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The Research in3+2Talents Cultivation Mode of Entrepreneurship Education at Secondary Vocational Schools

导  师: 刘合群

学科专业: 040108

授予学位: 硕士

作  者: ;

机构地区: 广东技术师范学院

摘  要: 就业问题是世界各国共同关注的社会问题,而创业是解决社会失业问题和缓解就业压力的最有效手段。基于此,各国教育界都不断地研究创业教育的问题,力图找到适合本国特色的有效教育方法,提高全民的创业素质。中职创业教育研究是一个热点问题,更是一个难点问题。因为中职教育规模的庞大,已把中职生如何优质就业的问题,推到了广受社会关注的高度,所以如何拓展中职生的就业渠道,这是值得研究的课题。 本文分为五个部分。第一部分,绪论。主要是从中等职业教育开展创业教育研究的背景出发,引出中等职业学校开展创业教育“3+2”模式实践研究的重要意义,在对国内外关于“创业教育”研究概述的基础上,理清了创业教育的概念,提出了本研究的研究思路与方法。第二部分,研究本问题的理论基础。本文从创业教育“3+2”模式研究的实际出发,分别在哲学、教育学和心理学中寻找理论基础,确定了马克思人的全面发展理论、陶行知的生活教育理论和个性化发展理论为本研究的理论基础,并作出阐述。第三部分,广州市开设财经商贸类专业中职学校创业教育的现状调查及结果分析。本研究的调查采用发放问卷和进行访谈两种方式进行。笔者分别设计了中等职业学校创业教育现状调查问卷(学生问卷)和中等职业学校创业教育现状调查问卷(教师问卷),向13所广州市开设了财经商贸类专业的中职学校发放了师生问卷,通过分析当前广州市开设财经商贸类专业的中等职业学校创业教育现状和存在的突出问题,为探索构建中等职业创业教育“3+2”模式提供实际需求和实践依据。第四部分,中等职业学校创业教育“3+2”模式的构建。这是本文的重点部分,本研究通过创业教育的现状以及个案分析,综合了影响创业教育成效的五大因素的作用:政府、企业、学校、学生和家长,构建了中等职业学校创业教育“3+2”模式。为了使该模式能良好运行,同时建立了以学校为主导的“政府扶持,企业支持,家庭帮扶,学生主动”四位一体机制和“学校推动,学生参与,家长配合”的三结合机制。第五部分,中等职业学校创业教育“3+2”模式运行的成效及推广价值。本部分展示了该模式目前所取得的成效,希望通过积极地推广,为我国中等职业学校开展创业教育提供新思路和新做法。希望能改善和破解创业教育这种口惠而实不至的状况。 Employment is a social issue of common concern for all the countries in the world, andentrepreneurship is the most effective means to solve the social unemployment problem andrelieve the employment pressure. The study on entrepreneurship education in vocational schoolsis a hot topic. What’s more, it is a difficult problem. Because of the large scale of secondaryvocational education, the problem of how to make the vocational high school students improvetheir employment quality has been highly concerned by the society. So, how to develop morechannels for the vocational high school students’ employment and carry out entrepreneurshipactively is an important topic which is worth studying. The paper is divided into five parts. The first part is, INTRODUCTION. This part startingfrom the background of the research on opening entrepreneurship education in vocationalschools, analyzes the significance of this research and practice of opening3+2TalentsCultivation Mode of entrepreneurship education in vocational schools. On the basis of theresearch on entrepreneurship education at home and abroad, the concept of entrepreneurshipeducation has been clarified and the ideas and methods of this research have been put forward.The second part is, THE RESEARCH ON THE THEORETICAL BASIS OF THE ISSUE. Inthis study, Marx’s human general development, Tao Xingzhi’s life education theory and personaldevelopment theory have been determined to be the theoretical basis of the research in the fieldsof philosophy, pedagogy and psychology. The third part is, SURVEYAND ANALYSIS OF THESTATUS OF OPENING ENTREPRENEURSHIP EDUCATION AMONG THE VOCATIONALHIGH SCHOOL STUDENTS OF FINANCIAL AND COMMERCIAL SPECIALTY INGUANGZHOU. Analyze present situation and the prominent issues of opening entrepreneurshipeducation among the vocational school students of financial and commercial specialty inGuangzhou mainly through the questionnaire investigation and statistics. Provide the practicebasis for exploring the construction of3+2talents cultivation mode of entrepreneurshipeducation in secondary vocational schools. The fourth part is, THE CONSTRUCTION OF3+2TALENTS CULTIVATION MODE OF ENTREPRENEURSHIP EDUCATION INSECONDARY VOCATIONAL SCHOOLS. This is the key part of the paper. Through theanalysis of the present situation and the case of entrepreneurship education, the effect of fivefactors has been investigated and the3+2talents cultivation mode has been constructed. At the same time, the school oriented four-in-one mode of government support, corporate support,family assistance and student initiative and the combination mode of school’s motivation,students’ participation and parents’ cooperation have been established. Hope to improve theeffectiveness of entrepreneurship education. The fifth part is, ACHIEVEMENTS ANDPROMOTION VALUE OF OPERATING3+2TALENTS CULTIVATION MODE OFENTREPRENEURSHIP IN SECONDARY VOCATIONAL SCHOOLS. This part shows theachievements we have got. Hope to provide new ideas and methods for the vocational schools ofopening entrepreneurship education in China through active promotion. Carrying out entrepreneurship education in secondary vocational schools is an issueworthy of study. It involves a lot of problems, such as connection between secondary and highervocational education, reform of mechanism and so on. It’s our duty to continue making efforts inthe future research.

关 键 词: 创业教育 中职财经商贸类专业 中等职业学校创业教育 模式

分 类 号: [G717.38]

领  域: [文化科学] [文化科学]


作者 陈建瑜


机构 华南师范大学
机构 广东技术师范学院
机构 广东科技学院


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