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Research on the Construction of Xi'an Urban Canal-system and Human Settlements in the Ming and Qing Dynasties

导  师: 吴庆洲

学科专业: 081301

授予学位: 博士

作  者: ;

机构地区: 华南理工大学

摘  要: 水系作为城市赖以生存和发展的物质支撑,是影响城市空间布局的重要因素,也是维系自然生态和良好人居环境的核心要素。西安城市所处的地域生态环境良好,山环水绕,水系发达,是城市选址和发展的最佳自然地理位置之一。从周代的丰镐京、秦咸阳至西汉长安、隋唐长安,再经五代宋元时期直至明清西安府城,水系对西安城址的抉择以及空间布局均起有决定性的作用。对于明清西安府城而言,作为西北地区的社会经济、军事重镇,水系对其城市的影响不仅反映在城址的沿袭变迁上,而且与其人居环境的营建戚戚相关。因此,本文以明清时期西安府城人居环境为研究对象,以水系与人居环境的关系为切入点,通过历史时期水系与城市人居环境变迁历程的分析,揭示西安河流水系主要涵养区秦岭的生态环境保护之于西安城市人居环境的重要性。在此基础上结合社会经济和生态环境等条件进一步探寻明清时期西安城市在城址沿袭上与渭河进退两宜的关系,及其在城址嬗变上沿水系逐水而拓展的态势。同时系统的梳理了明清西安府城人居环境的居住生活、生产防御和生态景观与水系的关系,总结明清时期基于水系的西安城市人居环境营建智慧,并对当代西安城市的人居环境营建提出建议性的策略,以实现人居环境与水系的协调发展。 论文主要分为四个部分。 第一部分:为第一章绪论,介绍了研究背景和研究意义,对研究对象及相关概念进行了界定,并对国内外人居环境、历史水系和西安城市历史研究现状和研究动态进行评述,提出相应的研究方法,点明论文的探新与研究框架; 第二部分:为第二章明清西安城市水系与人居环境营建的背景,首先在分析西安城市发育的地理条件和水环境的基础之上,详述了明代以前各历史时期西安城水变迁的历史轨迹和发展演进历程,并结合明清西安城市建设的社会经济基础条件和明清西安水系营建的环境本底,探究明清西安城水互动的城址沿袭与嬗变; 第三部分:包括第三章、第四章和第五章,主要从明清西安城市水系与居住生活、生产防御和生态景观三个方面展开,深入研究明清西安城市人居环境与水系之间的关系。其中第三章论述了明清时期西安府城居住空间、商贸文教空间和行政衙署空间与水系的互动演进关系;第四章从农业灌溉、军事防御和防灾体系等城市赖以生存的层面研究水系之于明清西安城市人居环境的作用;第五章从水系的景观生态职能对明清西安城市水系景观网络各组成部分加以分析,并通过园林绿化、水体廊道和河渠网络系统梳理城市人居环境与水系景观相融相生的空间格局。 第四部分:为第六章明清西安城市水系保护与再利用的当代反思。在前述章节论述的基础上对明清时期西安人居环境营建的经验和智慧进行理论总结,与此同时比较剖析其他城市基于水系进行人居环境营建的相关案例,并结合当代西安城市水系与人居环境中存在的问题,提出基于水系的当代西安城市人居环境营建策略和建议,以资规划借鉴与建设实践的参考。 As the material support for survival and development of the city, the canal system is animportant natural factor which restricts and affects the space layout of the city, also an coreelement which maintain the natural ecology and good human settlements. Xi 'an, which has agood ecological environment, surrounded with mountains and river, has developed canalsystem, is one of the best natural geographical position for urban location and development.From Fengjing and Haojing in the Zhou Dynasty, Xianyang in the Qin Dynasty, to Chang 'anin the Xihan, Sui and Tang Dynasties, then Xi 'an from the Five Dynasties, the Song and YuanDynasties to the Ming and Qing Dynasties, the canal system plays a decisive role in the citysite selection and spatial layout of Xi 'an. To Xi 'an, which is the social, economical andmilitary town in the northwest region, effects on the canal system to city are not only reflectedon the changes of city site, but also related to the construction of human settlements.Therefore, the thesis takes Xi'an’s human settlements in the Ming and Qing Dynasties as theobjects of study, takes the relationship of canal system and human settlements as thebreakthrough point, through analyzing the changing process of canal system and urban humansettlements during the historical periods, reveals the deep-seated motivation that theimportance of ecological environmental protection on Qinling Mountain which is the mainconservation area of Xi'an’s river and canal system. On this basis, combined with socialeconomy and ecological environment, further explored the relationship between Xi'an andWei River on the city following in the Ming and Qing Dynasties, the trend that city expandsalong the river on the city changing. At the same time, the relationship between Xi'an’s livinglife, production defense, ecological landscape of human settlements and the canal system inthe Ming and Qing Dynasties is systematically combed, the construction wisdom of Xi'an’surban human settlements which based on the canal system in the Ming and Qing Dynasties issummarized, the proposed strategy about Xi'an’s urban human settlements is put forward, inorder to realize the harmonious development of the human settlements and the canal system. The thesis is divided into four parts. Part one: the first chapter is introduction. The research background and significance are introduced, the research object and the related concepts are defined, the human settlementsand the historical canal system at home and abroad, urban historical research status andresearch level of Xi 'an are reviewed, the corresponding research methods are put forward, theexploration and research framework of the thesis are illuminated. Part two: the second chapter is the background of the construction of Xi'an’s urban canalsystem and human settlements in the Ming and Qing Dynasties. First, on the basis of theanalysis about Xi'an’s urban development of geographical conditions and river environment,the historical track and the development process of Xi'an’s urban river changes in differenthistorical periods before the Ming Dynasty are amplified. Then, combined with the socialeconomic foundation conditions of Xi'an’s urban construction and the environmentalbackground of Xi'an’s urban canal system construction, inheritance and evolution of cityabout Xi'an’s city-canal interaction in the Ming and Qing Dynasties are explored. Part three: including the third chapter, the fourth chapter and the fifth chapter. Therelationship between Xi'an’s urban human settlements and canal system in the Ming and QingDynasties is intensive studied, mainly from three aspects, the relationship between Xi'an’surban human settlements and living life, production defense, ecological landscape. The thirdchapter discusses the interactive evolutionary relationship between Xi'an’s living space,commercial and cultural space, administrative space and the canal system. The fourth chapterstudies the function of the canal system to Xi'an’s urban human settlements from three levelrelated to the survival of city, agricultural irrigation, military defense, and disaster preventionsystem. The fifth chapter analyzes each component part of landscape network of Xi'an’s urbancanal system, and combed the integrated spatial pattern of urban human settlements and canalsystem landscape through the landscape, the canal corridor, and the canal network. Part four: the sixth chapter is the contemporary reflection of Xi'an’s urban canal systemprotection and reuse in the Ming and Qing Dynasties. On the basis of discusses above thechapters, the experience and wisdom about Xi'an’s human settlements construction in theMing and Qing Dynasties are theoretical summarized. At the same time, through the relatedcases of other cities about human settlements construction based on the canal system, andcombined with the problems existing in Xi'an’s urban canal system and human settlements inthe contemporary, the strategies and suggestions of Xi'an’s urban human settlements construction based on the canal system are put forward to provide reference.

关 键 词: 明清时期 西安 水系 人居环境 营建

分 类 号: [TU984.2]

领  域: [建筑科学]


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机构 暨南大学文学院历史学系
机构 广州大学
机构 暨南大学文学院


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