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Research on Vendor Selection and Evaluation Strategy of Company G under Global Purchasing

导  师: 唐丽春;郑云平

学科专业: 1201

授予学位: 硕士

作  者: ;

机构地区: 华南理工大学

摘  要: 随着经济全球化的深入发展,企业趋向于选择廉价劳动力、低成本物流网络和管制少的市场环境以降低采购成本、获取更多的利润同时保持在市场中的立足之地,国际采购逐渐成为必然的趋势。 从整个供应链来看,供应商是物流的始发点,是资金流的开始,同时又是信息流的端点。任何一个最终用户的需求信息最终都会被分解为采购信息,用户需求的满足程度取决于供应商对订单的实现程度。供应商选择是供应链正常运行的基础,也是供应商管理的一个重要组成部分。供应商选择是否正确会直接影响企业的采购成本和整个供应链的成败。因此,本文在前人研究的基础上,重点研究如何建立一套既科学又有效的国际采购环境下供应商评价与选择体系。 本文介绍了G公司的历史以及主要业务等情况,然后从G公司国际采购的特征、采购风险以及采购管理现状三个角度对G公司的国际采购现状进行了剖析。然后研究了G公司基于综合评价模型的供应商选择与评价体系的现状。最后指出了G公司现有的供应商选择与评价体系存在的问题,提出了建立新的科学的评价模型的必要性。总结了国内外国际采购环境下供应商选择与评价的相关理论和方法,主要从供应商基本情况、质量与价格、经营管理能力、出口环境、合作伙伴关系和EHS六大方面对指标进行分类,共16个二级指标。先用层次分析法确定指标的权重,再用灰色关联度法评选出最优供应商。最后,运用该模型对G公司供应商选择进行了实证分析,为G公司选择正确的供应商提供参考。 With the deepening of economic globalization, companies tend to choose cheap labor,low-cost logistics network and less-control market environment in order to reduceprocurement costs, get more profit while maintaining a foothold in the market place,international procurement has become inevitable trend. From the entire supply chain, logistics suppliers are the starting point of capital flows, itis also the beginning of information flow. Any end-user demand information will eventuallybe broken down into procurement information, the degree of meeting users' needs depends onthe degree of order fulfillment. Supplier selection is the basis of the normal operation of thesupply chain, and supplier management is an important component. Choosing the rightsupplier will directly affect the cost of procurement and the success of the entire supply chain.Therefore, this paper bases on previous studies, focusing on how to set up a scientific andeffective system to evaluate and select supplier under international procurement environment. This paper introduces G company’s history as well as the main business, and thenanalyze the international procurement status, risk and management status of G company. Thenstudy the present situation of G company supplier selection and evaluation system ofcomprehensive evaluation model based on the existing problems of supplier selection andevaluation in multinational Company G, and proposes the necessity of establishing a newmodel of supplier evaluation. Summed up the relevant theories and methods of internationalsupplier selection and evaluation from home and abroad, mainly classify from the basicsituation of suppliers, quality and price, management capabilities, export environment,partnerships and EHS, a total of16secondary indicators. First determine the index weight byusing AHP, then use the gray correlation method to select best supplier. Finally, apply themodel to G's supplier selection empirical analysis, providing a reference for G to choose theright supplier.

关 键 词: 国际采购 供应商选择 灰色关联度法

分 类 号: [F274]

领  域: [经济管理] [经济管理]


作者 付优
作者 刘狄
作者 徐云飞
作者 刘光福


机构 华南理工大学


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