteaching methods with the new E-commerce Business supplier occurconstantly thinking impact, outdated teaching resources,outdated teaching,outdated learning to accept the way of knowledge affects theeffectiveness of teaching and training personnel. The problems of theresearch topic of e-commerce in education, especially teaching resourcesissues, from education and training of high-quality long-termdevelopment of e-commerce e-commerce talent, combined with the keycapabilities of popular international education structure, seek professionale-commerce component of professional competence structure, withblended learning environment, and explore effective ways of modernstudents' comprehensive abilities step by step how to develope-commerce education. Through literature survey and found little research on e-commerceeducation in our country, there are different levels of e-commerceprofessional school students to develop goals and school characteristics tobe further clarity; Study aspects related to the creation of learning environments, confined to teaching and sharing website building digitalresources research is still lack of pan.; Although we are feeling thestudents' comprehensive ability of education and the importance ofe-business e-commerce personnel training in our country, but we donthave the institutions to take effective measures to put into practice, TheE-commerce in terms of the style of education based on the ability ofdigital resources construction targets have not success can learn. In thisstudy, We will Base the situated cognition theory, activity theory,distributed cognition theory of multiple intelligences theory andinstructional design theory, the analysis component of e-commerceprofessional capacity of the structure, to explore students' comprehensiveability in professional courses in the e-commerce teaching strategies,development and design capabilities of the target based digital curriculumresource pack, and initially tested the effectiveness of the learningenvironment In this study, the analysis part of the national e-commerceprofessionals in vocational schools training programs, e-commercedivision national vocational qualification standards and direction ofe-commerce graduates with employment-based nature of the work,combined with the internationally popular "critical capabilities"philosophy, will form a comprehensive e-commerce capabilities into theprofessional expertise, methods ability to adapt to social competencethree aspects; and the course as the example,for the these three aspects of the ability to refine, construct based theability to target digital resources "Network marketing" course package. In the environment of the national demonstration school construction,created a joint multi-country national model of professional vocationalschool teacher, e-business professionals and related technologycompanies around the " Internet Marketing " course structure formed bythe ability to analyze available types of learning resources and learningneeds, designing teaching science topics, teaching activities and processes,evaluation methods, based on this, is designed based on the ability totarget digital resources "Network marketing " course. The curriculum resources include two parts: the1st Parts, knowledge of curriculum resources Integrableware, the2th parts, themesare universal material library; contact between the two parts of eachother, interaction, mutual integration, together form a comprehensiveability to promote the development of students' digital resourcescurriculum package. Where: knowledge, including the ability to plot astandard parts library, workflow, learning tasks, accumulated pieces ofknowledge, training tasks, training evaluation, product testing pieces ofelectronic lesson plans teachers teach PPT file, running in test librarymanagement platform exercises; common theme material library includesindustry standard documentation, training projects and programs,teaching case documents, examination and assessment questions andskills competition program. This research was supported by the professional component ofe-commerce capabilities and integrated curriculumintegration capability is designed based on the ability to target digitalresources Curriculum Resource Kit, and initialtesting of this curriculum resource pack in students' network operationalcapabilities, network promotion, market analysis capabilities, customerservice capabilities, program planning data marketing capabilities, theability to analyze problems, migration, aspects of problem-solving skills,collaboration skills, communication skills, and information capacity to beeffective.

关 键 词: 电子商务专业 课程 综合能力 数字化资源 共建共享

分 类 号: [G434 F713.36-4]

领  域: [文化科学] [文化科学] [经济管理]


作者 刘春青
作者 欧春华
作者 樊文辉
作者 杨海芝
作者 杨木容


机构 华南师范大学
机构 广东外语外贸大学
机构 广东科学技术职业学院
机构 华南师范大学教育信息技术学院
机构 广州番禺职业技术学院


作者 张健
作者 张方超
作者 彭铁牛
作者 彭飞
作者 徐广生