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The Research of the Impact on Regional Differences of China's Export Trade Commodity Structure by Technological Innovation

导  师: 杨晶晶

学科专业: 0202

授予学位: 硕士

作  者: ;

机构地区: 湖南大学

摘  要: 在新的经济发展时期,科学技术的创新和进步已经取代资本积累成为中国经济增长的决定性因素。要实现我国由贸易大国向贸易强国的飞跃,促进贸易结构优化升级,特别是出口贸易结构,就必须依靠技术的创新与进步。未来我国技术进步的重点将会由引进消化吸收逐步转向模仿和创新并举。这是摆脱发达国家技术垄断、促进本国经济持续稳定增长、培育国家长期持续竞争优势的有效途径。因此,研究开放经济条件下技术创新对我国出口贸易结构的影响,分析技术创新如何促进我国出口贸易结构优化与升级,将对提升我国对外贸易竞争优势有着重要意义。 本文根据技术创新对出口贸易商品结构的影响机制,选取与二者密切关联的外部影响因素资源禀赋和FDI技术溢出,从两种视角分析技术创新对中国出口贸易商品结构的影响,一种是基于区域差异性视角,指出技术创新对出口贸易商品结构的影响是与区域发展相关联的;另一种是基于长期动态视角,分析技术创新对出口贸易商品结构变动的影响。 研究得出,技术创新对出口贸易商品结构的影响作用具有区域差异性。在东部地区,由R/&D投入引起的技术创新和专利申请度量的技术创新均能够促进出口贸易商品结构优化;而中部地区这两方面的技术创新对出口贸易商品结构却呈现消极影响。西部地区技术创新对出口贸易商品结构的影响并不显著,且没有一定的规律性,无法判定技术创新对出口贸易商品结构的影响作用。 动态意义上,一国贸易结构优化和贸易结构升级具有一致性,并且技术创新通过改变一国有效资源禀赋状况,对贸易结构优化和升级也具有促进作用。在开放经济条件下技术创新能力通过FDI的技术溢出效应进一步影响出口贸易结构。即技术作为一种特殊的生� In a new period of economic development, scientific and technologicalinnovation and progress has become a decisive factor in China's economic growth toreplace capital accumulation. To promote our shift from the big to the nature of thetrade power, the optimization and upgrading of China's trade structure, particularly inthe export structure that must rely on technological innovation and progress. China'sfuture will be the focus of technological progress gradually by the introduction ofdigestion and absorption of steering both imitation and innovation, which is to get ridof the technological monopoly of developed countries, to promote the nationaleconomy continued to grow steadily, an effective way to nurture the country'slong-term international competitiveness advantage. Therefore, the study under theopen economy, technological innovation, the impact of China's export structure,analyze how technological innovation to promote the optimization and upgrading ofChina's export structure, and will enhance the competitive advantage of China'sforeign trade is of great significance. Based on the technological innovation of the export commodity structuremechanism, select, and they are closely associated external influence factors ofresource endowments and FDI technology spillover from two perspectives analysistechnology innovation on the Chinese export commodity structure, one is basedonregional differences in perspective, pointed out that the impact of technologicalinnovation on the export commodity structure is associated with the regionaldevelopment; another is based on the long-term dynamic perspective, analyze theimpact of technological innovation on the export commodity structure changes. The research shows that technological innovation has regional differences in theeffect of the export commodity structure. In the eastern region, caused by the R/&Dinvestment in technology innovation and patent application metrics technologicalinnovation are able to promote the export commodity structure optimization; central

关 键 词: 技术创新 出口贸易结构 资源禀赋 技术溢出

领  域: [经济管理] [经济管理] [经济管理]


作者 郭雅江
作者 苏子文
作者 杨亚平
作者 周爱萍
作者 李艳丽


机构 暨南大学
机构 华南理工大学工商管理学院
机构 华南理工大学
机构 中山大学
机构 华南农业大学


作者 廖刚
作者 张为
作者 张丽丽
作者 张丽娟
作者 张丽娟