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A Research on Social Work Intervention of Prison Police Officer's Occupational Stress

导  师: 李晓玲

学科专业: 030301

授予学位: 硕士

作  者: ;

机构地区: 吉林大学

摘  要: 监狱警察作为一个比较特殊的职业群体,不仅承接了司法体系当中最重要的环节,而且他们一旦出现工作的失职和漏洞,其后果将不堪设想。目前学术界对监狱警察的研究主要是从心理学的角度来进行,研究主要内容集中在工作压力、个体压力、职业倦怠和心理韧性等问题上。而本文的研究主要通过社会工作的理论和方法,以J市某监狱为个案,对监狱警察的职业压力进行分析,提出目前监狱民警面临的职业压力主要来自于职业本身、组织管理体制和社会支持方面。针对监狱警察职业压力所造成的心理问题、人际关系问题和家庭问题进行一系列的小组工作干预,并对干预的结果展开评估和讨论。 本文第一部分介绍了选题背景、研究意义、文献回顾、相关概念、研究方法。第二部分通过定性和定量的方式分析了目前监狱警察所面临的职业压力,并以J市某监狱为研究对象,压力包括工作压力、社会压力、自身压力、生活压力和人际关系压力。多样而复杂的压力源使很多监狱警察深陷抑郁、恐惧、焦虑、担忧、不满等负面的恶性情绪之中,严重影响工作热情、工作效率、工作稳定性和单位士气。第三部分介绍了项目方案设计、实施和评估,通过小组工作方法,设计了10次小组活动,对J市某监狱的狱警开展职业压力减缓干预。在具体的社会工作干预过程中,使用了需要理论、小组动力学、优势视角理论、增能理论、社会学习理论、认知行为理论、社会支持网络理论、社会生态系统理论,设计小组工作方案,针对狱警复杂多样的压力源,有效缓解和疏导狱警的职业压力。笔者发现小组工作在群体层面和个人心理层面有效的改善了狱警的职业压力,提升了狱警的自尊水平,有益于狱警的身心健康,释放了狱警的负面情绪,教会了狱警正确的减压方式,增强了狱警的人际沟通能力,提升了狱警的工作热情、社会责任感、职业成就感,帮助狱警建构了有益的社会支持网络。第四部分进行总结和反思。笔者提出综合运用多学科的知识、理念、方法和技术,尝试设计狱警与服刑人员并行小组,可以有效改善狱警的职业压力。 Prison police officers, as a relatively special occupational group, are not onlytaking over the most vital link of judicial system, but also would make inconceivableconsequences by a dereliction and bug of duty. At present, the academic researches onprison police officers are mainly focus on work pressure, individual pressure, jobburnout and mental toughness in the perspective of psychology. This thesis analyzesthe occupational stress of prison police officers by the theory and method of socialwork based on the prison of J city, and present that the current occupational stress ofprison police officers is mainly from the occupation itself, the organization andmanagement system and the social support. As to the psychological problems causedby the occupational stress, interpersonal relationship and family issue, the authorcarries out a series of group work intervention, and also evaluates and discusses theresults of intervention. The first part of this thesis introduces the background of the research, significanceof the research, literature review and methodology. The second part takes the prison ofJ city as the subject to analyze the current problems, faced by prison police officers,of occupational stress from work, society, individual, life and interpersonalrelationship by qualitative and quantitative data. The divers and complicated stresssource make many prison police officers fall into depressed, fear, anxiety, dissatisfiedand other negative mood, which seriously impact their working enthusiasm, efficiency,stability and morale. The third part introduces the design of project plans, implementand evaluation. the author designs ten group activities, by group work method, toconduct intervention of stress release. During the process of intervention, the author employs the Need Theory, Group Dynamics Theory, Strength Perspective Theory,Empowerment Theory, Social Learning Theory, Cognitive-behavioral Theory, SocialSupport Network Theory and Social Ecological Systems Theory to design the groupwork program according to the diversity of stress resource, as a result, this programrelease and ease the pressure effectively. The author found that group works release the occupational stress of thepsychological level of group and individual, arise the level of self-esteem which isbeneficial to the physical and psychological health, ease the negative mood, teach theofficers right pressure reduce methods, enhance the ability of interpersonalrelationship, promote the working enthusiasm, sense of social responsibility and senseof occupational achievement, as well as help the prison police officers to constructbeneficial social network support. The last part is conclusion and rethinking. Theauthor presents comprehensive application of multi-disciplinary knowledge, idea,method and technique, and attempts to design and conduct parallel group between theprison police officers and the prisoners, which can release the occupational stresseffectively.

关 键 词: 社会工作 监狱警察 职业压力 小组工作

分 类 号: [C916 D926.7]

领  域: [经济管理] [社会学] [政治法律]


作者 黄凯利
作者 莫建臻
作者 高伟
作者 熊星
作者 于耀华


机构 华南农业大学公共管理学院
机构 广东司法警官职业学院
机构 中山大学
机构 华南理工大学
机构 华南农业大学信息学院


作者 张平芳
作者 俞仲文
作者 陈枫
作者 田彦群
作者 吕兰