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导  师: 孙瑞祥

学科专业: 050302

授予学位: 硕士

作  者: ;

机构地区: 天津师范大学

摘  要: “80后”通指一代群体,指代20世纪80年代出生的所有人。近几年,“80后”一词逐渐成为社会大众和媒体关注的焦点,许多电视剧选取“80后”这一社会文化现象作为展示题材。改革开放三十年,“80后”随着自身的成长亦对自我和他人有了更加深入的认识,时代的变革必将把“80后”带入一个全新的历史阶段。电视剧作为电视媒体的重要组成部分,在电视媒体的发展和传播上发挥了重要的作用。随着“80后”题材电视剧的增多和热播,观众和学界对其关注程度与日俱增,但是学术界对“80后”题材电视剧的流行与传播的系统研究很少。赵宝刚“青春三部曲”以其独特的叙事风格和深刻的思想意义从众多热播剧中脱颖而出,在众多反映“80后”题材的电视剧中具有典型的代表意义。“青春三部曲”系列强调对都市发展过程中“成长话题”的关注,以“80后”的成长经历为线索,通过其所处的时代背景来进行思考和探究,为“80后”人物形象赋予了新的特征和内涵,使“80后”这个群体的形象更加鲜活、生动。 在此背景下,本文以赵宝刚“青春三部曲”为例,结合传播学相关理论,采取定量分析方法对“80后”题材电视剧的流行与热播进行了系统研究,将视角集中在“80后”这一群体身上,分别从传播特征、传播方式以及传播策略三个方面来解构“80后”热播电视剧,并通过对其受众收视率的分析,来审视“80后”热播电视剧的受众心理及其所产生的传播效果,以此来探讨“80后”热播电视剧是如何传播“80后”形象的、传播了什么样的“80后”形象,并最终对受众和现实社会文化产生了怎样的影响。本文通过对“80后”热播电视剧进行传播学解析,发现其传播过程中存在的问题,从而找到促进“80后”题材电视剧传播的对策,以期对电视文艺工作者创作出满足“80后”群体收视需求的电视剧艺术作品提供借鉴意义与启示作用。 "80" through means the generation groups, to refer to the all born in the1980s. In recent years,"80" gradually become the focus of attention of the general public and the media, many TV series "80" social and cultural phenomenon as the show theme.Three decades of reform and opening up,"80" With the growth of their own also self and he gained a deeper understanding. Times change is bound to "80" into a new historical stage. Drama as an important part of the television media, played an important role in the development.With the "80" theme of the increase of the hit TV series and the hit, the audience and the increasing attention in academic circles, but academia rarely "80" after the hit TV series of the popular and transmission system research. Zhao Baogang "youth trilogy" of "80" in the local style, sense of the times and the story of the exploration and thinking, to give a "80" the inherent characteristics of the characters, so "80" group image more vivid. In this context, for example, Zhao Baogang "youth Trilogy combination of communication studies related theory, take a quantitative analysis method of "80"after the popular teleplays hit system perspective focused on the"80after this group who, respectively, from the three aspects of the propagation characteristics, mode of transmission and communication strategies to deconstruct "80" after the hit TV drama, and its audience ratings, to look at the "80" after the hit TV seriesaudience psychology and dissemination of results, in order to investigate the "80" after the hit TV series is how to disseminate "80" image and the audience and the real social and culturalproduce the kind of impact. Based on the "80" after the hit TV series communication science theory, found its propagation to find promote "80teleplays spread countermeasures to meet to create a TV literary and art workers "80" the group needs and aspirations of drama works of art reference and inspiration.

关 键 词: 电视剧 传播特征 传播效果

分 类 号: [G206 G229.2]

领  域: [文化科学] [文化科学]


作者 梁金花
作者 林如鹏
作者 蔡玫
作者 昝玉林
作者 杜颖


机构 华南理工大学
机构 暨南大学
机构 中山大学
机构 华南师范大学
机构 广州体育学院


作者 庞菊香
作者 康超
作者 廖燕萍
作者 廖荆梅
作者 张丽娟