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Economic Research of Rural Construction Land Reclamation

导  师: 周宝同

学科专业: 070501

授予学位: 硕士

作  者: ;

机构地区: 西南大学

摘  要: 农村、农民、农业组成的三农问题一直引起党和国家的高度关注,也与在我国总体人口中占绝对地位的广大农民利益息息相关。土地作为农民最主要的资产载体,一方而是农民收入的主要来源,重要的保障基础。此外,土地发展权的增值还可为农民带来额外、丰厚的财产性收入;同时,在利益分配方面,土地的合理分配还影响经济变革和发展格局,关系到国家的稳定。在每次重大改革中,都有农村的影子,而土地又是每次农村改革的重要内容。涉及农民、土地变革的农村建设用地复垦走上了城乡统筹的舞台,越来显现它的重要地位。此项政策措施不仅使农村土地要素价格得到体现,增加农民资产性收入,也为日益紧张的城市建设用地提供土地支撑。但农村建设用地复垦是否具有可操作性,最重要的是体现它的经济效应是否得到发挥,从经济上能否实现资源优化配置。 本文首先介绍了农村建设用地复垦的背景和意义,对国内外土地复垦工作进行了梳理和综述。然后提出与农村建设用地复垦密切相关的经济理论,主要运用经济因子和曲线坐标图分析方法对农村建设用地复垦进行详尽的定量分析。在详尽分析经济模型的前提下以重庆市巫山县农村建设用地复垦为例进行实证分析,实证分析得出了巫山县农村建设用地复垦存在的问题和经济配置状况。并根据一系列经济分析结果提出相应的对策和建议。其中核心的经济因子主要是:宗地复垦成本、收益和规模效应;复垦带来的外部性影响;国家下达的建设用地计划指标与农村建设用地复垦形成的地票指标问的效应分析;地票定价机制;复垦本身引起各方面的力量博弈带来的福利效应和利益分配等方而来市读农村建设用地复垦是否达到资源的优化配置。 通过对农村建设用地复垦的一系列经济分析,得出几点结论及建议。①农村建设用地复垦成本过高,复垦形成的农用地而积较小,多以散点式分布,相互关联性低,无法达到规模经济。复垦后形成的耕地相当部分闲置,利用率低下。但复垦形成的耕地本身却具有增加粮食,保护生态的作用,显示正外部经济。②以农村建设建设用地复垦为代表的重庆模式即地票交易指标可直接用于主城区、县城的建设用地开发建设。研究表明地票指标有利于打破国家计划指标完全垄断土地市场造成失灵的状况,但形成的地票指标与国家计划用地指标替代效应配比关系需要更深入研究。③复垦中地方政府获取直接性收益,即高额的财政收入。被复垦的农民也获取部分补偿金,增加了自身的财产性收入,有利推动农民进城和城镇化。但由于对农民的补偿过低,补偿资金存在拖欠、到位周期长的现象,农民利益受损。复垦产生的地票指标基本卖给主城,自留指标较少。这是复垦参入主体力量博弈的结果,是由于地方政府在和农民、基层组织博弈中占主导地位,这种结果无法达到帕斯特最优,地方长远发展可能受滞。一旦任何一方因为意愿和选择无法得到满足而选择对抗,则会增加额外成本,并且隐形成本的破坏程度大于复垦本身带来的收益。 Three dimensional rural issues including problems about agriculture, rural areas and peasantry have been casing great concern by the party and state, which are closely related to the interest of peasants, for peasants play a dominant role in Chinese population. Land acting as the main income source is the carrier of peasants'main assets, peasants receive property income from land development rights and land use rights to get rich supernumerary income. In addition, a reasonable allocation of land will affects the pattern of economic change and development, related to the stability of the country. In every major reforms, has the shadow of the countryside, and the land rerorment is the important content of the rura.Therefore rural construction land reclamation related to peasants and land reform has become increasingly important in China. This project reflecting the worth of rural land will help improve peasants'property income and provide land resource for the growing tension in construction. Whether there is operability in rural construction land reclamation depends on the quantity of economy benefit and the realization of optimizing the distribution of resources. Firstly, this paper illustrates the background and significance of rural construction land reclamation and gives review of overseas and domestic research. Then the author illustrate economic theories which are closely related to rural construction land reclamation. Economic factors and graphs are used to analysis rural construction land reclamation.Under the premise of a detailed analysis of economic models, take the rural land construction reclamation in Wushan, Chongqing for example, the author put forward the corresponding countermeasures and suggestions based on analyzing problems of reclamation and resource allocation situation of this place.What's more, discussing from the following core economic factors to find out whether the rural construction land reclamation could achieve the optimal allocation of resources, which including parcel reclamation costs; profit and scale benefits; external impact caused by reclamation; effect analysis between targets of national construction plan and land indicators created by rural construction land reclamation; land indicators'pricing mechanism; welfare effect and profit distribution caused by strength gambling after reclamation, etc. After analysis of rural construction land reclamation from economic perspective the author draws three conclusions as follows:First, rural construction land reclamation costs too much and the scale of agricultural land created after reclamation presents small spotty distributions lacking relevance and can not achieve economies of scale. Most of the arable land formed after the reclamation is idle and underutilized. However, arable land formed by reclamation has increased grain output and played a role to protect the environment, showing positive external-economic effects. Second, in Chongqing model characterized by rural construction land reclamation land trading indicators can be applied for developing construction land in downtown area and countryside directly. Research shows that land trading indicators help break the monopoly of national planning indicators which always cause failure situation, but we need to study further on proportion of substitution effect between land trading indicators and national planning indicators. Third, local government gets direct benefits contributing to the high revenue and peasants get some compensation to increase their own property income from reclamation, meanwhile, it helps peasant-worker entry into cities and promote urbanization. However, peasants'benefit is always lost, for the compensation is low and in arrears with period length. What's more, most of land indicators are sold to downtown that is much more than land indicators for private use, for local government play a dominant role in strength gambling after reclamation compared with peasants and organizations at the grass-roots level, that may hinder local long-term development without achieve Pastor Optimal. If intentions or choices of any party can not be satisfied, extra cost will come out and the extent of the damage is greater than the benefits of reclamation itself.

关 键 词: 农村建设用地 复垦 经济分析 地票 优化配置

分 类 号: [F321.1]

领  域: [经济管理]


作者 洪浩
作者 种明钊
作者 杜斌
作者 黄春桥
作者 卢云峰


机构 中山大学
机构 华南师范大学
机构 暨南大学
机构 华南理工大学
机构 华南农业大学


作者 廖刚
作者 张为
作者 张丽丽
作者 张丽娟
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