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On Humanistic Feelings of Liu Xinglong's Novels

导  师: 陈南先

学科专业: 050106

授予学位: 硕士

作  者: ;

机构地区: 广东技术师范学院

摘  要: 刘醒龙是中国当代著名作家,从1984年在《安徽文学》上发表小说处女作《黑蝴蝶黑蝴蝶》到2014年推出长篇小说《蟠虺》,至今笔耕不辍,可以说是一位优秀而又多产的作家。刘醒龙的小说创作从最开始的“大别山系列”,到后来将目光转向现实的“新现实主义”小说创作,再到回顾历史的长篇巨著《圣天门口》,在三十多年的文学创作实践中,他的作品始终关注着社会中小人物的生活和际遇,同时又有着对历史和现实的深刻思考。其中特别突出的是刘醒龙的小说创作始终洋溢着一种人文情怀。他的人文情怀在小说文本中,表现为对人的生存状态的关注,特别是对一些处于社会底层的小人物的生存状态的关注,以及对这些卑微小人物的生命价值和意义的追问与思索,对每个人生命价值平等的肯定。刘醒龙对历史和现实保持着一种反思和质疑的态度,表现为对中国文学中的暴力传统的反思和对精神家园的渴望与重建。 刘醒龙小说人文情怀的产生既与作者本人的生活经历有关,也是继承和发展了中国文学传统的结果,与外国文学,特别是俄罗斯文学的影响也有密不可分的关系。从开始文学创作至今,刘醒龙始终保持着一种对高贵文学理想的追求,在作品中体现出一种浓浓的人文关怀,使他的小说创作在中国当代文学史上表现出独特的意义和价值。 Liu Xinglong is a famous contemporary Chinese writer. Since his first novel “BlackButterfly, Black Butterfly” which was published in the Anhui Literature in1984, to the novel“Pan Hui” which was introduced in2014, he keeps writing all the time. Therefore, he can besaid an excellent and productive writer. His novel creation began with “the Dabie MountainSeries”, then to “new realism” novels, and further to the great novel “Saint-day Gate” whichreviews the history. In the literary creation of more than30years, his works always pay closeattention to lower-class people’s lives and their fortune in the society, and reflected profoundthinking of history and reality. Especially the humanistic feelings are prominent in his novels,which is shown as concerning about the survival state of people, particularly those who live atthe bottom of society, as well as inquiring and thinking of the life value and significance ofthese people, and affirming the equality in life value of every people. Liu Xinglong’s reflectionand questioning on the history and the reality manifested in his reflection on the violencetradition in Chinese literature as well as his desire and reconstruction of spiritual home. The reflection of the humanistic feeling in Liu Xinglong’s novels is influenced by his lifeexperiences, Chinese literature tradition, as well as foreign literacy’s inspiration, especially theRussian literature. He has always maintained a pursuit of noble literature ideal ever since thebeginning of his literary creation, and the strong humanistic care made his novels unique andsignificant in Chinese contemporary literature history.

关 键 词: 刘醒龙 人文情怀 反思 精神家园

分 类 号: [I207.42]

领  域: [文学]


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机构 中山大学
机构 暨南大学
机构 佛山科学技术学院体育学院
机构 华南师范大学
机构 华南师范大学文学院


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