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Business Plan on 'NJGARDEN' Property Project

导  师: 李映照

学科专业: 1251

授予学位: 硕士

作  者: ;

机构地区: 华南理工大学

摘  要: PG集团多元化经营,主要从事地产开发及房地产基金业务。本商业计划书是有关PG投资集团意向承接的环渤海经济圈外的第一个项目。NJ花园商住地产项目的可行性研究报告,包括项目的环境分析、市场定位、产品定位、价格定位、开发计划、成本限额、推盘计划、风险控制等分析结果。研究目标一方面为相关债权人提供项目投资信息,保障项目资金筹集;另一方面为投资方项目开发提供可靠的决策依据。 本商业计划书首先介绍了项目拓展的历史背景和动因,随后阐述了开发方案:PG公司将通过股权受让方式获得“NJ花园”商住项目开发权,通过周密调研,充分挖掘项目特点,赋予其文化内涵,打造都市绿色、休闲生活。 运用“五力竞争模型分析法”和“SWOT分析法”,对项目的竞争环境作了详细分析和比较,认为项目区位优势、环境优势、集聚优势突出。尽管存在潜在进入者及现有竞争对手威胁及价格竞争,但该区域目前房地产供不应求。通过差异化策略可回避同质化竞争,扬长避短,独辟蹊径,实现预期目标。 项目总投入68443万元(除所得税外),其中投资方自筹25000万元,银行融资30000万元,销售资金返投13500万元。股权投资净现金流25065(84065-59000)万元为正,股权投资财务净现值10237(69237-59000)万元大于零,投资回收期14个月,项目可行。 敏感性分析显示,价格是影响项目收益的重要财务因素,与投入相比,价格因素更敏感。通过对政策风险、管理风险和市场风险采取相应对策,项目风险可控的。 通过分析认为:“NJ花园”项目具有收益较高、开发周期短、风险可控等优势,符合集团“短平快”项目要求,项目可行。 PG group diversification, mainly engaged in real estate development and real estate fundbusiness. This business plan is about the PG investment group intention to undertake the firstprojects outside the bohai economic circle. NJ garden residential and commercial real estateproject feasibility study report, including project environment analysis, market positioning,product positioning, price positioning, development plan, cost limit, pushing plate plan, riskcontrol, etc. The analysis results. Research aim to provide investment information to relevantcreditors, guarantee project to raise funds; On the other hand provide reliable decision basisfor investment project development. This business plan firstly introduces the historical background and motivations of projectdevelopment, then expounds the development plan: PG company will get\“NJ garden\” byway of equity transfer is residential and commercial projects development rights, through thethorough research, fully excavating project characteristics, given its cultural connotation, tobuild urban green, leisure life. Using\“five competition model analysis method\” and\“SWOT\” the project of thecompetitive environment has made the detailed analysis and comparison, think projectlocation advantages, environmental advantages, agglomeration advantages highlighted.Despite the potential entrants and existing competitor threats and price competition, but thearea is the demand of real estate. Through the differentiation strategy to avoid homogeneitycompetition, foster strengths and circumvent weaknesses, instead, to achieve the anticipatedgoal. Project total investment684.43million yuan, in addition to income tax/), of which theinvestor self-raised250million yuan, bank financing,300million yuan, sales of capital returnfor135million yuan. Equity investment net cash flows /(84065-59000/),25065, ten thousandyuan is positive, the equity financial net present value1023769237yuan /(69237-59000/) isgreater than zero, the investment payback period of14months, the project is feasible. Sensitivity analysis shows that, the price is one of the important financial factors affectproject earnings, compared with the input, the price factor is more sensitive. Through thepolicy risk, management risk and market risk to take corresponding countermeasures, projectrisk controllable. Through the analysis thinks:\“NJ garden\” project had relatively higher yield, shortdevelopment cycle, the advantages of the controllable risk, conform to the requirements of thegroup\“rapid spike\” project, project is feasible.

关 键 词: 地产 计划书 财务分析 风险

分 类 号: [F299.233.4 F832.51]

领  域: [经济管理] [经济管理]


作者 谭胜
作者 肖茌文
作者 孔蕾蕾
作者 陈泽洪
作者 张学志


机构 华南理工大学
机构 暨南大学
机构 中山大学
机构 华南理工大学工商管理学院
机构 广东外语外贸大学


作者 廖刚
作者 张为
作者 张丽丽
作者 张丽娟
作者 张丽娟