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Research on Impossibility of Performance

导  师: 翟云岭

学科专业: 030105

授予学位: 硕士

作  者: ;

机构地区: 大连海事大学

摘  要: 本文从履行不能的涵义、历史渊源及主要类型出发,综合运用法经济分析法及比较法等方法,对履行不能与违约形态的关系、履行不能与合同效力的关系进行了较为系统的研究与探讨,从而对我国履行不能制度的进一步完善提出相应的看法和建议。论文共分为以下四部分。 第一部分主要为履行不能的概述。论文对履行不能的涵义、历史渊源以及履行不能的类型做了系统的阐述,并且介绍了履行不能在履行障碍体系里的地位。通过对履行不能的涵义、发展脉络及其类型的阐述和分析,加深对履行不能的理解,准确认识履行不能在合同法体系中的价值和意义。 第二部分运用法经济分析法为对履行不能进行了价值分析。首先探讨了履行不能的界定问题,对“给付不能不构成债”规则进行分析,得出结论,自始履行不能本身并不能妨碍合同的效力。接着,对履行不能与合同效力之间的逻辑联系进行深入分析,论述对履行不能合同效力的立法价值取向。最后,对“契约必须严守”进行评价,并对履行不能与法院对履行成本做了评估。 第三部分的内容为履行不能效力的比较法分析。分别对大陆法系和英美法系以及国际立法中有关履行不能的规定进行阐述和比较,对履行不能的发展趋势进行了研究。通过比较可知两大法系对履行不能的理解有所不同,英美法中的履行不能只相当于大陆法系中履行不能的一种情形。 第四部分内容为我国履行不能问题的立法现状以及对外国立法的借鉴。首先文章阐释了我国履行不能的立法现状。笔者研究发现,我国《民法通则》和《合同法》条文中并无履行不能的概念,且也无具体的条文对其内容加以规定,只能通过相关的分散规定来进行总结。笔者在这一部分中对我国法律中关于履行不能的规定进行了阐释,对履行不能与合同效力之间的关系进行了评述。同时,横向比较了国外立法关于履行不能的相关规定,研究我国可借鉴与参考之处,从而对我国履行不能制度的完善提出合理的意见和建议。 This article starts from the definition of the impossibility of performance, history and classification. At the same time, it makes an in-depth analysis of the efficient breach and the validity of contract compared within the two legal systems. Then, it offers several improvements for the impossibility of performance in China. This paper is divided into four parts. The first part is an overview of impossibility of performance. This section focuses on the meaning of impossibility of performance, its history, and several major categories, and then describes the status that impossibility of performance is in the Performance barrier system. It accurately grasps the meaning of impossibility of performance and developmental path, performs a more profound understanding, clears its value in Performance barrier system of contract law. The second part is mainly using the economic analysis method. First it discusses the definition of the rules "Payment can not constitute a debt" for analysis. Then, it explaines the logical connections between the impossibility of performance and the validity of contract. Finally comes the "pacta sunt servanda" evaluation, and the cost of court evaluation with impossibility of performance. The third part is to perform comparative analysis. This section respectively explained civil law and common law as well as international legislation regarding the impossibility of performance and compared them by then. By comparison with the meaning of impossibility of performance in the civil law, common law can be found only part of it. The fourth part is the status of impossibility of performance in our country and foreign legislation reference to China. It first discusses the status of our country, then the initial impossibility and the validity of contract. Secondly it discusses the impact of the new German debt law to China. Finally, it makes an understanding of the legal status of impossibility of performance, and amendments to the initial impossibility of our country and with the validity of contract. At last, it gives some advice to improve relevant laws and regulations.

关 键 词: 履行不能 效率违约 自始不能 合同效力

分 类 号: [D923.6]

领  域: [政治法律] [政治法律]


作者 盛琨
作者 郑阳
作者 彭斌
作者 叶昌富
作者 韩旭至


机构 暨南大学
机构 暨南大学法学院
机构 深圳大学
机构 中山大学
机构 中山大学法学院


作者 康秋实
作者 廖伟导
作者 廖芳
作者 张万坤
作者 张光亚