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Study on the Urbanization of County in Underdeveloped Regions of Western China

导  师: 赵红红;曾宪川

学科专业: 0953

授予学位: 硕士

作  者: ;

机构地区: 华南理工大学

摘  要: 城镇化是农村人口和生活方式由农村转向城镇的过程,是经济社会发展的一种表现形式。我国正处在城镇化快速发展的阶段,大量的农村剩余劳动力需要进入到城镇当中。伴随这个过程城镇和农村都出现了一系列的问题,像农村空心化、城市病、户籍制度导致的城镇落户难、农村土地难以流转等,这些问题不仅制约着城镇化的发展进程,也影响着城镇化的发展质量和城镇居民的生活水平。由于县域内城镇具有门槛低、发展潜力大、吸收半径短等优势,逐渐成为农村富余劳动力的主要承载地,县域城镇化也成为解决“三农”问题的关键。近些年我国的专家学者也对县域城镇化做了大量的研究,提出了多种县域城镇化的动力机制和发展路径。但是这些研究主要是针对东部沿海等发达的地区,对西部欠发达地区的县域研究相对较少,其研究结果和经验总结并不完全适合西部欠发达地区的县域城镇化。本文以贵州省绥阳县域为例对西部欠发达地区县域城镇化进行研究,力图通过对绥阳县域城镇化的现状分析以及以“三农视角”对城镇化的调查访谈,探索和建立县域城镇化的发展动力机制,提出其城镇化发展的路径。 本文的主要内容为:第一、二章首先对国内外的研究进行了综述,整理了城镇化的相关理论,总结了国内外城镇化化路径的经验和启示。第三章分别从城镇化进程、经济发展现状及特征、县域城镇体系特征和生活水平城镇化特征四个方面对绥阳县域城镇化的现状特征进行分析;总结了县域城镇化中面临的主要现状问题。第四章主要从三农视角对绥阳县域居民进行城镇化的问卷调查和访谈。第五章根据前面的分析和调查,构建绥阳县域城镇化的动力机制;第六章依据动力机制系统探索城镇化的实现路径;第七章对整篇论文的主要论点和结论进行了总结,并指出了论文存在的一些不足。 Urbanization is the process which the way of life and population in the countryside shiftto non-agricultural industry and cities, which is expression form of economic and socialdevelopment. Our country is at a stage of rapid development of urbanization, and a largenumber of surplus rural labors will be getting into the town. In this process, Urban and ruralareas have emerged a lot of problems, such as rural hollowing, urban disease, the Hukouhousehold-registration system, difficulty of the circulation of rural land and so on. Theseproblems not only constrain the development of the urbanization process, but also influencethe quality of the urbanization development and living standards for urban residents. Becausethe county towns have many advantages, like great potential for the development, the lowthreshold, shorter absorption of radius etc, which Gradually become the main bearingcapacity of rural surplus labor. And the urbanization of county has become the key to resolve"San Nong" problems. Experts and scholars in our country also did extensive research on theurbanization of county in recent years, and they came up with a variety of dynamic systemand development path on the urbanization of county. These studies is targeted mainly at theeastern seaboard and other developed regions, but counties in western underdeveloped regionsis relatively small, so its findings and lessons learned are not fully fit for the urbanization ofcounty in less developed areas of the western China. Suiyang county in Guizhou Province as acase study in this paper, study of the urbanization of country in less developed areas ofwestern China. Through research of Suiyang county urbanization history and present situation,and the survey and interview of the three agricultural problems, explore and establish motivemechanism of the development of urbanization of county, proposed the urbanizationdevelopment path. Main content of this article is: the first and second chapters do the summary of researchconducted at home and abroad, sorting the theory of urbanization, and summarize theexperience and enlightenment of urbanization path at home and abroad. Chapter thirdrespectively from the urbanization process, the current situation and characteristics of urbanization, economic development, county and town system features and characteristics ofurban living standards in four areas analyze the characteristics of present situation ofurbanization of county, and summarize the major problems in urbanization of county. Chapterfourth, primarily to county residents conducted a questionnaire survey and interview from theperspective of three rural. Chapter fifth, according to the analysis and investigation on thefront, constructs driving mechanism of the Suiyang county urbanization. Chapter sixth, basedon the dynamic mechanism, explores the way of realization of urbanization. Chapter seventhsummarizes the major arguments and conclusions of the paper, and notes the lack of paper.

关 键 词: 西部 欠发达地区 县域 城镇化

分 类 号: [TU982.2]

领  域: [建筑科学]


作者 杨素红
作者 桂祝
作者 杨翠萍
作者 刘淑春
作者 黄晓娜


机构 中山大学
机构 暨南大学管理学院
机构 中山大学国际商学院
机构 中山大学管理学院
机构 华南师范大学地理科学学院


作者 张勇
作者 张萌
作者 冯琼
作者 谢冠一
作者 刘高勇