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Design and Implementation of Embedded Data Acquisition and Release Terminal System of Shiplock Based with ARM

导  师: 唐炜

学科专业: 0802

授予学位: 硕士

作  者: ;

机构地区: 江苏科技大学

摘  要: 近些年来,伴随着嵌入式技术、电子技术以及网络通信技术的快速发展与成熟,具有网络通讯功能的嵌入式数据采集设备在信息化,网络化和智能化的今天越来越多地开始进入人们的日常生活,为传统的数据采集和通信设备带来了新的产业机会。 本课题在网络通信高度水平发达的大背景下,针对船闸多参数数据采集及信息发布,结合省航道处“数字船闸”的思想,提出了一种基于Internet网络实现数据交互的数据采集设备的设计思想与实现方法。该系统以嵌入式微处理器ARM+嵌入式操作系统Linux为核心思想,在这个系统平台上移植网络服务器与数据库,终端系统接入以太网后,能够完成船闸的多参数数据采集、开关量控制、远程按权限访问及服务信息发布等功能。 为了实现这些功能,本论文根据传统船闸数据采集和发布方式存在的问题,建立了现代智能数据采集和发布平台模型,在分析嵌入式数据采集和发布平台的功能特点基础之上,首先,确立了以韩国三星公司基于ARM920T架构的S3C2440A控制器芯片为核心的硬件开发平台和以完全开源的嵌入式Linux操作系统为基础的软件平台。其次,基于所选择的设备硬件平台,在宿主机环境下一步一步地构建嵌入式Linux的软件开发平台,主要涉及到Linux系统开发平台的搭建,U-Boot启动过程分析及其设计、移植,Linux系统内核的裁剪及其移植、yaffs2文件系统的制作以及AD转换驱动程序的开发;再次,从嵌入式web服务器的设计出发,介绍了嵌入式Web服务器Boa的工作原理及其移植实现、动态网页技术CGI的工作原理和应用、嵌入式数据库SQlite的特点及其移植应用等关键技术;最后,在嵌入式Boa服务器的基础上实现了终端系统的数据采集,建立了数据采集平台的系统网页,结合花生壳的DDNS技术,绑定了嵌入式系统的IP固定域名,实现了数据采集平台的远程监控,访问对象可分权限访问数据和消息添加,验证了该设计方案的可行性。 嵌入式数据采集平台系统充分利用现代信息技术、网络通信技术,为船闸系统实现关键信息数字化,提高船闸通航效率和服务质量提供了支撑,对于“数字船闸”模型的构建具有某些参考和推广价值。 In recent years, with the rapid development and maturity of embedded technology,electronics technology, as well as the network communication technology, the dataacquisition equipments with the function of network communication have beenincreasingly entering people's daily life during the Informationalized, networked andintelligent times. It brings new business opportunities for traditional data collectionand communication equipments. Aiming at multiparameter data collection and information dissemination of tailgate and combining the idea of “digital shiplock” raised by Waterway Bureau ofJiangsu Province, this topic proposes an data acquisition equipments’ designphilosophy and implementation methods based on Internet network for datainteraction under the context of high levels developed of network communication.This system uses embedded microprocessors ARM and embedded operating systemLinux as its core ideology, and on the system platform network servers and databasesare transplanted. After the terminal systems access to Ethernet, the system can realizesfunctions, such as multi-parameter data acquisition, switch control, remote access andservice information distributed. In order to achieve these functions, Firstly, this paper studies the weaknesses oftraditional data collection and distribution, establishes modern intelligence collectionand distributing platform model, adopts S3C2440A which based on ARM920T to bethe core hardware development platform and establishes embedded Linux system asthe main software platform on the basis of analyzing functional characteristics ofembedded data collection and distribution. Secondly, on the selected hardwareplatform, the article builds an embedded Linux software development platform stepby step based on Host situation, which contains the building of Linux system platform,analysis, design and transplantation of U-Boot boot process, customization andtransplantation of Linux kernel, production of Yaffs2root file system, anddevelopment of the AD device driver. Then, starting from the design of embeddedWeb server, the thesis analyzes the key technologies in depth which contains theworking principle, application and transplants implementation methods of embeddedWeb server Boa, dynamic Web CGI technology and embedded SQLite database.Finally, on the basis of embedded Boa server, this thesis implements data collection on terminal data acquisition system and establishes the web pages which are used fordata collection. It binds its fixed IP’s domain name and achieves the goal of remotemonitoring with the DDNS technology. The interviewers can access data and addmessages depending on their limits of power, which verifies the feasibility of thedesign. The embedded data acquisition system takes full advantage of moderninformation technology and network communication technology, provides supportsfor the realization of “digital shiplock” and improvement of navigation efficiency andquality of service. It has significant value of building the model of “digital shiplock”.

关 键 词: 嵌入式 服务器 数据采集 数据库 动态

分 类 号: [TP393.09 TP274.2]

领  域: [自动化与计算机技术] [自动化与计算机技术] [自动化与计算机技术] [自动化与计算机技术]


作者 陈真
作者 张洁珍
作者 林穗
作者 赵志亮
作者 范新灿


机构 华南理工大学
机构 中山大学
机构 暨南大学
机构 华南师范大学经济与管理学院
机构 中山大学资讯管理学院信息管理系


作者 李文姬
作者 邵慧君
作者 杜松华
作者 周国林
作者 邢弘昊