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Guo Xiaodong's Literary Arena Reflected from His Latest Works

导  师: 郭小东

学科专业: 050106

授予学位: 硕士

作  者: ;

机构地区: 广东技术师范学院

摘  要: 郭小东对于知青文学的热忱与关照是始终且全面的。不论是在教学、生活中,还是在创作中,他都不遗余力地言说“文化大革命”这个时期与“知青”这个特殊的群体。这种言说贯穿于郭小东整个小说创作与评论体系中,成为一种他独特的文学气息。 本论文以郭小东晚近创作的三部小说中讲述者的不同身份为突破口,试着从中找寻郭小东在知青文学方面的见解与建树。并对知青文学以及“文化大革命”作一个概括性、整体性的描述。 使用第一人称叙述时,会给小说一种真实、生动的感觉,这正是作者在讲述“文化大革命”这个特定的时期所想要呈现的。然而,知青这个庞大的群体中需要的不只是任何个体“我”的发声,他更需要一种群体的声音,这种单一的叙述方式就会因其过于主观与单薄而丧失客观。许多作家很难做到两者兼顾,不得已在表达需要中权衡取舍。郭小东在他的小说创作中,找到了两者兼得的解决方法:他赋予第一人称“我”以多重身份,每一种身份各自言说,又共同合力构造出一个整体意义上的“我”。主、客观的表达,追忆与当下的叙述得以在“我”的不同身份转换中完成。 第一人称多重身份的写作特点在郭小东晚近三部作品中被运用得越来越自然、纯熟。本文主要通过这一点,来一窥郭小东在他的文学江湖中所要表达的一种别样的知青情怀。 As a member of the educated youth, Guo Xiaodong's consideration and ferviderty to educated youth literature is comprehensive and throughout all his literary creation. No matter in his teaching, daily life, social activities or creation, he spares no effort to express and emphasize the exceptive period "cultural revolution" and the special crowd "educated youth". This effort can be also observed in his literary creation and criticism, and became one of his unique literary atmosphere. This thesis takes the different identities of narrator as breakthrough, tries to seek his understanding and contribution to educated youth literature, gives a broad and recapitulative description of educated literature and "cultural revolution". Narrate in the first person gives reader a true and vivid feeling, which is very important when we pay attention to "cultural revolution". However, educated youth is a very large group who need more than one voice to speak on their behalves. The first person narrative, at this time, seems quite subjective and frail. Many writers failed to achieve both and have to discard one of them considering their needs of express. In Guo Xiaodong's literary creation, he managed to find the solution, gave different identities of the narrator, each makes one voice and builds a narrator in whole together. By this solution, the expression of subjective-objective, the reminisce of old time and narrate of present can be shifted succes fully. Distinctive feature of Guo Xiaodong's writing is more and more nature and skillful in his latest works. Through this, this thesis tries to see a unique educated youth feeling in his literary arena.

关 键 词: 多重身份 知青 文化大革命

分 类 号: [I207.42]

领  域: [文学]


作者 冯曼
作者 李静玮
作者 余彬
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机构 中山大学
机构 华南师范大学
机构 暨南大学
机构 中山大学人文科学学院中文系
机构 广东技术师范学院


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