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Research on the Problem and Countermeasure of Food Safety Supervision System in Huangpu District

导  师: 郑方辉;姚建明

学科专业: 1252

授予学位: 硕士

作  者: ;

机构地区: 华南理工大学

摘  要: “民以食为天,食以安为先”,食品安全问题是世界各国关心的重要问题,它关系着消费者的生命和健康,关系着社会的和谐稳定以及经济的持续健康发展。近年来,“毒奶粉”、“镉大米事件”、“瘦肉精”等一系列重大食品安全事故频发,把食品安全问题推到大众的视线中,食品安全问题已经成为各地区备受关注的头等大事。2009年,随着《中华人民共和国食品安全法》的颁发实施,广东省在这背景下建立了“以环节为主、以品种为辅”的食品安全监管体制,黄埔区也开始推行这种管理模式。但是,这个体制并不能有效地解决食品安全所存在问题。 由于食品安全监管涉及到多方面、多环节、多层次和多领域的问题,而且黄埔区食品安全研究起步晚,食品安全监管问题就显得特别复杂。为了推进黄埔区食品安全监管问题的研究,尽快构建黄埔区食品安全监管体系,本文运用经济学、公共管理、政治等相关理论,采取理论分析与实证分析、比较分析、文献研究等研究方法,通过对我国以及黄埔区的食品安全监管历史发展过程的梳理,以及对黄埔区食品安全监管体制现状的阐述,剖析出当前黄埔区食品安全监管存在问题及原因。并结合发达国家和国内食品安全监管的先进经验,对进一步改善黄埔区食品安全监管提供一些建议与对策。文章最后得出结论,加强食品安全监管需要政府监管部门建立集中统一的监管机构,同时需要发挥社会性质的组织和群众共同监管食品安全,以及加大监管力度和完善食品安全监管相关制度如食品市场准入制度、信息制度、信用制度等,合理设置食品安全检验检测机构和加强对基层资源配置,提高广大人民群众法律意识。这些研究成果,希望能够对黄埔区食品安全监管的理论与实践起到一定的参考作用,从而更好地推动黄埔区食品安全监管工作的开展,以提高黄埔区食品安全监管水平。 “Food is the first necessity of people,food takes safety as first”,the problem offood safety not only matters the consumers’health and safety,but also matters socialharmony and stabilization,as well as economic health and sustainable development. Itis an important issue that countries worldwide pay much attention to. In the recentyears, a series of food safety accidents have taken place, such as “cadmiun-taintedrice”,“toxic powder”,“ractopamine”, which push the problem of food safety at publicconcern. With the issue and implementation of the Food Safety Law of PRC in2009,the Supervision System of Food Safety, relying mainly on the coordination of eachsection supplemented by the diversity of food has been set up. And Huangpu districthas implemented it as well. However this system cannot solve the problem of theexisting food safety effectively. As food safety supervision involves many aspects, multi-link,multi-level andmulti-field problems, coupled with Huangpu district’s food safety research startedlater,Huangpu district’s food safety management problem becomes particularlycomplex. In order to promote Huangpu district’s food safety supervision study of theproblem as soon as possible to build Huangpu’s food safety supervision system, inthis paper, I used some related theories such as economics, public adminisrtation,political science and so on, took many ways such as economics, theoretical analysisand empirical analysis, comparative and literature research. Through summarising theevolution of the supervision sysytem of our country and Huangpu district, andshowing the current situation of food safety supervision of Huangpu district. theproblems of food safety supervision of Huangpu district are analyzed. Finally, someadvices are put forward to improve the system in Huangpu district. Article isconcluded, strengthening the supervision of food safety requires to create acentralized and unified government regulators, and the society organization sa well asthe public should play ar role in the supervision. Additionally intensifying supervision and improving the system of food safety such as food market access system,information system, credit system, setting up food safety inspection testinginstitutions and allocating the resources to the basic level reasonbly. Results of these studies, I hope that it will play a reference role in Huangpudistrict’s food safety supervision on the development of theory and pratice, thus, thefood safety supervision work in Huangpu district can be promoted and the food safetysupervision level can be upgraded.

关 键 词: 政府监管 食品安全 监管体系

分 类 号: [F203 F426.82]

领  域: [经济管理] [经济管理]


作者 单旭东
作者 李铮
作者 卜献忠
作者 姚建明
作者 蒋绚


机构 华南理工大学
机构 中山大学
机构 暨南大学
机构 华南师范大学
机构 中山大学管理学院


作者 廖刚
作者 张为
作者 张丽丽
作者 张丽娟
作者 张丽娟