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导  师: 廉桂萍

学科专业: 020204

授予学位: 硕士

作  者: ;

机构地区: 内蒙古大学

摘  要: 21世纪,我国已经步入老龄化社会。人口老龄化无论给家庭还是国家的社会养老保障体系都带来巨大的压力。作为一个发展中国家,我国的老龄化与发达国家的老龄化社会存在着差别,发达国家的老龄化是在基本实现现代化的前提下实现的,而我国的老龄化社会的基本国情是“未富先老”。随着“独一代”成为社会中坚,“四二一”家庭模式大量涌现,这就意味着一对夫妇要抚养四位老人和一个孩子。此外,随着我国社会养老保障体系的改革,人口老龄化使得不得不挪用个人账户里的基金,造成养老保险基金个人账户亏空运行。 为了缓解家庭和国家的养老压力,亟需探索新的养老模式,来丰富和完善我国社会养老保障体系的不足。以房养老将房产和养老很好的结合起来,使得家庭资产在整个家庭生命周期中充分发挥了其价值,将家庭的固定资产转换为养老金这样的现金流,提高了老年人的生活水平,也拉动了内需,促进了经济的发展。同时,由于以房养老涉及房地产、金融、保险等各个领域,因此以房养老的试点推广还会促进房地产市场的繁荣和金融市场的发展。 国外以房养老已经发展成熟,但是我国以房养老起步较晚,还处于试点实践阶段,因此难免会遇到困境。首先,我国“养儿防老”、“落叶归根”等传统思想的影响,以房养老还不能被老人广泛接受。其次,以房养老在我国作为一个新鲜事物,自然会缺乏法律法规等方面的监督管理。最后,以房养老的实施需要房地产、金融、保险等方面的配套实施,而我国金融市场还不够发达,房地产二级市场也比较落后,这些都构成了我国以房养老的推行发展的障碍。虽然以房养老在我推行困难重重,但是这并不妨碍以房养老将会成为一项有效的养老模式的补充。 In the21st century, China has entered the aging society. Aging of the population either to the family or the Social Security system, the country has brought tremendous pressure. As a developing country, our aging society aging in developed countries there are differences, aging in developed countries under the precondition of the basic realization of modernization, and the basic national conditions of China's aging society is 'not rich first the old.' With the 'independence generation' become salt of the earth,'four ' Families patterns in large numbers, which means that a couple of four elderly and to raise a child. In addition, with the reform of the Social Security system, an aging population makes personal account had misappropriated funds, resulting in personal accounts pension fund deficit is running. In order to ease the pressure on families and the state pension, the need to explore new pension model, to enrich and improve our inadequate Social Security system. Housing Endowment will be a good combination of real estate and pension together, making family assets throughout the family life cycle, give full play to its value, the family converted to fixed assets such as cash flow pensions, improve the living standards of the elderly, also stimulating domestic demand and promote economic development. Meanwhile, due to the Housing Endowment involved in real estate, finance, insurance and other fields, so the pilot promotion to the Housing Endowment will promote the prosperity and development of the real estate market in financial markets. Foreign Housing Endowment has matured, but our late start to the Housing Endowment, the practice is still in the pilot stage, will inevitably encounter difficulties. First, my 'raise children to old age ',' roots ' and the influence of traditional ideas, to the Housing Endowment not be widely accepted by the elderly. Secondly, to the Housing Endowment in China, as a novelty, it will naturally lack of supervision and other aspects of management laws and regulations. Finally, the need to implement the Housing Endowment supporting the implementation of real estate, finance, insurance, etc., and our financial markets are not developed enough, the real estate secondary market is relatively backward, which constitute an obstacle to the implementation of the Housing Endowment's development. Although the implementation of the Housing Endowment in my difficult, but this does not prevent to the Housing Endowment will be an effective supplemental pension model.

关 键 词: 以房养老 问题困境 国外成功经验 发展建议

分 类 号: [F299.23 D669.6]

领  域: [经济管理] [政治法律] [政治法律]


作者 黄成凤
作者 傅远泓


机构 华南农业大学
机构 华南农业大学公共管理学院
机构 广东财经大学


作者 康秋实
作者 廖伟导
作者 廖芳
作者 张万坤
作者 张光亚