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Research on SAW Temperature Sensing System and Antenna for Smart Grid

导  师: 刘文

学科专业: 081001

授予学位: 硕士

作  者: ;

机构地区: 武汉邮电科学研究院

摘  要: SAW技术自十九世纪七十年代起,至今已发展成为一门集声学、压电材料学和半导体加工工艺相结合的综合技术,经过四十多年的发展,以该技术为基础的SAW器件在无线通信、信号处理和传感等领域得到了广泛的应用。 近年来,伴随智能电网和物联网的发展,传感器技术倍受国内外重视。特别是智能电网的建设过程中,为了优化资源配置,建设更加稳定可靠的电网,电力设备状态在线监测技术受到高度重视。状态监测的核心就是传感器技术,状态监测技术的发展对传感技术提出了新要求。如电网设备温度状态监测中,电气安全距离和高绝缘要求监测系统尽可能无线监测;电力系统长期可靠运行要求监测器件具有长维护周期;苛刻的现场环境要求监测器件具有良好的稳定性;不同类型不同规格的电气设备,要求监测器件可灵活构建不同规模。在这些条件限制下,传统的红外技术、有源无线方案、光纤传感技术已无法满足要求。 声表面波传感器引入电网设备状态检测后,由于它具有无线遥测、无需供电、抗干扰能力强、精度高、成本低、用途广等优点,在状态在线监测应用中展现出巨大的潜力。本文着眼于智能电网建设过程中,电力设备温度状态在线监测的需求,以SAW技术为基础,研究面向电网应用的温度传感系统。从实用的角度分析设计传感器和读写器,并优化设计天线单元,尝试解决实用中关于传感距离、传感稳定性和系统实用性的问题。 本论文把无源无线温度传感系统分为传感器单元、读写器系统和天线三个部分来研究。第一章首先分析了在SAW技术的特点及现状;第二章对传感器单元从原理方法上展开讨论,探讨了SAW传感器的设计方法;第三章在前文传感器设计的基础上,依托网络分析仪开发了对应的测试平台,实现对SAW芯片的设计检验;第四章分析了无线传感系统中天线的作用,并针对实际应用场景开发了不同的天线;第五章综合前文的设计研究,构建了完正的无源无线传感系统及网络;第六章对全文进行了总结,并展望了SAW技术未来的发展。 Surface Acoustic Wave /(SAW/) technology which began in the late1970s graduallydeveloped into a cross subject combinating with a set of acoustics, piezoelectric andsemiconductor technology. After forty years development, the devices based on the SAWtechnology was widely used in wireless communications, signal processing and sensorfield. In recent years, with the development of Smart Grid and the Internet of things,domestic and overseas pay much attention on sensor technology. Especially in theconstruction of the intelligent power grid, in order to optimize the allocation of resourcesand build a more stable and reliable power grid, the power equipment on-line conditionmonitoring technology has been highly appreciated. The core of the condition monitoringis sensor technology, so development of condition monitoring put forward higher requeston sensor technology. Such as in temperature condition monitoring of grid equipment,electrical safety distance and high insulation require monitoring system using wirelessmonitoring; Long-term reliable operation of the power system require that monitoringdevice has long maintenance cycle; The harsh environment require monitoring device hasgood stability; Different types and different specifications equipment request monitoringdevice can flexibly construct different scale system. Under these restrictions, the traditionalinfrared technology, active wireless solutions, optical fiber sensing technology failed tomeet the requirements. So when surface acoustic wave sensors is designed for condition monitoring,becauseof its advantages of wireless telemetry, passive, strong anti-interference ability, highprecision, low cost, and multipurpose, it shows huge potential in on-line conditionmonitoring. This paper focuses on the demand of on-line condition monitoring of electricpower equipment, researches the temperature sensing system for power grid applicationbased on SAW technology. In a very sort of pragmatic sense, sensors and reader of thesensing system are designed, optimization design of antenna unit is done for solving the problem of sensing distance, sensing stability and practicality. The wireless temperature sensing system is researched in three parts: sensor unit,reader system and antenna. The first chapter analyzes the SAW technology and thepresent situation; The second chapter discusses the principle of the sensing unit, proposes adesign method of SAW sensor; Based on the foundation of SAW sensor design, the thirdchapter develops automatic testing system for sensor verification based on networkanalysis instrument; The fourth chapter analyzes the effect of antenna in wireless sensingsystem, and designs different antenna for practical application; Chapter5synthesizes theabove research to construct passive wireless sensor system and network; The sixth chaptersummarizes the article and discusses the prospect of SAW technology.

关 键 词: 声表面波 传感器 天线 传感系统 状态监测 智能电网

分 类 号: [TM76]

领  域: [电气工程]


作者 杜帅字
作者 张江洋
作者 王昊
作者 罗丽敏
作者 白珂


机构 华南理工大学
机构 华南师范大学化学与环境学院
机构 中山大学
机构 华南理工大学电力学院
机构 广东培正学院


作者 王珺
作者 刘洋
作者 张光宇
作者 叶飞
作者 周永务