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Reliability Analysis of Grid Structure and Reticulated Shell

导  师: 丁北斗

学科专业: 081402

授予学位: 硕士

作  者: ;

机构地区: 中国矿业大学

摘  要: 随着我国经济、社会和科学技术的发展,大跨度空间结构得到迅速发展,尤其是北京奥运会大型体育场馆和上海世博会展览场馆的建造规模和技术水平在世界上都是首屈一指的,在我国空间结构发展史上具有里程碑的意义。空间网格结构作为一种典型的大跨空间结构体系,广泛应用于体育馆、展览厅、、航站楼、音乐厅等重要公共建筑场所,它的安全性关系着人民生命财产,关系到社会的进步,甚至关系到国家的安危和荣誉。然而,空间网格结构受力复杂,可靠度分析理论及计算方法的研究尚未成熟,因此本文对网格结构的元件级和体系级可靠度进行了研究,具体分为以下方面: (1)研究空间网格结构荷载和抗力各参数的概率分布模型,目前的可靠度理论大多都建立在参数符合正态分布的假设上,且大部分活荷载符合极值型分布,针对极值型概率分布的特点,研究极值型分布函数当量正态化的方法。 (2)基于ANSYS的APDL语言编制网格结构参数化建模、分析、后处理及参数提取的命令流,着重研究有限元分析中网格结构等效节点荷载、等效质量、初始缺陷、地震荷载的施加方法。利用ANSYS的PDS模块对网格结构进行直接蒙特卡罗法和基于响应面的蒙特卡罗法的分析,对两种方法的计算结果进行对比分析,研究了网格结构的可靠度随失跨比和初始缺陷影响的变化规律。 (3)研究网架结构单根杆件的力学退化模型和极限承载力追踪方法,结合网架结构自身特点和传统失效模式搜索算法(准则法和理论分析法),探索适用于网架结构失效模式的搜索算法。 (4)利用ANSYS的自定义抽样技术,不断修改采样中心位置来进行迭代,运用ANSYS的PDS模块拟合出在验算点处与真实失效面高度吻合的失效曲面,通过迭代的响应面法来研究网壳结构的失效模式功能函数。 (5)研究微分递归算法等价结构体系失效模式和利用PNET法计算空间网格结构的体系可靠度的方法。 Along with the development of our economy,science and technology,the largespan space structure has been developed rapidly,Especially in the stadium of BeijingOlympic Games and the exhibition venues construction of Shanghai world expo,thescale of building and technical level are leading in the world,it will become amilestone in the development of spatial structure in our country.Space grid structureis a kind of typical large span space structure, widely used in the exhibition hall,gymnasium,concert hall,and other important public buildings,the security relates tothe life and property,the progress of the society, even the country's safety andhonor.However,force state of space grid structure is complex,the theory ofreliability analysis and calculation methods is not yet mature,so in this paper, thecomponent and system reliability of grid structure was studied, and The specificcontent is as follows: /(1/) Firstly study the probability distribution model of load and resistanceparameters of the space grid structure.the reliability theory is mostly based onassumption parameters conform to the normal distribution, according to thecharacteristics of extreme value type of probability distribution, put forward a kind ofequivalent normalization method of extreme value distribution function. /(2/) Based on the APDL language of ANSYS,comply the command flow ofparameterized modeling,analysis and post-processing of the grid structure,this paperstudies the applying method of grid structure equivalent node load,initial defect,seismic load in the finite element analysis.PDS module of ANSYS is used to analyzereliability of the grid structure by direct Monte Carlo method and the Monte Carlomethod based on the response surface, compare the calculation results of two methods.Analyze the change law of the reliability of grid structure was affected by the Spanratio and the initial defects. /(3/) Study mechanical degradation model of single rod and tracing method of theultimate bearing capacity in the space truss structure. According to the characteristicsof the space truss structure and traditional failure mode searching algorithm /(criterionmethod and theory analysis method/), explore the suitable the search algorithm offailure modes for space truss structure. /(4/) Based on ANSYS custom sampling techniques,continually modify samplecenter to iterate, to fit out the failure surface which is Highly consistent with the real failure surface in the checking points by using the ANSYS PDS module.Study thefailure functions of latticed shell structure by the iterative response surface method. /(5/) Study the differential equivalent recursion algorithm to obtain system failuremodes and calculate system reliability of the space grid structure by PNET method.

关 键 词: 空间网格结构 蒙特卡罗法 响应面法 失效模式 体系失效概率

分 类 号: [TU399 TU356]

领  域: [建筑科学] [建筑科学]


作者 张朝芳
作者 王增文
作者 程海洲


机构 华南理工大学
机构 华南农业大学公共管理学院
机构 暨南大学


作者 张勇
作者 张萌
作者 冯琼
作者 谢冠一
作者 刘高勇