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The Research of WOM Communication in the Context of Social Media

导  师: 苏宏元

学科专业: 050302

授予学位: 硕士

作  者: ;

机构地区: 华南理工大学

摘  要: 当前,我们正处于社会化媒体传播的时代,几乎每天都有数以十亿计的网民在刷微博,发微信,逛社区,在论坛里面发个帖,购物之前看下第三方点评等等。在这样一种传播环境中,我们几乎人人都是传播者也同时也是受众,随时随地的进行着人与人的信息互动,我们会把自己的对某种信息,商品或者服务的感想传播给他人,这种古老的口口相传在这个时代又重获生机。 口碑传播本来就是一种传播成本低,互动性强的传播方式,比起大规模的大众传播和大投入的广告传播,这种传播方式的可以说是小投入,大产出。但是,实际中我们可以看到,口碑传播并没有被各个传播者重视或者传播方法不得当。这些问题都值得我们深思。本文旨在分析社会化媒体的传播特点和口碑传播的特点,在此基础上总结出口碑传播在社会化媒体平台上的传播特点;其次到底是什么机制使得两者在传播上契合地如此紧密。最后得出口碑传播在这种传播环境中的传播策略。 本论文一共分成四大部分,第一章绪论对本文的研究背景、国内外研究现状、研究思路和研究方法、本文创新点等进行介绍。第二章主要从传播学的角度出发来研究社会化媒体和口碑传播的特点,并且在综合考虑两者各自传播特点的基础上,总结出口碑传播在社会化媒体中的传播特点。第三章先指出由于社会化媒体的社会性,使网民有种重回“部落化”时代的感觉,口碑传播在这个“部落化”时代全面回归,成为主要的传播方式。然后研究在新“部落化”时代口碑传播的机制,从口碑信息搜索机制、互动机制和信任机制三方面来研究口碑传播在社会化媒体中的传播机制。第四章在前面两章对传播特点和传播机制研究的基础上,分析在社会化媒体中口碑传播策略,并且以实际案例来分析这些传播策略如何运行。最后阐明本文的研究结论。 At present, We are at the stage of social media, almost every day,there is billions of netcitizens using social media, like micro blog,twitter, facebook, etc. We all likely to refer to thethird party to make our decision-making, In this communication environment,we all aredisseminators as well as audiences at the same time and we are able to spread and receiveinformation anytime and anywhere. Essentially, Word of Mouth is a way of communication with low cost and highinteractivity, compared with big mass communication and high cost advertisement, WOM canbe defined as low-c0st with high productivity. But, in reality, we can easily find that WOM islow estimated or used in wrong way, which should be pondered over by our researchers. Nowthis paper aims to analyze the characteristics of communication of social media and WOMand based on those analyses gets the conclusion of the characteristics of WOM in theenvironment of social media; Then this paper analyze with what mechanism the WOM andsocial media can be agreed with each other so much. Finally we try to get the strategy ofWOM in the environment of social media. The paper is composed with four parts. The first chapter is introduction,in theintroduction I will introduce the research background of domestic and overseas, researchframe, research method and the innovation points, etc. Then in the second chapter,I willanalyze the communication characteristic s of social media and WOM through the angle ofcommunication studies, and conclude the communication characteristics of WOM in thesocial media environment after I analyze their communication characteristics respectively.And in the third part, first I point out that because of the sociality of social media wenetcitizens has the feeling of back to tribe, and WOM is able to return as a maincommunication method, then I analyze the WOM mechanism like word of mouth informationsearch mechanism, interactivity mechanism and trust mechanism.Finally,in the forthchapter,based on the former two chapter’s analyses,I try to obtain the communicationstrategy of WOM in the social media environment and analyze how to use these strategies inthe real case with the example of BEN NANA In the end of the paper, I will give theillumination of the research conclusion.

关 键 词: 社会化媒体 口碑传播 传播机制 传播策略

分 类 号: [G206.2]

领  域: [文化科学]


作者 罗燕妮
作者 王昶
作者 张臻
作者 谢林君
作者 杜慧贞


机构 暨南大学新闻与传播学院
机构 暨南大学
机构 华南理工大学
机构 中山大学
机构 广东金融学院保险系


作者 庞菊香
作者 康超
作者 廖燕萍
作者 廖荆梅
作者 张丽娟