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A Study of Foreign Accent in the Speech of Chinese EFL Learners from the Perspective of Listeners' Perception

导  师: 梅德明

学科专业: 050201

授予学位: 博士

作  者: ;

机构地区: 上海外国语大学

摘  要: 外国口音或外国腔指操母语者在说二语时由于受到自身母语语音的影响而出现的偏离二语语音规范的现象。外国口音不仅会影响言语的可理解度,较浓重的外国口音甚至会引起听话人语言态度的改变。在全球化的背景下,中国英语学习者在各种英语舞台上操着不同程度的外国口音展现着自我。学习者外国口音的特殊之处在哪?听者是如何感知外国口音的?不同背景的听者对外国口音到底有着怎样的感觉?一系列的相关问题清晰地显示出对于外国口音研究的必要性和紧迫性。国外对外国口音的感知研究,无论是从理论而言还是就实证来说,成果都较为丰硕,然而通过文献检索发现,类似研究在国内却甚为鲜见。基于此,本文依据语音范畴感知模型,从一个新的视角即以听者对口音的感知作为切入点,对中国英语学习者在语音习得中表现出的外国口音进行了实证性的探究。 笔者按照英语中的基本句式从中国英语学习者语音数据库(ESCCL)的朗读语料部分选取了12个对话//句子(平均单词数为20个,平均时长为8080.22毫秒)作为本文的感知语料。每个对话//句子都由2位发音人朗读,构成2种不同的语音形式。随后,通过Praat软件调整音高参数,为每个对话//句子合成出2种新的语音形式。这4种语音形式与1位英语母语者的朗读共同构成了同一个对话//句子的5种不同的语音形式。方便起见,依据这5种语音形式与英语语音范畴的符合度,研究中把它们分别简称为音好调好、音好调差、音差调好、音差调差和英语原声。本研究共获得了60个语音刺激作为感知语料,随后笔者利用E-prime软件设计了口音感知实验,在由英美教师、英美学生、中国教师和中国学生4个组别构成的90名听者中考察了不同背景的听话人对外国口音的感知。具体来说,本文的 Foreign accent refers to the deviation of the speaker’s pronunciation from thenorms of Second Language /(L2/) due to the influence of his//her mother tongue.Foreign accent can affect speech comprehensibility and even lead to change inlisteners’ language attitudes. In the context of globalization, Chinese learners ofEnglish as a foreign language /(EFL/) are presenting themselves on diverse occasionswith a certain degree of foreign accent. What are the features of foreign accent ofChinese EFL learners? How do listeners perceive such kind of accent? How dolisteners of different backgrounds react to it? A series of questions remind us of thefact that research in foreign accent is of not only great necessity but much urgency.With relatively large amount of research abroad in both theoretical and practical sense,perception studies in foreign accent are rarely found in China though. Based on theperception models of speech categories, the present study aims to investigate listeners’perception of foreign accent in the speech of Chinese EFL learners. 12dialogues//sentences with an average of20words and a mean duration of8080.22milliseconds were selected from the reading section of the English SpeechCorpus of Chinese Learners /(ESCCL/). Representing the basic English sentencepatterns, they were employed as the perception materials in the present study. Each ofthe dialogues//sentences was read by two speakers respectively, which thus comprisedtwo types of speech forms of the dialogue//sentence. Two new types of speech formsof each dialogue//sentence were synthesized by means of purposefully modifying thepitch parameter with the help of the Praat software. Together with thedialogues//sentences read by one English native speaker, five types of speech forms ofthe same dialogue//sentence were ultimately obtained. For convenience, the speechforms were recognized simply as Good Articulation with Good Intonation /(GAGI/),Good Articulation with Poor Intonation /(GAPI/), Poor Articulation with GoodIntonation /(PAGI/), Poor

关 键 词: 外国口音 感知 听者因素 敏感度 容忍度

领  域: [语言文字]


作者 李景娜
作者 张洪云
作者 杨新义
作者 黎明华
作者 贺修炎


机构 广东外语外贸大学
机构 中山大学
机构 华南理工大学
机构 暨南大学
机构 华南师范大学


作者 彭川
作者 彭晓春
作者 徐云扬
作者 成海涛
作者 曾小敏