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Study on the Energy Cooperation between China and Russia

导  师: 姜明辉

学科专业: 120202

授予学位: 硕士

作  者: ;

机构地区: 哈尔滨工业大学

摘  要: 能源是国民经济发展的必需品,关乎国民经济命脉,能源问题备受各国重视。能源的供应对于国家安全至关重要。当今世界各国为了保障能源供应,积极开展国内的能源开发和开采,以及从国外的能源进口。俄罗斯的能源生产量和能源出口量是非常巨大的,在单一国家中名列世界上为第一,而中国的能源消耗量是世界上为第一,于是两国的能源合作是至关重要。 中俄两国具有地缘优势,政治互信,经济互补性强的优势,并且中俄多年经贸合作的积累,以及中方的投资、技术,设备等等,都为双方的能源方面的合作打下了一个很好的基础。进口俄罗斯的能源让中国可以弥补国内的能源不足,让中国的能源进口渠道多元化;俄罗斯向中国出口能源,获得一定的收入的同时,远东地区资源得到开发,远东地区经济得到发展,基础设施也得以完善。尽管当前中俄两国的能源合作面临着来自中国方面、俄罗斯方面、国际方面的制约因素,但只要两国不断增加政治互信,完善能源合作的法律机制,展开多元化的能源合作,不局限仅仅追求自身的好处,并且考虑到对方的利益,遵守平等的原则,两国一定在能源合作领域会取得共赢。这些因素加在一起能够促进两国的能源合作健康的发展。 Global energy industry is an important relationship between the basic industriesof the national economy, we must co-ordinate the planning, the use of both domesticand foreign resources. Russia is the world's major producer and exporter of mineralresources, China is the world's major energy importer. Thus, the Sino-Russianenergy cooperation and trade relations between the two countries are extremelyattended. China and Russia have obvious complementarity and broad prospects forcooperation in the energy sector. China and Russia are friendly neighbors in theregion, there is a strong economic complementarity, good political relationsbetween two countries in the political cooperation between two countries but alsofor the oil resources necessary to lay the political foundation. More importantly,China wants to have money in Russia, while Russia has energy China wants.Despite the current Sino-Russian energy cooperation is facing intense competition,there are some obstacles, but as long as the principle of equality and mutual benefit,to develop long-term energy cooperation strategy, we can achieve win-wincooperation. Through the first condition of the Sino-Russian energy cooperation to analyzeproblems, and analyzes the necessity and feasibility of the Sino-Russian energycooperation. Secondly, through the Sino-Russian energy cooperation model studiescarried out in order to promote the Sino-Russian energy cooperation proposedoptimal cooperation. Finally, the cause of the problem and the problem of theexistence of the Sino-Russian energy cooperation produced, made to promotebilateral energy cooperation countermeasures.

关 键 词: 中俄能源合作 能源互补 石油 天然气 煤炭

领  域: [经济管理] [经济管理]


作者 张洪波
作者 卢海清
作者 罗晓云
作者 付慧
作者 罗家喜


机构 华南理工大学经济与贸易学院
机构 暨南大学
机构 华南理工大学
机构 中山大学
机构 华南农业大学经济管理学院


作者 廖刚
作者 张为
作者 张丽丽
作者 张丽娟
作者 张丽娟