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导  师: 王静

学科专业: 060105

授予学位: 硕士

作  者: ;

机构地区: 西北大学

摘  要: 后唐是沙陀民族建立的政权,虽在历史上存在时间不长,但其政权存在的伶宦、后妃干政现象却相当典型,他们干政对后唐政权的建立、发展、灭亡都产生了重要的影响。 沙陀民族的汉化是一个持续的过程,没有一个固定的界点限制其开始和结束的时间。沙陀汉化的不彻底为伶宦、后妃的干政创造了有利条件,同时皇帝对官僚臣属的猜忌,皇权与相权的对立分割成为伶宦、后妃群体参政、干政的基础。后唐对唐朝制度的延续,皇帝选臣用人的不当也是其干政的客观原因。 后唐皇帝赋予伶人“军机国政皆与参决”的权力,出任地方刺史者层出不穷。宦官长期把持枢密使这一重要职权,后唐同时延续了唐朝宦官监军的制度。后妃也拥有直接向官员发号施令的“诰命”和“教令”的权力。伶宦、后妃群体拥有的权力使得他们的干政变得顺理成章,他们从各自不同的角度干预着前朝政治,并且在一些重大事件面前结成利益共同体,沆瀣一气,互相包庇纵容,于是影响朝政、收受贿赂、排斥异己、谗杀大臣、蛊惑奢靡便在所难免。另一方面,伶宦、后妃群体中的一些人也有劝诫皇帝或正面干预朝政的积极表现。 伶宦、后妃群体的干政造成后唐政治制度的黑暗,军事纷争不断,社会矛盾激化。一些人对朝政的积极干预和对皇帝的劝诫也产生了一定的积极影响。后唐伶宦、后妃的干政间接地强化了皇权,对后来政权制度的建设也起着一定的警示和借鉴作用。 Later Tang Dynasty was founded by the ShaTuo nationality. Although it insisted not long in history, there was the typical appearance of mummers and princesses' interference in political affairs. They played an important role in Later Tang Dynasty's foundation, development and destruction. It was a lasting process for the Chinese localization in ShaTuo. People couldn't tell the exact time of its beginning and ending. Because ShaTuo was not totally influenced by the Han nationality, it became possible for mummers and princesses to interfere in political affairs. At the same time, King was suspicious and jealous of his subjects. The power was divided, which led to several groups'interference in political affairs. In addition, there was another reason for this. Since Later Tang Dynasty came after Tang Dynasty, the king did not choose the right person to serve his government. The King of Later Tang Dynasty gave mummers the power in both army and politics. Lots of mummers were appointed as local governors. Eunuches controlled the power of Prime minister。 Later Tang Dynasty continued to let eunuches supervise armies. What's more, princess also had the power to order officials. As a result, these different groups interfered the politics in their own ways. As for some important events, they united together for the same interest. They affected the politics, accepted bribery, and killed loyal officials, which was unavoidable. On the other hand, some of the mummers and eunuchs had a positive effect on politics. Anyway, mummers and princesses'interference in political affairs caused the darkness in politics. Wars often broke out. Contradiction became more serious. Some of the mummers and eunuchs had a positive effect on politics. Mummers and princesses'interference in political affairs fastened king's power, which warned the later government to learn from this period.

关 键 词: 后唐 伶宦 后妃 干政 汉化

分 类 号: [D691 K243.1]

领  域: [政治法律] [政治法律] [历史地理] [历史地理]


作者 刘广丰
作者 张建民
作者 徐霄鹰
作者 程潮
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机构 广州大学人文学院
机构 华南师范大学历史文化学院
机构 华南师范大学文学院
机构 嘉应学院
机构 广东工业大学华立学院外语系


作者 李延静
作者 谢峻润
作者 李琴
作者 李逸寒
作者 杨新新