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Zhongshan City Public Security Bureau of External Public Relations Research

导  师: 张凤凉

学科专业: 1252

授予学位: 硕士

作  者: ;

机构地区: 华南理工大学

摘  要: 在世情、国情、社情发生深刻变化的新形势下,我国各种社会矛盾、社会冲突频发。公安工作和其内外部的公共关系,尤其是警民关系正面临着严峻的挑战。加强警察公共关系建设,是推动和谐警民关系建设的催化剂。应该说,警察公共关系在提升警队形象、维持群众对警队信心、寻求和争取群众对公安工作的理解、信任和支持以及提升群众对公安工作满意率,进而推动整个公安队伍建设和各项公安工作方面均发挥着积极作用,是当前公安机关要重点探索和实践的一项新的重大课题。 本文试图通过公共关系、警察公共关系的起源、国内外学者对公共关系的研究入手,理清警察对外公共关系的含义、特征,当前警察对外公共关系存在的问题。通过研究,本文认为中山市公安局对外公共关系存在的问题主要是:对舆情认识不足,导致工作相对被动;资源分散,导致工作难以全面开展;和媒体的互动缺乏主动性和策划性导致公关效果不佳;缺乏全方位的系统的宣传机制以致难掌握舆论主动权。中山市公安局对外公共关系存在的问题的原因主要有:少数民警素质不高影响公安队伍形象;大部分民警缺乏公关意识和应对公共危机的技能;缺乏系统全方位宣传机制,没有掌握舆论主动权;民警不堪重负导致警力滥用自毁形象。优化中山市公安局对外公共关系建设的对策建议主要有:切实增强民警对警察公共关系建设重要性的认识;建立警察公共关系专门机构以提高民警公关素质;开展形式多样的活动以促进警民沟通和理解;创新管理模式争取舆论的话语权;不断提高公安工作的透明度以满足媒体、记者的知情权。 Strong, national conditions, in a social situation occur profound changes underthe new situation, various social contradictions and social conflicts in China. Thepublic security work and the internal and external public relations, especially therelationship between the is faced with severe challenges. To strengthen theconstruction of the police public relations, is the construction of the harmoniousrelationship between the catalyst. It should be said that the police public relations inimprove the image of the police force, maintain confidence in the force, to seek andstrive for the masses to understand, trust and support to the public security work andenhance the satisfaction of public security work, thus promote the construction ofpolice team and all the work of public security plays a positive role, is the currentpublic security organs to focus on a new exploration and practice of major issue. This article attempts through public relations, the origin of the police publicrelations, domestic and foreign scholars on the study of public relations, clarify themeaning and characteristic of the police external public relations, the current policeproblems of external public relations. Through the research, this paper argues thatthe problems existing in the zhongshan city public security bureau of foreign publicrelations mainly: insufficient understanding of public opinion, lead to work relativelypassive; Scattered resources, lead to work hard to comprehensively carry out; Theinteraction and media lack of initiative and planning leading to poor public relationseffect; Lack of comprehensive system of publicity mechanism so that difficult tograsp the initiative of public opinion. Zhongshan city public security bureau ofexternal public relations problems mainly include: the cause of a few low quality ofthe policeman damage to the image of the police team; Most of the lack of policepublic relations awareness and skills to deal with public crisis; Lack of systemcomprehensive propaganda mechanism, there is no grasp the initiative of publicopinion; The policeman overwhelmed police abuse self-destruction image.Optimization of zhongshan city public security bureau for the construction ofexternal public relations main countermeasures are: strengthen the police about theimportance of the police public relations construction; Establish the police publicrelations agency to improve the quality of the police public relations; Carry outvarious activities to promote understanding and communication between the people;Innovation of management mode for public opinion say; Constantly improve thetransparency of public security work in order to meet the media, the reporter's rightto know.

关 键 词: 政府公共关系 警察公共关系 公关策略

分 类 号: [D631]

领  域: [政治法律] [政治法律]


作者 郭晓光
作者 吴茵茵
作者 龙平
作者 黄辉
作者 刘海中


机构 广东警官学院
机构 中山大学
机构 华南理工大学
机构 暨南大学新闻与传播学院
机构 中山大学政治与公共事务管理学院政治科学系


作者 康秋实
作者 廖伟导
作者 廖芳
作者 张万坤
作者 张光亚