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导  师: 刘鸿渊

学科专业: 120204

授予学位: 硕士

作  者: ;

机构地区: 西南石油大学

摘  要: 低碳技术是低碳经济发展的关键,低碳经济的发展使低碳技术交易更加频繁。由于低碳技术的特殊性,低碳技术转让价格的确定没有一个合理公平的评价标准,交易双方无法达成共识,导致技术转让成本增加,技术成果的转化率也随之降低。当前技术转让定价方法众多,各有其合理性,但不论哪种定价模型,都是在分析技术商品价格影响因素的基础上,重点研究技术的经济效益指标对技术价格的影响,缺乏对其社会效益的系统研究。低碳技术是涉及多个领域的为控制温室气体排放而研发的一系列技术的统称,可见,低碳技术具有较强的正外部性。低碳技术所带来的社会效益和生态效益对其价值具有较大影响。因此,本文的研究目的就是将低碳技术的公益性指标纳入低碳技术转让定价模型之中,以科学合理的反应低碳技术的真实价值。 本文在技术商品价格理论、技术经济学、期权定价理论等的基础上,运用比较分析方法以及定性分析和定量分析相结合的方法研究低碳技术转让定价问题。本文的主要研究内容有三部分,首先分析了低碳技术的价值属性,重点分析了低碳技术公益性、不确定性和期权特性三个基本属性;其次是实物期权在低碳技术转让定价中的适用性分析,在明确实物期权的应用条件的基础上,分析了低碳技术转让定价的各个要素以及低碳技术受让方所具有的灵活性决策,并提出相关假设条件,便于后面定价模型的构建;最后是基于实物期权的低碳技术转让定价方法的研究,分别从未考虑公益性和考虑公益性两个角度来构建期权定价模型。考虑公益性的低碳技术转让定价方法研究中,引入投资效率这一参数,将低碳技术公益性纳入定价模型之中,改进了已有的期权定价模型,进而得出低碳技术转让定价模型。 Low-carbon technologies are the key to the development of low-carbon economy. At the same time, The development of low-carbon economy promote the research and development of low-carbon technologies. The phenomenon of low-carbon technology transfer is growing. Due to the special nature of low-carbon technologies, The price for the transfer of low-carbon technologies is unreasonable and unfair, Result in the transfer of technology to the two sides can not reach a consensus, leading to increased costs of technology transfer, technological achievements conversion rate is also reduced. At present, There are many ways to determine the price of technologies, To some extent, these methods are reasonable. All the pricing models firstly analyze the influencing factors of technical commodity prices, and then analyze the economic benefits of the technology, but do not specifically analyze the social and ecological benefits. Because of the function of Low-carbon technologies is to control greenhouse gas emissions, low-carbon technologies have strong positive externalities. Social and ecological benefits that Produced by low carbon technologies have a greater impact on the price of low-carbon technologies. The focus of this study is considering the public welfare of low-carbon technologies, so the price of Low-carbon technologies closer to its true value. The theoretical basis of the study is the technical commodity price theory, technology, economics and management, real options theory, research methodology is normative and empirical studies combined, and the combination of qualitative and quantitative analysis method. First of all, the paper analyzes the value of properties of Low-carbon technologies, including public welfare of Low-carbon technologies, the uncertainty and option characteristics of the three basic attributes. Then, the paper analyzes the Low-carbon technologies market environment and makes assumptions. Finally, this paper introduces the parameter for the efficiency of investment, which could represent the public welfare of Low-carbon technologies.

关 键 词: 低碳技术 价值属性 公益性 实物期权

分 类 号: [F205 F830.9]

领  域: [经济管理] [经济管理]


作者 张海
作者 刘勇
作者 许洪岩
作者 杜敏哲
作者 王传民


机构 华南理工大学
机构 中山大学
机构 中山大学管理学院
机构 华南理工大学工商管理学院
机构 暨南大学


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作者 张为
作者 张丽丽
作者 张丽娟
作者 张丽娟