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Research on the Relationship between Rural Financial Development and Rural Economic Growth

导  师: 夏显力

学科专业: 120301

授予学位: 硕士

作  者: ;

机构地区: 西北农林科技大学

摘  要: 中国是世界上的超级农业大国,为了促进农村经济快速增长,我国连续出台了一系列推动“三农”发展的政策措施,做出了全面部署,取得了喜人的成绩,但是我国农村经济发展过程中仍然存在着诸多问题。为了进一步促进农村经济的增长,我国将发展的重点放在农村金融体系上。因此,以相关理论为指导,采取定性与定量相结合的方法,以山东省为例,研究农村金融发展与农村经济增长的关系,具有重要的理论意义和实践价值。具体表现为:(1)当前,生产力受到传统体制束缚较深,农村经济发展对资金的依赖程度较高,通过研究能够完善农村金融服务体系,促进农村经济的快速发展。(2)通过研究,寄希望扩充未来农村金融服务内容,其对经济增长的影响将不仅在提供资金信贷,而是提供全方位的服务。 由于地域原因,我国各地区的农村金融体系发展不平衡,存在着诸如农村金融市场缺乏竞争性、正规金融体系失位、农村地区难以引进商业性金融机构、政策性金融机构缺位和农村信用合作社支农力度小等各种问题,这些都制约着我国农村金融体系的发展,阻碍着我国农村经济的增长。为了具体分析我国农村金融体系存在的问题,本文在对国内外研究动态分析的基础上,以相关理论为指导,分析了农村金融发展与农村经济增长之间的相互作用机理,阐述了我国农村金融发展的基本特征,并以山东省农村金融发展为范例,剖析了山东省农村金融体系存在的问题,通过文献整理和数据收集实证研究了山东农村金融发展对农村经济增长的作用关系及其贡献效果,指出了发展中存在的突出障碍,最后从降低农村地区金融服务成本、加强金融服务风险管理、推进农村金融产品创新和制度改革等方面提出了完善农村金融体系,促进农村经济更快更好发展的政策建议。 研究结果表明,农村经济增长与农民增长与农民收入的增加、农业贷款的增加存在正相关关系,而与农业存款的增加存在一定的负相关。农村经济增长与农村金融发展互为因果关系,农业贷款余额的增加会促进农村经济增长,但是农业存款余额的增加会抑制农村经济的增长。 China is an agricultural superpower in the world, in order to promote rural economicgrowth, China has introduced a series of consecutive push "San Nong" development policymeasures, made a full deployment, have made gratifying achievements, but there is still a lotof problems in the development of rural economy. In order to further promote rural economicgrowth and development will focus on the rural financial system. Therefore, guided by relatedtheory, methods of qualitative and quantitative, taking Shandong Province as an example, tostudy the relationship between rural financial development and rural economic growth, whichhas important theoretical significance and practical value. Specific performance:/(1/) thecurrent, productivity by the shackles of the traditional system is deep, the higher the degree ofdependence on rural economic development funds, through the research to improve the ruralfinancial service system, and promote the rapid development of the rural economy./(2/)through the study, hope that the extended future rural financial services, its impact oneconomic growth will not only provide the money, credit, but to provide a full range ofservices. Because of geographical reasons, uneven development of different regions in China'srural financial system, there is a lack of competitiveness, such as rural financial markets losethe formal financial system, in rural areas it is difficult to bring in commercial financialinstitutions, policy-oriented financial institutions lack small and rural credit cooperativesupporting agriculture and other issues, these will restrict the development of China's ruralfinancial system, hampering China's rural economic growth. To specific analysis my ruralfinancial system exists of problem, this in on both at home and abroad research dynamicanalysis of based Shang, to related theory for guide, analysis has rural financial developmentand rural economic growth Zhijian of mutual role mechanism, described has my ruralfinancial development of basic features, and to Shandong province rural financialdevelopment for examples, analysis has Shandong province rural financial system exists ofproblem, through literature finishing and data collection empirical research has Shandongrural financial development on rural economic growth of role relationship and contributioneffect, Points to highlight in the development obstacles, eventually reduce the cost of financial services in rural areas, strengthen the financial services risk management, promoting the innovation of rural financial products and systems was raised by reform of rural financialsystem and policy suggestions about promoting faster and better development of the ruraleconomy. The results show that there is a positive correlation between the increase, rural economicgrowth and income growth of farmers and increase the income of farmers, agricultural loans,and with the increase of agricultural deposits have certain negative correlation. Ruraleconomic growth and rural financial development of reciprocal causation relationship,increase agricultural loans will promote rural economic growth, but the agricultural balancewill increase to inhibit the growth of the rural economy.

关 键 词: 农村金融 农村经济增长 互动关系 山东省

分 类 号: [F327 F832.7]

领  域: [经济管理] [经济管理]


作者 张智庆
作者 肖海越
作者 钟媛媛
作者 高辉灵
作者 周丽


机构 暨南大学
机构 中山大学
机构 华南农业大学经济管理学院
机构 华南师范大学
机构 华南理工大学


作者 廖刚
作者 张为
作者 张丽丽
作者 张丽娟
作者 张丽娟