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On Assessing College Students'Oral English in China with Canadian Language Benchmarks

导  师: 何举纯

学科专业: 050201

授予学位: 硕士

作  者: ;

机构地区: 华中师范大学

摘  要: 英语口语的教学与测试在实践中都是非常具有挑战性的,很多学校与教师基于这个原因都不愿意投入精力与时间进行英语口语测试方面的研究与实践。很多人甚至不知道如何去实施口语考试。造成现在这种情况的原因之一就是口语考试标准的缺失。但另一方面,在全世界经济飞速发展,各国经济相互依赖程度不断加大的大背景下,各行各业对于英语口语人才的需求却是与日俱增。这种需求与供给严重脱节的现实令我们作为英语教育者不得不重视这个问题。 全国大学英语四、六级考试委员会决定于1995年5月起在部分重点院校试行英语口语考试,然后逐步在其他院校实施。这虽然打破了英语口语测试的坚冰,但是口语测试却不是强制性的,只有书面成绩达到85分的学生才有机会参加口语测试。而且其口语测试标准不为广大考生所知,这就造成了广大的英语考生对于考试标准无所适从,不知道在准备口语考试的时候应该讲着重点放在什么地方。从另一个方面也打击了学生们练好英语口语的积极性。 本文的目的在于探讨将加拿大已经成型的,适用于评估来自全世界新移民的口语标准--《加拿大语言基准》运用于我们的大学英语口语考试,以验证其是否适合作为我们大学英语口语测试标准以及其对大学英语口语的反拨作用,但是基于时间及精力的限制,本文将仅邀请广东培正学院的部分学生和部分外教参与本研究。在每学期的期中和期末按照加拿大语言基准要求进行一次口语测试,共3次。然后分析口语测试对于学生学习口语的反拨作用。在口语测试的基础上,进行调查,所使用的工具有问卷调查/(分为学生卷和教师卷/),课堂观察和与学生和教师访谈。本文的分析和结论都是建立在实证研究的基础上,这样就保证了研究结果的可信性。 通过本研究证明使用加拿大语言基准作为口语考试的标准是完全可行的,对学生学习实践口语、教师教授英语是有正面反拨作用的。 值得注意的是,本研究只是在一所学校小范围之内进行的,结果需要在更大的范围内科学证实。笔者认为为了走出“聋子”英语和“哑巴”英语的怪圈,我们教育部门的管理者应将口语考试跟笔试一样纳入重大考试/(如CET4,CET-6/)当中,使得英语学习真正为了应用而不是为了考试。 The practices of oral English teaching and oral English testing are both challenging, and many universities and teachers are not willing to sacrifice time or energy on oral English testing. Lots of people even have no idea about how to implement an oral English test. One of the reasons that this is happening is we don't have a standard on oral English test. But on the other hand, the economy is developing at a high speed and the dependence among countries is getting more intimate. Thus the need for people with oral English competency is gradually on the rise. The contradiction between the slow development of oral English test and the spiraling demands of talents with good oral English makes us educators think more of the solution. The National Committee of College English decided to carry out oral English test in some key universities as a start, and then spread out at the other universities and colleges gradually. Though this is an ice-breaker, the oral test is not compulsory, and only those candidates who have scored85or over are qualified to take the oral test. Their standard is no where to be obtained, thus the students have no idea what to focus on when preparing for the oral test. The gist of the thesis is to try to employ the Canadian Language Benchmarks to assess the Chinese college students' oral English to see if it suits and its backwash on the oral English teaching. But due to limited time and energy, the researcher only invited some of the students and foreign teachers from Guangdong Peizheng College. In the middle and at the end of each semester, an oral English test was held under the CLB, altogether there are3tests. Analysis on their washback is made on students learning oral English. Based on the oral English tests, some research has been done, the instruments included questionnaires /(For students and for foreign teachers/), classroom observation and interviews with students and foreign teachers. All analysis and conclusions are based on the research, thus the credibility of the research is guaranteed. The study shows that the CLB is suitable to be employed as the scale for college oral English test and it has positive washback on students learning practical oral English and teachers teaching. What's worth mentioning is that the study is limited to only one college, more researches need to be done that the CLB is suitable all through the country. The researcher strongly believe that in order to eliminate deaf English and dumb English, the administrators of education have to make oral English a part of the key tests/(CET-4, CET-6/) to make oral English learning practical.

关 键 词: 大学英语 英语口语测试 标准 加拿大语言基准 反拨作用

分 类 号: [H319.3]

领  域: [语言文字]


作者 姜洪良
作者 刘瑾
作者 郭丽
作者 金檀
作者 麦陈淑贤


机构 广东外语外贸大学
机构 中山大学
机构 华南师范大学
机构 广东技术师范学院
机构 暨南大学


作者 彭川
作者 彭晓春
作者 徐云扬
作者 成海涛
作者 曾小敏