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The Elegy of Tragedy

导  师: 王坤

学科专业: 050101

授予学位: 硕士

作  者: ;

机构地区: 中山大学

摘  要: 对于当代中国审美文化生态而言,尼采是否已然过时?特别是他在《悲剧的诞生》中所还原的以审美救赎人生的悲剧性概念是否还有着未竟的时代意义?本文正是为了回应这一问题,才促成了一场悲剧的诞生和中国音乐选秀节目跨时空的酒神对话。对话的一方由古典的悲剧性意义构成——通过回归到尼采《悲剧的诞生》中悲剧性概念的原典语境,继而将这一语境放置到古希腊悲剧对悲剧性主题的诗学建构中,从而实现悲剧古典意义的重塑;对话的另一方则由当代中国审美文化生态中,消费性改造的伪悲剧性意味来承担——剖析中国音乐选秀节目这一全民审美消费产物的文化消费逻辑,透视由消费策略主导的伪悲剧性意味。值得强调的是,现代性的启蒙发轫就已然注定悲剧之死是不可挽回的时代之殇,即便是尼采也放弃了复兴悲剧的可能,因此本文并非通过上述的酒神对话,将悲剧性作为价值标准植入中国音乐选秀节目中,从而为当代中国审美文化生态开一剂药方,而是希望借由悲剧性的视角反思当代中国审美文化生态的消费性困境,为物化之人作生命力的溯源。 根据上述目的,本文共分为五个部分:导论立足于学界对《悲剧的诞生》原典释义和本土移植的研究梳理,提出本文的研究视角,即从消费性对中国审美文化生态的介入来重估悲剧性的意义;第一章回到尼采《悲剧的诞生》的文本语境,阐释悲剧性的概念构成和理论个性;第二章围绕尼采的悲剧性视域,重释古希腊悲剧艺术对悲剧性概念的诗学表征;第三章对照前两章建立的古典悲剧性意义,分析中国音乐选秀节目的消费性特征,理解现代性借由消费对审美的伪悲剧性改造;最后结语部分则再次从个体生命和人类文化的角度,对悲剧性的现代意义进行总结——即使� For the contemporary Chinese aesthetic culture ecology, has Nietzsche beenout of date yet? Especially, does the tragic concept in his "the birth of tragedy"which means Aesthetics saves life have any unfinished significance? In this paper,in order to try to respond to this question,we build a Dionysian dialogue acrosstime and space between the birth of tragedy and the Chinese music talent show. Theclassical tragic significance composes one member of the dialogue——By returningto the original tragic context of Nietzsche's "the birth of tragedy",and then placethe context to the ancient Greek tragedy to find out the tragic theme of poetictheory,so the classical tragedy significance is constructed. Another member of thedialogue is the pseudo-tragic concept in Chinese aesthetic culture ecologic whichhas been remolded by consumption——By searching the logicality of culturalconsumption in Chinese music talent shows which is a product of universalaesthetic consumption, we can elucidate that consumption tactic is how to controlthe pseudo-tragic concept. We want to emphasize that the modernity ofenlightenment have already doomed the death of tragedy is an elegy of irreversible time,Even Nietzsche, has given up the chances of the Renaissance. So this paper isnot through the Dionysian dialogue to regard tragic concept as value standards intoChinese music talent show,to open a dose of medicine for the contemporaryChinese aesthetic culture ecological, instead, with the help of a tragic perspective,we reflect on the difficult position of consumption in the contemporary Chineseaesthetic culture ecology, searching for the roots of vitality for human’smaterialization. According to the above purpose, this paper is divided into five parts:Introduction is based on the original works of "the birth of tragedy" interpretationand local transplantation research, and put forward our own research perspectivethat the tragic concept should be revaluated in Chinese aesthetic culture ecologicwhich have been remolded by con

关 键 词: 悲剧的诞生 尼采 中国音乐选秀节目 悲剧性 消费性 审美

领  域: [哲学宗教]


作者 林业宁
作者 娄林
作者 刘云波
作者 张穗强
作者 熊丽珍


机构 暨南大学
机构 中山大学
机构 华南师范大学
机构 中山大学人文科学学院哲学系
机构 华南师范大学文学院


作者 张玉普
作者 张蕾蕾
作者 张馨文
作者 徐敏
作者 施群丽