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导  师: 赵艳

学科专业: 120204

授予学位: 硕士

作  者: ;

机构地区: 首都经济贸易大学

摘  要: 随着我国东部沿海发达地区改革开放取得成效,标志着我国改革开放的分步走战略已经迈出坚实的第一步,作为下一步改革开放的重要组成部分,向西开放战略应运而生。空港物流园区具有辐射范围和产业集聚的优势,其建设是向西开放战略中的重要一环。然而,有关我国西部空港物流园区的规划和功能定位的文献较少,其方法也欠缺系统性、科学性,因此,笔者意欲通过深入挖掘西部地区地缘经济和物流环境特点,形成一套适合西部地区的空港物流园区功能定位方法,为今后西部空港物流园区的发展提供参考。 物流园区作为物流系统中的节点,其规划和发展与其所处区域经济和物流环境相互影响。本文通过解读最新政策环境变化,发掘物流业中新型需求增长点,确定了其对空港物流园区功能定位的影响,继而构建西部区域内各省份的物流竞争力评价体系,对宁夏、新疆、陕西、青海和甘肃的物流体系优劣势进行量化分析。为了更好地运用物流竞争力分析结论分析物流园区功能定位,作者使用聚类分析将分散的指标提炼整合,使其更能反映区域物流优劣势与物流园区定位的关系。 本文以此为基础,结合区域外部机遇和内部优势,形成了综合适合西部地区的空港物流园区的功能定位方法,亦即外部引力-内部实力矩阵模型,并以银川空港保税物流园区的功能定位为例,对该园区的其潜在功能定位进行评价筛选,最终形成该园区未来的发展路径。 With the eastern coastal areas of China's reform and opening-effective, markingChina's reform and opening to go step by step strategy has taken a solid first step, the nextstep as an important part of the reform and opening up to the west open strategy emerged.Airport Logistics Park has a range of radiation and industrial agglomeration advantages,and its opening-up strategy in the west building is an important part. However, the functionof literature on planning and positioning of Western Airport Logistics Park is less, themethod is also a lack of systematic, scientific, and therefore, I desire to dig in the westernregion by geo-economic and environmental characteristics of the logistics, the formation ofa suitable western region The Airport Logistics Park feature positioning method, to providea reference for the future development of the western airport logistics park. Logistics Park as a logistics node system, the planning and development of regionaleconomy and its logistics environment in which mutual influence. Through interpretationof the latest changes in the policy environment, the logistics industry to explore newdemand growth, to determine its impact on airport logistics park functional orientation,which in turn build logistics competitiveness evaluation system within the western regionof the provinces of Ningxia, Xinjiang, Shaanxi, advantages and disadvantages of thelogistics system in Qinghai and Gansu quantitative analysis. In order to make better use ofcompetitive analysis conclusions Logistics Logistics Park functional positioning analysis,the authors used cluster analysis to refine the integration of decentralized indicators tobetter reflect the strengths and weaknesses of regional logistics and logistics parkorientation relationship. In this paper, on this basis, combined with regional external opportunities and internalstrengths, forming a functional integrated positioning method suitable for the westernregion of Airport Logistics Park, which is the external gravity-the internal strength of thematrix model, and functional positioning Yinchuan airport bonded logistics park is cases,the potential function of its park position to evaluate screening, eventually forming thefuture development path of the park.

关 键 词: 向西开放战略 区域物流竞争力 物流园区功能定位

分 类 号: [F562.8 F259.27]

领  域: [经济管理] [经济管理]


作者 李新
作者 王菲
作者 周柳青
作者 梁海琼
作者 徐冠杰


机构 华南理工大学
机构 广东外语外贸大学
机构 广东科学技术职业学院
机构 深圳职业技术学院
机构 广东外语外贸大学南国商学院


作者 廖刚
作者 张为
作者 张丽丽
作者 张丽娟
作者 张丽娟