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导  师: 卢建川

学科专业: 0451

授予学位: 硕士

作  者: ;

机构地区: 广州大学

摘  要: 信宜市义务教育阶段新课程改革自2004年开始,自实施以来,得到各级各部门的高度关注和积极推动。近年的中考高考升学成绩喜人,年年创新高。但这并不意味着我市新课程改革顺利推进,全面贯彻落实,相反,本人认为我市新课程改革过程中还存在着许多有待改善之处。 在本文中,将通过对2005—2012年新课程标准实施前后共八年时间的中考数学成绩进行多角度的分析,及对2012年义务教育毕业生的学业水平进行层次划分,再辅以数学教师和学生的问卷调查,对新课程改革的实施情况作出分析。结果表明: 一、新课程改革并没有效落实,依然未能摆脱“应试教育”束缚,学校教育教学更多围绕“中考”、“升学率”展开,过于依据考试成绩评价学生等。 二、教师对新课程改革的参与并不积极,教师教学方式依然以传统的“讲授教学”为主,课堂“满堂灌”,课外题海战,围绕升学率注重尖子生的培养而忽视差生、落后生的帮扶。 三、学生在校时间长、课程单调,学业压力大,厌学情绪高,义务教育阶段毕业生整体数学学业水平不高。 总而言之,我市八年新课程改革的成绩不少,但不足更需改善。 The national compulsory education curriculumre form Started from2004in Xinyi city.We attached great importance from leadership at all levels.in recent years, The results of The high school entrance examination and the college entrance exam is satisfactory,and has peaked again and again.But this does not mean that the new curriculum reform is progressing smoothly in our city,On the contrary,I think that the process of the new curriculum reform in our city, there are a lot of places to improve. In this paper, the situation of the implementation of the new curriculum reform in our city and has been ana lysed and summarized by means of analysis in our city in2005-2012before and after the new curriculum standard examination of eight years of mathematics achievement of multi-angle,supplemented by mathematics teachers' and students' questionnaire survey.embodied in the following aspects: Firstly, the schools not attach importance to the new curriculum reform, they still carry out 'exam-oriented education',the education in school completely revolves around 'examination' and 'graduation rates', evaluate students purely on the basis of scores of test etc, Secondly,teachers are not active in the participation of the new curriculum reform,Thay still maintain a traditional teaching methods of 'teaching' teaching,'cramming education' class, extracurricular topic naval battles, and pay attention to the cultivation of top students around to graduation rates but ignore the difference and backward support. Thirdly, Students stay at school for a long time with dull courses, academic pressure,the overall compulsory of mathematics academic level in educational stage of graduates is not high. In short, our results a lot, but more need to improve.

关 键 词: 农村初中 数学新课程 现状

分 类 号: [G633.6]

领  域: [文化科学]


作者 陈杰明
作者 周新莲
作者 谢思思
作者 曾惠珍
作者 游婷


机构 华南师范大学数学科学学院
机构 华南师范大学
机构 广东第二师范学院
机构 广州大学
机构 惠安嘉惠中学


作者 庞菊香
作者 康超
作者 廖燕萍
作者 廖荆梅
作者 张丽娟