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导  师: 李华敏

学科专业: 1251

授予学位: 硕士

作  者: ;

机构地区: 陕西师范大学

摘  要: 在当前知识经济的大环境中,人力资源已经成为现代企业一项重要的战略资源,也是企业能够立足与发展的前提保障。企业中的核心员工,是企业发展运营的中流砥柱,是企业不可或缺的资源。激励作为人力资源管理关键的组成部分,组织运行制度体系的优劣,对企业能否留住优秀员工、吸引外来人才显得十分重要。健全完善的激励管理制度,是提升企业运行效率、决定企业发展兴衰的基本保障。 我国国有企业在经历了转型之后,如何提升员工的工作积极性和工作满意度仍是当前企业遇到的最大问题。许多企业在运行过程中都出现组织人员臃肿、绩效平平、效率不高等问题。如何让员工提升主观能动性,发挥个人潜力,成为了摆在这些企业面前的一个难题。本文以国内某大型国有企业为例,分析企业发展现状,发现企业在人力资源管理过程中存在的问题,利用定性分析与定量分析相结合的方式,探讨企业核心员工激励满意度状况,并就企业如何优化组织激励机制,有针对性的提出管理对策与建议。通过对该企业激励制度的研究和分析,为同类国有大中型企业在完善改进企业管理制度体系的过程中提供借鉴与参考。 本文按以下研究顺序展开:首先对案例企业运营情况、人力资源以及激励制度现状进行了分析。然后对管理学领域经典的激励理论进行了阐述,并在此基础上,探讨了案例公司在实际运营过程中存在的具体问题。接下来通过调研,设计并发放问卷,考察企业核心员工激励满意度现状,通过对反馈数据结果的分析,得出组织员工激励感受的五大维度——职业发展、组织氛围、薪酬福利、个人成就与企业发展,进一步进行了个体因素对员工满意度的差异性分析,为优化企业激励制度提供依据。最后,结合研究结论与企业现实存在问题,为改善员工激励机制,提出激励机制优化要点和对策建议。 Human resource is an important strategic resource in today's knowledge economy. It is an essential element for the enterprise that wants to be in a dominant position in the fierce market competition. The core stuff, as the mainstay of the operations, is enterprise's indispensable resource. Incentive is one of the human resource management's key parts. It contributes organization and operation system. It also helps retain and attract good employees. Perfecting incentive management system is the basic guarantee to enhance the enterprises operating efficiency, and to determine the rise and fall of enterprise development. How to improve staff motivation and job satisfaction is still the biggest problem for China's state-owned enterprises currently. There are many enterprises face the problems such as overstaff, low enthusiastic and inefficient work. How to make the employees to enhance initiative and develop their individual potential has become a challenge placed in front of these enterprises. In this paper, we analyze a large state-owned enterprise. We use a combination of qualitative analysis and quantitative analysis to explore the status of the enterprise core staff motivation satisfaction and provide suggestion on optimizing organizational incentives. This case study provides reference for the kind of large and medium-sized state-owned enterprises in refined and improved the system of enterprise management system. This paper organizes in following order:First part is basic introduction, including the case company's operating and human resources. Second part is theory, including classic motivation theory and on this basis, explore the specific issues of the case company exist in the actual operational process. Next, we analyze feedback data collected from our design questionnaires on core staff motivation satisfaction, and obtain five dimensions of organizational staff. They are motivation feelings-career development, organizational climate, salaries and benefits, personal achievement and enterprise development. We apply further analysis of individual differences in factors of employee satisfaction, and provide a basis for optimizing enterprise incentive system. Finally, we provide suggestions on improving employee incentives with the combination of the conclusions enterprise reality.

关 键 词: 国有企业 核心员工 激励满意度 制度优化

分 类 号: [F272.92 F299.233.4]

领  域: [经济管理] [经济管理] [经济管理]


作者 智建丽
作者 钟东荣
作者 戴飞
作者 朱彩荣
作者 祁湘涵


机构 暨南大学
机构 华南理工大学
机构 中山大学
机构 暨南大学管理学院
机构 华南理工大学工商管理学院


作者 廖刚
作者 张为
作者 张丽丽
作者 张丽娟
作者 张丽娟