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导  师: 吴敏英

学科专业: 030205

授予学位: 硕士

作  者: ;

机构地区: 四川师范大学

摘  要: 今天的形势:就国内而言,我国已进入全面建设小康社会,改革开放和市场经济的发展对人们的思想意识、文化观念等方面的影响极为深刻;国际上来讲,传统的一极或两极世界格局逐渐朝着多极化方向发展,经济全球化的步伐日益加快,各类高新科技层出不穷。以上新形势和新变化都给我国的进一步发展带来了巨大的挑战,同时挑战中也蕴藏着难得的机遇,而这也成为我们如何在新形势与新变化下做好高中学生的思想政治工作所面临的崭新课题。传统的过分重视语言智力发展的教育/(即语言和逻辑-数学智能方面的教育/),而忽视了在人的发展过程中同样重要的其他智能,已限制了学生对今天形势的适应能力的发展。著名的美国心理学家加德纳/(Gardner/)多年来一直从事心理发展理论研究,他所提出的“多元智能理论”适应了新形势与新变化下学生心理发展的特点,为做好学生教育提供了极为宝贵的理论支撑。 2004年秋季,我国启动了新课程改革史上最深刻的一次高中思想政治课程改革,这次改革所产生的影响是极为深远的,其中提出的许多教育理念与改革主张均具有前瞻性和突破性。如,这次改革中提出要从学生自身成长的特点出发来进行相应的教育,这一教育理念与加德纳教授所提出“多元智能理论”存在着内在契合的地方;新课程改革的基本指导思想是提倡学生自身的全面发展,这一指导思想与“多元智能理论”的宗旨也大体一致。同时,在实践层面上,高中思想政治课程教学承担着培养和提升学生综合素质的艰巨任务,而要完成这一任务就必须通过对相关课程的改革来实现,在这方面改革具有十分重大与深远的意义。 笔者就多元智能理论指导下的高中思想政治课程学生评价的常见问题进行探讨,整篇文章分为四方面展开: 第一方面围绕多元� Education should not only be full of wisdom, but also train the student's personality.The development of the students is very important in the21st century basic education.Traditional intelligence theory emphasizes the education of language and logical-mathematical intelligence, neglects other equally important smart of human and personal about the survival and development.The famous American psychologist Professor Gardner proposed the theory of multiple intelligences,which support extremely valuable theory for education reform. The new curriculum reform proposed an educational philosophy that all for student's development.The theory of multiple intelligences can promote the development of students.So the new curriculum reform needs it as a theoretical basis.High school biology courses will put the students' training and development of all aspects smart as a priority in the new curriculum reform process. Reform of the student evaluation has far-reaching significance and plays an important role in the implementation and development of the curriculum reform. The author discussed the frequently asked questions of student assessment on senior politics students, which under the guidance of the theory of multiple. The entire article is divided into four aspects: The first aspect explores the domestic and international development of the theory of multiple intelligences and it's practical application of research,methods and significance. In the second section, the main content of the wide variety of theory of intelligence and ability are related to its significance for student assessment. The wide variety of theory of intelligence and ability is that:everyone when they were born has eight intelligence of relatively independence in different degrees;the smart differences between each person is obvious for the different levels;smart is evolving in practice, cultural and environmental impacts this development, reflecting the distinguishing features of smart,variety,gender differences,the progress and practic

关 键 词: 多元智能理论 高中思想政治课程 学生评价

领  域: [文化科学]


作者 张丽姗
作者 李鸿杰
作者 杨艳
作者 叶惠美
作者 钟灵


机构 华南师范大学
机构 广州大学
机构 广州番禺职业技术学院
机构 广东工业大学
机构 广东工业大学华立学院


作者 庞菊香
作者 康超
作者 廖燕萍
作者 廖荆梅
作者 张丽娟